Public health policy: Providing equitable healthcare to Georgia’s undocumented immigrants Rubric

Some Rubric
Some Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

Introduction clearly introduces your healthcare policy-priority issue. Concluding statements summarizing content are present.

35.0 pts

Introduction clearly introduces your healthcare policy-priority issue and the title or name of your designated legislator. Concluding statements summarizing content are present, clear, and well written.

31.0 pts

Introduction introduces your healthcare policy-priority issue and the name or title of your designated legislator. Concluding statements summarizing content are present. Minor clarity or detail issues.

28.0 pts

Introduction and conclusion are included; could include more details such as a specific healthcare policy-priority issue that a legislator could act upon or the name or title of the legislator; clarity or improvement of format.

13.0 pts

Lacking introduction or conclusion. Public health policy: Providing equitable healthcare to Georgia’s undocumented immigrants

0.0 pts

No attempt made at introduction or conclusion.
35.0 pts

Identification of all key points of your healthcare policy-priority issue are clearly analyzed and fully articulated. Empirical evidence supporting your healthcare policy-priority issue is clearly analyzed.

40.0 pts

Key points are well described, and analysis is fully articulated.

35.0 pts

Key points are described with some lack of clarity, and/or analysis is lacking detail or clarity.

32.0 pts

Key points are not well described, and/or analysis is lacking detail or clarity. Public health policy: Providing equitable healthcare to Georgia’s undocumented immigrants

15.0 pts

Key points or analysis is missing.

0.0 pts

No Marks
40.0 pts

Empirical evidence supporting your healthcare policy-priority issue is clearly analyzed.

40.0 pts

Empirical evidence supporting your healthcare policy- priority issue is clearly analyzed in a comprehensive and accurate manner.

35.0 pts

Empirical evidence supporting your healthcare policy- priority issue is analyzed but lacking clarity or not substantive.

32.0 pts

Empirical evidence supporting your healthcare policy- priority issue is noted but not analyzed.

15.0 pts

Empirical evidence supporting your healthcare policy priority issue is lacking.

0.0 pts

No attempt made at providing empirical evidence.
40.0 pts

Your healthcare policy- priority issue clearly demonstrates the impact and or importance of your issue to nursing or the intended impact to patient outcomes.

35.0 pts

Impact to patient outcomes or nursing practice is thoroughly discussed.

31.0 pts

Impact to patient outcomes or nursing practice has rare inaccuracy.

28.0 pts

Impact to patient outcomes or nursing practice lacks occasional important elements or specificity.

13.0 pts

Impact to patient outcomes or nursing practice has multiple instances of inaccuracies.

0.0 pts

Impact to patient outcomes or nursing practice has multiple instances of inaccuracies and is vague.
35.0 pts

APA Format: Text, title page, and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format 6th edition.

10.0 pts

Paper is free from APA errors throughout.

9.0 pts

There are 1-2 APA format errors in the text, title page, and/or reference page(s)

8.0 pts

There are 3-4 APA format errors in the text, title page, and/or reference page(s)

4.0 pts

There are 5 APA format errors in the text, title page, and/or reference page(s)

0.0 pts

There are 6 or more APA format errors in the text, title page, and/or reference page(s)
10.0 pts

Writing Quality: Paper is appropriate in length. References include a minimum of 5 scholarly references excluding the course text. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work.

15.0 pts

Paper is appropriate in length. References include more than the minimum number of scholarly references, excluding the course text. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work.

13.0 pts

Paper is short/long in length and/or contains a minimum of scholarly references excluding course text, or references utilized are not scholarly. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work with1-2 exceptions.

12.0 pts

Paper is short/long in length and contains only 1 scholarly reference. Additional references are not scholarly. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work with 3-4 exceptions

6.0 pts

Paper is short/long two or more pages in length and does not contain scholarly references. References utilized are not scholarly. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are not followed with 5 errors.

0.0 pts

Paper is short/long two or more pages in length and does not contain scholarly references. References utilized are not scholarly. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are not followed with 6 or more errors.
15.0 pts
Total Points: 175.0. Public health policy: Providing equitable healthcare to Georgia’s undocumented immigrants