Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

Psychoanalytic Theory Application


Examples of psychoanalytic theory include:

  • April broke up with Adam, and three months later went on a date with Mark. While at the restaurant, April accidentally called Adam by Mark’s name. While this could have just been a simple accident, psychoanalytic theory says that there is a deeper reason for April’s slip – for example, she still has feelings for Mark and her mind is on him, and therefore she called her new date by her old boyfriend Mark’s name.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Mary’s therapist believes that Mary’s current relationship difficulties stem from the unstable relationship she had with her father while growing up.




  • Every time the vehicle she is riding in stops suddenly, Mrs. Smith panics. She thinks this is because she was in a car accident when she was a child, and in each new situation the fear of another accident crashes over her like a wave.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Jack’s mother left his family when he was a child. Ever since then, he has had a very difficult time trusting people because he is afraid they will abandon him.
  • Tom and Ashley were participating in pre-marital counseling. It came up during one session that Ashley may have difficulty really believing that Tom loves her because she never felt that her parents loved her.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • The violent behavior of criminals is often traced to the violent ways they themselves were treated during their formative years.
  • Amber is 57 years old and is an accomplished professional, but she never feels like her work is good enough and is always afraid that people will be unhappy with her performance. She realizes that she might have this outlook because when she was growing up, her mother criticized everything she did. If she brought home a test with an A+ on it, her mother would comment that Amber must have cheated because she certainly wasn’t smart enough to do that well on her own.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Sylvia was planning her wedding, but her mother wanted to override every decision Sylvia made. In conversation one day, Sylvia’s mother admitted that she never got to have the wedding that she wanted, so she was trying to include what she had wanted for her own wedding into her daughter’s wedding.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Andrew lost his car keys and was late for work. A psychoanalytic theorist might say that he lost his keys because, somewhere in his subconscious, he did not want to go to work that day and actually wanted to quit his job.
  • Kathy was driving her daughter around in the van, trying to get the three-month-old to take a nap. She wasn’t paying much attention to where she was going, and realized that she had driven to the house of an old friend with whom she hadn’t spoken in years. She wondered if that was her subconscious telling her that it was time to reconcile with her friend.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Heather often tells white lies and is known for giving evasive answers to questions. Her husband thinks Heather does this because deep down she is afraid of facing the truth about difficult situations, so she avoids the truth in both major and minor circumstances.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Justin’s parents have always encouraged him to play baseball and think he is an excellent player; but, Justin would rather play tennis. His parents make him try out for the baseball team anyway. Justin does not make the team. He normally is a good player, but on the day of tryouts he did not do well. He probably was not able to play his best because, deep down, he did not want to make the team anyway.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Lexi is adamant that she does not want to get married. Her parents divorced when she was young, and deep down, she does not really think that any marriage can work.
  • Matt has asked Miranda several times to get together to study. Miranda keeps saying she wants to, but is never available when Matt asks. Matt finally concludes that Miranda probably really doesn’t want to meet with him, or else she would make it work.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • When Kelly was seven, her brother died. Now that she is about to be married, her deepest fear comes out: she is terrified to have children, especially a son, because she is afraid that child will die at a young age.
  • When Melanie graduated from college, she almost couldn’t believe it. She never thought she’d do it because the words of her first grade teacher calling her a failure had always haunted her.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • When Tim proposed to Emma, she didn’t accept, because she couldn’t wrap her head around the idea that he wanted to be with her for a lifetime. Six years earlier her fiancé had called off their wedding after the rehearsal dinner, and Emma had never recovered.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Cheryl had grown up in an abusive home, and couldn’t wait to get to college to escape from her parents. She met some wonderful people at school, but it took her a long time to develop close friendships because of the trust issues she had developed as a child and teenager.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Laura reminded her co-worker Max of his mother, from whom he was estranged. Max found it harder and harder to separate his feelings towards Laura from his feelings towards his mother. Even though Laura was perfectly nice, her mannerisms and speech seemed like a mirror image of his mom. At the end of one particularly difficult day, Max blew up at Laura, letting loose with a string of comments he’d wanted for years to say to his mom but never did.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • Sarah was adopted into a loving family when she was five. However, for years she displayed aggressive behavior towards her adoptive parents and siblings, even though they were incredibly kind to her. The adoption specialists advised the family not to take Sarah’s behavior personally, explaining that her anger was really directed at her birth parents and former foster families for the way she had been treated Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

Read the “Case Study Analysis.”

