Qualitative Research Proposal

Qualitative Research Proposal

Faculty of Science & Technology Coursework Assignment Brief 2018/19
MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology, MSc in Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology, MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology and MSc Hypnosis in Research, Medicine and Clinical Practice. Level 7
UnitAdvanced Research Methods (ARM)

Level: 7

Unit LeaderDr

Assignment set by: Dr s and Dr

Quality AssurorDr
TitleA qualitative research proposal Weighting50%


Please note that is the final time you can submit,Not the time to submit!



Submission Method:  Electronic. qualitative research proposal.

Submit through Turnitin on Bright Space as either a Microsoft Word file or a PDF.

Your feedback for this assignment will be provided by the 26th November 2018.

Feedback method: via Turnitin and Grade Centre Qualitative Research Proposal


Overview: Produce a 2500-word research proposal detailing a qualitative project that you have designed. qualitative research proposal.

Aim: The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on, practical experience of designing a qualitative research project. It also assesses your knowledge of qualitative research methods by asking you to carefully justify the approaches and methods chosen.  Note: It does not require you to collect any qualitative data.

Task: You need to design a qualitative study based on an area of psychology that interests you (this should also be relevant to the MSc programme you are studying). This then needs to be presented as a 2,500 word research proposal (plus appendices including participant information sheet, consent form and interview schedule).

Your proposal should include the following sections: Qualitative Research Proposal

Rationale and Research Question

Develop a rationale as to why a qualitative approach is useful for your topic of interest and state a suitable qualitative research question. This should include 1) a brief rationale for researching that particular topic and 2) a rationale for the use of qualitative research. (Please contact the tutor Dr Ben Hicksif you would like to arrange a brief meeting to discuss your topic/research question). qualitative research proposal.

This section is likely to be around 500 words.






Qualitative Approach

-What qualitative approach is most suitable for your research question and why? (Justify your decision by comparing it to other qualitative approaches).


-Who will your participants be?

-How many would you need to recruit?

-Where would you recruit your participants from?

-What sampling strategy would you use?

-Will you require gatekeepers and why?

Data collection

-What method of data collection has been chosen and why? (Justify your decision by evaluating the method and comparing it to other methods of data collection).

-What questions will you ask your participants or, if it is more suitable for your design, what existing sources (e.g, written data, media) would you use for your study?( Katılımcılara ne gibi sorular soracaksınız veya tasarımınız için daha uygunsa, çalışmanız için hangi kaynakları (örneğin yazılı veriler, medya) kullanırdınız?) How have these been designed(nasıl tasarlandı)? Present a copy of your questions or source in the appendix. qualitative research proposal.


-What procedure will you follow? (State how your study will be conducted in a way that another researcher could pick up your proposal and conduct the same study. Demonstrate that you that have thought through any potential issues that may arise in your study.) (Hangi prosedürü takip edeceksiniz? (Araştırmanızın, başka bir araştırmacının sizin önerilerinizi alabileceği ve aynı çalışmayı yürütebileceği bir şekilde nasıl gerçekleştirileceğini belirtin. Çalışmanızda ortaya çıkabilecek herhangi bir potansiyel sorun hakkında düşünmüş olduğunuzu gösterin.) Qualitative Research Proposal

-Present any instructions or information that would be given to participants in an appendix.

Data analysis

-What steps will be used to analyse the data?

-How will you ensure your data analysis is valid and rigorous(kesin)?

Ethical considerations

-What ethical considerations need to be considered for your study?

**The content and activities provided in weeks 12-13 will support this assignment. qualitative research proposal.


Please add a full reference list at the end of your proposal which should be presented in APA format.


Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2013). Successful Qualitative Research: A practical guide for beginners. London: Sage.

Howitt, D. (2010).  Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Psychology. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Silverman, D. (2015). Qualitative research: issues of theory, method and practice. London: Sage.

Learning Outcomes Assessed


ILOs 1, 2, and 4 will be assessed through the following criteria:


  • Knowledge of advanced qualitative research methods including ability to critically evaluate qualitative research approaches;
  • Ability to select the appropriate design for the specific research question proposed;
  • Ability to design and apply appropriate qualitative approaches to research.


Marking Scheme

A good piece of work will demonstrate:

  1. Ability to identify when and why a qualitative approach to research is taken
  2. Ability to state a suitable research question
  3. Ability to develop either a suitable interview schedule, focus group guide, qualitative questionnaire or equivalent. qualitative research proposal.
  4. Ability to design valid and appropriate qualitative designs. E.g. to select the most appropriate qualitative approach, data collection method and method for analysis for a study and justify their use.
  5. Understanding and in-depth knowledge of qualitative research methods: Ability to select the most appropriate qualitative approach, data collection method and method for analysis for a study and justify their use.


