Reaction Paper A – OCD, Panic, & PTSD essay Assignment

Reaction Paper A – OCD, Panic, & PTSD essay Assignment

Reaction Paper A – OCD, Panic, & PTSD: Access the videos through the following website:
Watching these videos will help you understand the disorders explained in the textbook more thoroughly. You will be asked to write about your reactions to the video interviews and your impressions of the disorder. For the video interview on OCD, Panic, & PTSD write one paragraph (4-8 sentences) describing each interview. Reaction Paper A – OCD, Panic, & PTSD essay Assignment. Each paragraph should cite both the video interview and the textbook using APA format. Each paragraph will be worth 5 points. Please use the format included that describes (a) how the interview is consistent with the description of the disorder in the textbook, (b) something unique about the interview that surprised you, and (c) at least one new thing you learned about the disorder as a result of watching the interview.


Sample Reaction Paper

Reaction Paper A – OCD, Panic, & PTSD Substance Abuse

The Face of Abnormal Psychology video interview for substance abuse featured a woman named Bobbi who became addicted to heroin as a teenager (Gregoire & Kohn, 2007).  When asked about…, Bobbi described the way she…

This part of Bobbi’s experience seems consistent with the textbook description of substance abuse.  For example, Nolen-Hoeksema (2011) suggested that abuse of opioids, like heroin, often include. Reaction Paper A – OCD, Panic, & PTSD essay Assignment.

In contrast, I was surprised that Bobbi… because. Reaction Paper A – OCD, Panic, & PTSD essay Assignment.

As a result of watching this interview, one of the most important things I learned about substance abuse was…

I also realized that…


Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2011). Abnormal psychology (5th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Gregoire, S. & Kohn, A. (2007). Faces of Abnormal Psychology [Video]. Retrieved from


  • Each paragraph should cite both the video (Gregoire & Kohn, 2007) and the textbook (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011).
  • Each paper should list both references in a reference section.
  • If you directly quote the text book, you should provide a page number.
  • Your paper should be double-spaced. A cover page is not necessary but make sure your name and the class number are printed on the first page. Reaction Paper A – OCD, Panic, & PTSD essay Assignment.