Write a 750-1,000-word analysis of the case study using a psychoanalytic theory approach. Include the following in your analysis.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

  • 1- What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?
  • 2- Is your theory designed for short- or long-term counseling?
  • 3- What will be the counselor’s role with this client?
  • 4- What is the client’s role in counseling?Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • 5- For what population(s) is this theory most appropriate? How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client?
  • 6- What additional information might be helpful to know about this case?
  • 7- What may be a risk in using this approach?Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper




Besides the course textbook, include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

Each response to the assignment prompts should be addressed under a separate heading in your paper. Refer to “APA Headings and Seriation,” located on the Purdue Owl website for help in formatting the headings.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

Prepare this Psychoanalytic Theory Application assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This Psychoanalytic Theory Application assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

You are required to submit this Psychoanalytic Theory Application assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper


PCN 500 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1

  • What are your personal assumptions about: How do people develop the kinds of psychological distress that bring them to counseling? What constitutes “good mental health” or “a good life?” How do people change, grow emotionally, develop better coping mechanisms, or change destructive behaviors?Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper
  • The aim of this assignment is to introduce the reader to the vast field of Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis and give an example of its practical application by psychoanalytically interpreting Carol Ann Duffy’s “Psychopath”.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

    Written for a university course in “Applying Cultural Theory”, it will start with a theoretical part, giving the reader an overview of Sigmund Freud’s biography and introducing him to the vital ideas of Freud’s psychoanalytical theories. In the practical part the reader will learn about both the author Carol Ann Duffy and her poem “Psychopath” before finally approaching the text by means of psychoanalytical methods.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

    Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis has been widely accepted as the 20th century’s most important break-through in terms of understanding the human mind, but it has also aroused protest. The discussion concerning Psychoanalysis has not ceased[1], but it would not fit in this work anymore. Unfortunately, the SLUB could not provide secondary literature on Carol Ann Duffy and her works. The only literature I found was the poem itself. Searching the internet did not reveal much useful material either which meant that I had to do the interpretation all on my own. It therefore lacks a secondary literature foundation, but I hope that the intense research my interpretation is based on will sufficiently make up for this.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

PCN 500 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2

  • Some might argue that a therapist’s theoretical orientation is irrelevant in the counseling process, and that only client outcomes matter. Others might argue that specific factors common across models of therapy-not specific theory or an approach endorsed by a counselor create a positive outcome. What do you think? Why?Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

PCN 500 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1

  • What are your personal assumptions about: How do people develop the kinds of psychological distress that bring them to counseling? What constitutes “good mental health” or “a good life?” How do people change, grow emotionally, develop better coping mechanisms, or change destructive behaviors?Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

PCN 500 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 2

  • How can you, as a therapist, avoid becoming “stuck” in a particular theoretical framework? Identify specific ways that you can ensure you continue to grow.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

PCN 500 Grand Canyon Week 8 Assignment





Throughout the course, you have studied and written about a number of counseling theories that are used as the basis for the counseling profession. In this paper, choose a theory and compare it against each of the following three theories:Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

  • 1- Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
  • 2- Solution-focused
  • 3- Psychoanalysis

Choose a theory that you have studied in this course. Do not choose one of the three theories listed above.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

Compare your selected theory against the three theories listed above.

Write a 1,500-2,000-word paper discussing your theory comparisons. Include the following in your paper:Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

Part 1: Selected Theory

  • 1- Founding theorist(s) for the selected theory
  • 2- Standard interventions for the selected theory
  • 3- At least three main concepts of the selected theory

Part 2: Cognitive Behavior Theory (CBT)Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

  • 1- Founding theorist(s) for CBT
  • 2- Standard interventions for CBT
  • 3- Similarities and differences between your selected theory and CBT

Part 3: Solution-Focused Theory Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

  • 1- Founding theorist(s) for solution-focused theory
  • 2- Standard interventions for solution-focused theory
  • 3- Similarities and differences between your selected theory and solution-focused theory

Part 4: Psychoanalysis Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

  • 1- Founding theorist(s) for psychoanalysis
  • 2- Standard interventions for psychoanalysis
  • 3- Similarities and differences between your selected theory and psychoanalysis Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper in addition to the course textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

This assignment measures the following competency:

Competency 1.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the major counseling theories and principles.Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper

PCN 500 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 1

Now that you have studied all the different theories of psychotherapy, what theory do you feel has the strongest approach for the population you may want to work with? Do you think that you will need to learn more than one approach? Why? Psychoanalytic Theory Application Assignment Paper