Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper

Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper

With the focus on qualitative design and sampling, this is a great opportunity to compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research approaches.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper For each of the following areas, apply information that considers one advantage and one disadvantage regarding:

  • control over study conditions with the quantitative research approach;
  • control over study conditions with the qualitative research approach;
  • extending or generalizing results from a sample to a larger group or population with the quantitative research approach; and
  • extending or generalizing results from a sample to a larger group or population with the qualitative research approach.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper  


Be sure to include scholarly references to support your information FOR NR 505 Week 4 Discussion: Qualitative Design and Sampling.

NR 505 Week 4 Discussion: Qualitative Design and Sampling SAMPLE

Research is categorized as quantitative or qualitative in nature.  Quantitative research employs the use of numbers and accuracy while qualitative research focuses on lived experiences and human perception (Rutberg & Bouikidis, 2018).  There are some advantages and disadvantages to both forms of research queries.  The common goal of both is to conclude with positive, well-designed results that promotes change or introduces an intervention that is accurate and useful.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper

Control over Study Conditions Research Approach: Advantage


One advantage with the control over study conditions with quantitative research approach is the way the data is collected.  One form of research method that is used is the use of surveys for collection of data.  With the use of surveys, data can be analyzed in an easy and fast manner, therefore consumption of time is less. The quantitative research approach consists of less time consumption, which allows a large amount of data to be collected.


Qualitative research allows gathering of more in-depth data.  Its use of in-depth, one-on-one interviews allows gaining a better understanding of collected data, thus allowing a better understanding of complex situations (Rutberg & Boukidis, 2018).

Control over Study Conditions Qualitative Research Approach: Disadvantage


A disadvantage with the control over study conditions with quantitative research approach is that research is less in-depth.  The observation of collected data and pertinent information can be overlooked with this form of research.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper   The results can become vague and useless to the research.   This may cause a waste of time and resources, if the data is not reviewed for the intended outcome and accuracy.


A disadvantage of qualitative is its low credibility due to an inability to quantify predictors (Rutberg & Bouikidis, 2018).  For example, the inability to give percentages of an unwarranted event’s chance of re occurrence in the future.

NR 505 Week 4 Discussion: Qualitative Design and Sampling SAMPLE RESPONSE

I was very impressed by your post on comparing and contrasting quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Your discussion board post was clear and concise in regard to control over sample conditions for both qualitative and quantitative research methods.  The way that you broke your findings down about both qualitative and quantitative extension/generalization of results ensured that your scholarly information was easily understood.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper I believe that your intended message was well received by all who read it. You obviously chose an excellent reference article. I feel that by preparing this assignment we will have a better, more in depth look into which approach to research will be more pertinent to our personal area of interest. I am a bit intimidated by preparing this project, but I know that the knowledge I acquire through each week’s lesson will improve my research abilities and add to my overall wisdom. I look forward to reading your posts in the future.

The three main types of data collected and analyzed in qualitative research include in-depth interviews, direct observation, and written documents. Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper These are discussed in greater detail in the Qualitative Ready module covering data types.  In order to collect these types of data for a study, a target population, community, or study area must be identified first.  It is not possible for researchers to collect data from everyone in a sample area or community.  Therefore, the researcher must gather data from a sample, or subset, of the population in the study.  In quantitative research, the goal would be to conduct a random sampling that ensured the sample group would be representative of the entire population, and therefore, the results could be generalized to the entire population.  The goal of qualitative research is to provide in-depth understanding and therefore, targets a specific group, type of individual, event or process.  To accomplish this goal, qualitative research focus on criterion-based sampling techniques to reach their target group.  There are three main types of qualitative sampling: purposeful sampling, quota sampling, and snowballing sampling.  The following descriptions describe the reasons for choosing a particular method.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper


  • Purposeful Sampling is the most common sampling strategy. In this type of sampling, participants are selected or sought after based on pre-selected criteria based on the research question.  For example, the study may be attempting to collect data from lymphoma patients in a particular city or county. The sample size may be predetermined or based on theoretical saturation, which is the point at which the newly collected no longer provides additional insights.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper Click on the following link for a desciption of types of purposeful sampling: Types of Purposeful Sampling.
  • Quota Sampling is a sampling technique whereby participant quotas are preset prior to sampling. Typically, the researcher is attempting to gather data from a certain number of participants that meet certain characteristics that may include things such as age, sex, class, marital status, HIV status, etc. Click here for more information on this type of sampling: Quota Sampling.
  • Snowball Sampling is also known as chain referral sampling. In this method, the participants refer the researcher to others who may be able to potentially contribute or participate in the study.  This method often helps researchers find and recruit participants that may otherwise be hard to reach. For more information, click here: Snowball Sampling.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper

The single quantitative research study article that I have chosen is an article that discusses; does aerobic exercise reduce postpartum depressive symptoms? Throughout this article it looks at the population of mothers that are one year or less postpartum and women with depressive symptoms that are measured by a questionnaire or diagnostic tool (Pritchett, Daley, & Jolly, 2017).  This particular research study I would have to say is non experimental because there is intervention but one does not have control over whether or not these postpartum mothers exercise and how much they exercise, they have to go by what they say they do and the intensity of their exercise.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper

Intervention is that there were different trial groups which included; group exercise interventions, exercise counseling was provided and the participant was allowed to choose their own form of exercise (Pritchett, Daley, & Jolly, 2017).  They were aiming to achieve approximately 30 minutes of moderate exercise three to five times weekly.  The observation/data collected during this was to see if exercise had an effect on decreasing depressive symptoms in postpartum women.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper The study did find that overall exercise is an effective treatment for postpartum depression. The random assignments were of women whom chose their own exercise that they did, women that were assigned to groups for exercise, and other women that received exercise counseling (Pritchett, Daley, & Jolly, 2017).

When looking at probability vs non-probability for this article I would have to go with non-probability for this because this just focuses on postpartum women, so not all postpartum women if they are one year of having a baby would not qualify for this study. Non-probability is when not every member of the population has the same chance of being included in the study. This study focuses on women whom are one year or less postpartum.

An advantage to using non-probability is the population being studied is narrowed down to just mothers whom are one year postpartum. A disadvantage to this is that postpartum depression can last past one year of childbirth in some women. So these women are being excluded from the study.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper


A random assignment was used for this study as women were either in a group, had counseling, or chose the exercise that they wanted to do. This can strengthen the study as it narrows down what area was most effective whether it be exercise in a group setting, individualized, or the counseling about exercise.

Pritchett, R. V., Daley, A. J., & Jolly, K. (2017). Does aerobic exercise reduce postpartum depressive symptoms? British Journal of General Practice67. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp17x692525 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Thank you for your informative and interesting post. While reading it, I had many light bulbs light up of different ways or many other ways to conduct this type of research.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper Today technology plays a huge role in fitness. A better way that one could keep track of the actual amount of time spent doing exercise instead of simply relying on good faith is having the postpartum mothers wear a fit bit or some other type of smart watch that can keep track of data such as exercise, steps, and heart rate. If I was the one that set up this research study, I would have improved the EBP proposal because science has already established that exercise reduces cortisol and released endorphins. I would have compared exercise to pharmacological interventions to prove which may be more beneficial in the long run. In addition, for the sample that is used,Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper I feel that the guidelines need to be more specific because from just after delivery to one year a lot can change and some women cannot begin physical activity right away due to c-sections which may put those women at a disadvantage.Qualitative Design and Sampling Research Paper