To achieve a Distinction:  The student will demonstrate clear evidence of an excellent in-depth understanding of qualitative methods applied to their programme of study. There will be clear evidence of very extensive independent study and thinking. They will demonstrate an excellent ability to deal very confidently and effectively with complexity and contradictions in research methods, will be able to critically analyse qualitative approaches, and be able to assess own decisions for methods with very clear justifications and sound judgement. Will be able to demonstrate a clear ability to undertake further specialist qualitative research. Able to present confident, tightly structured, stimulating, and rigorous arguments that show a high level of maturity appropriate to postgraduate level. The work will be entirely of the students own words (with no copying and pasting from other sources or minor amendments of other sources), expressed in their own way. qualitative research proposal.

To achieve a Merit:

The student will demonstrate very good in-depth understanding of qualitative methods applied to their programme of study. There will be clear evidence of extensive independent study and thinking. They will demonstrate an ability to deal confidently and effectively with complexity and contradictions in research methods, will show good critical analysis of approaches, and be able to assess own decisions for methods with some justifications and judgement. Will be able to demonstrate an ability to undertake further qualitative research. Able to present well-structured arguments that show a good level of maturity appropriate to postgraduate level. The work will be entirely of the students own words (with no copying and pasting from other sources or minor amendments of other sources), expressed in their own way.

To achieve a Pass:  The student will demonstrate some in-depth knowledge of qualitative methods and some evidence of independent study and thinking though this will not be extensive. The student will demonstrate some ability to deal with complexity and contradictions in research methods but some arguments may be weak and it may not be clear if the student could carry out a qualitative study independently. Can communicate work effectively and present structured arguments. The work will be entirely of the students own words (with no copying and pasting from other sources or minor amendments of other sources), expressed in their own way. qualitative research proposal.

University Generic Assessment Criteria for Level 7 is provided on Bright Space and at the end of the Year Guide.

The 2,500 word limit does not include the proposal title, reference list and appendices sections but does include in-text citations and sub-headings. If the word limit is exceeded, 10 marks will be deducted from the initial mark given.


The information provided in this assignment brief is correct at time of publication. In the unlikely event that any changes are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly via e-mail and Bright Space and a new version of this assignment brief will be circulated. qualitative research proposal.

Version: 1
Faculty of Science & Technology Coursework Assignment Brief 2018/19
MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology, MSc in Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology, MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology and MSc Hypnosis in Research, Medicine and Clinical Practice. Level 7
UnitAdvanced Research Methods (ARM)

Level: 7

Unit LeaderDr

Assignment set by: Dr s and Dr

Quality AssurorDr
TitleA qualitative research proposal Weighting50%

Please note that is the final time you can submit,Not the time to submit!



Submission Method:  Electronic.

Submit through Turnitin on Bright Space as either a Microsoft Word file or a PDF.

Your feedback for this assignment will be provided by the 26th November 2018.

Feedback method: via Turnitin and Grade Centre


Overview: Produce a 2500-word research proposal detailing a qualitative project that you have designed. qualitative research proposal.

Aim: The purpose of this assignment is to give you hands-on, practical experience of designing a qualitative research project. It also assesses your knowledge of qualitative research methods by asking you to carefully justify the approaches and methods chosen.  Note: It does not require you to collect any qualitative data.

Task: You need to design a qualitative study based on an area of psychology that interests you (this should also be relevant to the MSc programme you are studying). This then needs to be presented as a 2,500 word research proposal (plus appendices including participant information sheet, consent form and interview schedule).

Your proposal should include the following sections:

Rationale and Research Question

Develop a rationale as to why a qualitative approach is useful for your topic of interest and state a suitable qualitative research question. This should include 1) a brief rationale for researching that particular topic and 2) a rationale for the use of qualitative research. (Please contact the tutor Dr Ben Hicksif you would like to arrange a brief meeting to discuss your topic/research question). qualitative research proposal.

This section is likely to be around 500 words.






Qualitative Approach

-What qualitative approach is most suitable for your research question and why? (Justify your decision by comparing it to other qualitative approaches).


-Who will your participants be?

-How many would you need to recruit?

-Where would you recruit your participants from?

-What sampling strategy would you use?

-Will you require gatekeepers and why?

Data collection

-What method of data collection has been chosen and why? (Justify your decision by evaluating the method and comparing it to other methods of data collection).

