Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper


DOC 700 WEEK 2 Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment
Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Instructions:Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper


Complete the following Source Comparison Table to evaluate each article against the criteria in the first column. An example of an entry is included below.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Example:
Source Evaluation Criteria Smith (2007) Ballinger andSchoorman(2007)
Use of APA Format for In-Text Citations and References No in-text citations or references APA format for in-text citations, but not for references

Source Comparison Table

Source Evaluation Criteria Smith (2007) Ballinger andSchoorman(2007)
Authors’ Credentials and Affiliation
Source Publication(i.e.,Publication Venue)
Use of SupportingEvidence
Value as a Doctoral Research Source
Answer the following reflection questions by typing your answer directly below each question.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment

Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Note. Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment PaperBoth sources cover the same topic—leadership.
What similarities and differences do you find when comparing the two sources’ research value to your doctoral journey?
In what ways do you see evidence of scholarly voice, practitioner voice, and leadership voice in the two articles?
How is APA style and format used in both articles? What is the purpose of using APA style?Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper
How will you apply these insights in your doctoral research?
DOC 700 WEEK 1 Doctoral Demeanor and Student Accountability
Doctoral Demeanor and Student Accountability Worksheet

Earning a doctorate means reaching the highest educational level in your field. As a member of the doctoral community, you assume a privileged role in society. Your behavior, attitudes, and way of thinking all reflect your role—inside and outside of the classroom.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

InSAS, the term doctoral demeanor refers to the personal attributes that shape a student’s doctoral identity. For example, doctoral demeanor may entail balancing confidence, competence, and high achievement with the humility that comes from continuous learning. As you progress in the program, your ongoing challenge will be to shape your doctoral identity to accept increasing levels of accountability and leadership in society.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

As a member of the doctoral community, you are also expected to demonstrate doctoral-level accountability for the learning process. The following table outlines key aspects of doctoral learning.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Doctoral learning consists of…
Student-Driven LearningØ Taking responsibility for reading the syllabus and meeting all course requirements and deadlines

Ø Taking initiative to engage others and co-create the class experience

Ø Using syllabus instructions and course materials to self-assess learning

Ø Making adjustments to ensure continuous improvement and development

Active and Engaged InquiryØ Learning how to learn and critically think in a scholarly way.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Ø Providing insightful, original responses and comments from your perspective

Ø Accepting ambiguity and complexity

Ø Thinking for oneself, adding new value, and creating one’s intellectual voice

Doctoral Learning is not…
Passive LearningØ Asking redundant questions; holding others accountable for one’s own performance.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Ø Expecting the facilitator to dominate the dialogue and provide “all the answers”

Ø Waiting for the facilitator to provide a score or grade

Ø Making the same mistakes; blaming others for one’s mistakes

Passive ThinkingØ Memorizing facts and concepts without adding original analysis or reflection

Ø Providing rote answers; making vague, superficial comments

Ø Seeking only simplistic, familiar, or “black and white” answers

Ø Reiterating others’ ideas without adding new value or relevance

Answer the following reflection questions, providing substantive responses (150 words minimum, each):Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

How do you already demonstrate a doctoral demeanor in your personal, professional, and/or community life; and what aspects are you adding to your daily life?
What would happen if you were to change your demeanor in your personal, professional, and/or community life?
How do you envision your demeanor changing as a result of participating in the doctoral program?
What behaviors will maximize your successful entry in the program?
What expectations do you have of your classmates and faculty members in the program? What do you think your classmates and faculty members expect of you?Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper
What changes do you need to make to move from passive thinking to active- and engaged inquiry?
DOC 700 WEEK 2 Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a reference list in which each entry is followed by an annotation or description of the source. Dissertation writers must provide extensive sources from the literature in their initial research proposal. Begin preparing now by learning the critical skills needed for future success. Scanning, summarizing, and recording the key points in an article, as required for an annotated bibliography, is a critical skill for all doctoral learners to ensure success.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Create an annotated bibliography using research on a topic you might like to investigate for your doctoral dissertation. Some examples of potential research topics include: “Female Leadership in the Aerospace Industry” or “Multiple Intelligences in Elementary Students.”Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Your annotated bibliography should include one article from each of the databases below.

For this assignment, you must:

Follow the formatting as outlined in the Annotated Bibliography Formatting Sample provided.
Note. You may lose points for failing to the use the correct format.
Include an APA-formatted title page.
Include four sources (one from each database listed below).
Include a one- to two-paragraph annotation in your own words for each source.
Remember the length of annotation needs to relate to estimated future value.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper
Identify the research method.
Read the article abstract to find the research method (you might find: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method).
State the research question or problem and conclusions.
Summarize the suggestions for further research.
List the source and search engine used as a separate entry at the end of your assignment. Follow this format:Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper
Barker (2006) – ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database
Smith (2012) – EBSCOhost
Jones & Bartlett (2014) – SAGE Journals
Zinman (2010) – ProQuest
Select an article from each of the following databases to complete the Annotated Bibliography assignment:

Dissertations & Theses @ University of Phoenix

Click Books, Dissertations, and Theses under Library Resources.
Click Dissertations & Theses@University of Phoenix. You will be directed to the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.
Type in your research topic key words.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper
Click on the box to limit your results to “Full text documents only.”
Find a dissertation that relates to your topic.
Make a note of all necessary information to reference the article in APA format.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper
Download and skim the full-text version of the dissertation.

Click General Resources under Library Resources.
Click ProQuest.
Click on the boxes that say “Full text documents only” and “Scholarly journals, including peer-reviewed.”
Type in your research topic.
Select one article to review, and read the full-text article.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Click on General Resources under Library Resources.
Click EBSCOhost.
Click on the boxes that say “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.”
Type in your research topic.
Select one article to review, and read the full-text article.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper
SAGE Journals

Click Specialized Resources under Library Resources.
Click SAGE Journals.
Type in your research topic.
Select one article to review, and read the full-text article.
Submit the Annotated Bibliography as a Microsoft® Word attachment.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.Qualifying Scholarly Sources Assignment Paper