Psychology Assessment Tools Assignment

Psychology Assessment Tools Assignment

Question description

  • Select an assessment tool from those listed in the Resources area and one additional assessment tool from the literature using the Capella University Library. The assessment tools should measure the same construct. For example, if you select the Beck Anxiety Inventory from the Resources area, you would want to select another tool from the literature that also measures anxiety. Psychology Assessment Tools Assignment
  • Examine the key test measurement constructs of reliability and validity for each tool, and compare these constructs for each tool. You will want to describe the methods used to acquire reliability and validity for each assessment and also discuss how the constructs relate to each other between the two assessment tools.


  • Describe how results on each assessment are interpreted. For example, how are scores interpreted in comparison to group means and norms (for a standardized or norm-referenced test) or to cutoff scores (for criterion-referenced test)? How are scores on this assessment correlated with other tests that measure the same construct? Psychology Assessment Tools Assignment
  • Analyze the effectiveness of each selected assessment tool in professional settings incorporating a minimum of six scholarly research studies.
  • Based on the review of literature, evaluate which assessment tool has the clearest application of measurement concepts.

Please use the Assignment Template listed under Resources to compose your Comparison of Assessment Tool Constructs paper.

Psychology Assessment Tools Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors so that the overall message is clear.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style. Psychology Assessment Tools Assignment
  • Number of resources: Minimum of six scholarly resources (distinguished submissions will likely exceed that minimum).
  • Length of paper: Six to eight double-spaced, typed pages, excluding title and reference pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

I will attach all other documents that are needed. Psychology Assessment Tools Assignment