-What questions will you ask your participants or, if it is more suitable for your design, what existing sources (e.g, written data, media) would you use for your study?( Katılımcılara ne gibi sorular soracaksınız veya tasarımınız için daha uygunsa, çalışmanız için hangi kaynakları (örneğin yazılı veriler, medya) kullanırdınız?) How have these been designed(nasıl tasarlandı)? Present a copy of your questions or source in the appendix.


-What procedure will you follow? (State how your study will be conducted in a way that another researcher could pick up your proposal and conduct the same study. Demonstrate that you that have thought through any potential issues that may arise in your study.) (Hangi prosedürü takip edeceksiniz? (Araştırmanızın, başka bir araştırmacının sizin önerilerinizi alabileceği ve aynı çalışmayı yürütebileceği bir şekilde nasıl gerçekleştirileceğini belirtin. Çalışmanızda ortaya çıkabilecek herhangi bir potansiyel sorun hakkında düşünmüş olduğunuzu gösterin.))

-Present any instructions or information that would be given to participants in an appendix. qualitative research proposal.

Data analysis

-What steps will be used to analyse the data?

-How will you ensure your data analysis is valid and rigorous(kesin)?

Ethical considerations

-What ethical considerations need to be considered for your study?

**The content and activities provided in weeks 12-13 will support this assignment.


Please add a full reference list at the end of your proposal which should be presented in APA format.


Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2013). Successful Qualitative Research: A practical guide for beginners. London: Sage.

Howitt, D. (2010).  Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Psychology. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Silverman, D. (2015). Qualitative research: issues of theory, method and practice. London: Sage.

Learning Outcomes Assessed


ILOs 1, 2, and 4 will be assessed through the following criteria:


  • Knowledge of advanced qualitative research methods including ability to critically evaluate qualitative research approaches;
  • Ability to select the appropriate design for the specific research question proposed;
  • Ability to design and apply appropriate qualitative approaches to research. qualitative research proposal.


Marking Scheme

A good piece of work will demonstrate:

  1. Ability to identify when and why a qualitative approach to research is taken
  2. Ability to state a suitable research question
  3. Ability to develop either a suitable interview schedule, focus group guide, qualitative questionnaire or equivalent.
  4. Ability to design valid and appropriate qualitative designs. E.g. to select the most appropriate qualitative approach, data collection method and method for analysis for a study and justify their use.
  5. Understanding and in-depth knowledge of qualitative research methods: Ability to select the most appropriate qualitative approach, data collection method and method for analysis for a study and justify their use.


To achieve a Distinction:  The student will demonstrate clear evidence of an excellent in-depth understanding of qualitative methods applied to their programme of study. There will be clear evidence of very extensive independent study and thinking. They will demonstrate an excellent ability to deal very confidently and effectively with complexity and contradictions in research methods, will be able to critically analyse qualitative approaches, and be able to assess own decisions for methods with very clear justifications and sound judgement. Will be able to demonstrate a clear ability to undertake further specialist qualitative research. Able to present confident, tightly structured, stimulating, and rigorous arguments that show a high level of maturity appropriate to postgraduate level. The work will be entirely of the students own words (with no copying and pasting from other sources or minor amendments of other sources), expressed in their own way. qualitative research proposal.

To achieve a Merit:

The student will demonstrate very good in-depth understanding of qualitative methods applied to their programme of study. There will be clear evidence of extensive independent study and thinking. They will demonstrate an ability to deal confidently and effectively with complexity and contradictions in research methods, will show good critical analysis of approaches, and be able to assess own decisions for methods with some justifications and judgement. Will be able to demonstrate an ability to undertake further qualitative research. Able to present well-structured arguments that show a good level of maturity appropriate to postgraduate level. The work will be entirely of the students own words (with no copying and pasting from other sources or minor amendments of other sources), expressed in their own way.

To achieve a Pass:  The student will demonstrate some in-depth knowledge of qualitative methods and some evidence of independent study and thinking though this will not be extensive. The student will demonstrate some ability to deal with complexity and contradictions in research methods but some arguments may be weak and it may not be clear if the student could carry out a qualitative study independently. Can communicate work effectively and present structured arguments. The work will be entirely of the students own words (with no copying and pasting from other sources or minor amendments of other sources), expressed in their own way.

University Generic Assessment Criteria for Level 7 is provided on Bright Space and at the end of the Year Guide.

The 2,500 word limit does not include the proposal title, reference list and appendices sections but does include in-text citations and sub-headings. If the word limit is exceeded, 10 marks will be deducted from the initial mark given. qualitative research proposal.


The information provided in this assignment brief is correct at time of publication. In the unlikely event that any changes are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly via e-mail and Bright Space and a new version of this assignment brief will be circulated. qualitative research proposal.