Project to Improve Quality Health Care for Patients with Diabetic Ulcers Essay

Project to Improve Quality Health Care for Patients with Diabetic Ulcers Essay

Diabetic Ulcers refers to the infection of the deep tissues that are mainly associated with neurologic abnormalities and the various levels of peripheral arterial disease (Katsilambros, (2010). Katsilambros (2010) continues to illustrate that, this leads to an open wound and it is mostly experienced in patients with diabetes in the lower limb. Project to Improve Quality Health Care for Patients with Diabetic Ulcers Essay.  The disease is a major-medical problem. However, there is less attention that can facilitate sufficient recovery or even prevent the disease from advancing into chronic conditions. Evidence has shown that, the kind of health care provided is not enough to facilitate recovery of the wound, healing as well as preventing the disease from advancing from its initial stages to the critical condition. According to Aalaa et al. (2012), the nurses play a major role when it comes to the provision of quality health care. They are continuously involved in detecting as well as preventing the disease from advancing to the chronic conditions. However, the number of patients has been on an increase, thus making the number of nurses providing healthcare services to be lower. Project to Improve Quality Health Care for Patients with Diabetic Ulcers Essay. This hinders adequate delivery of health care to the patients. As a result, there is need to educate the patients on how sufficiently on self-management to facilitate quick recovery and healing. This project therefore will promote education for the patients on how to effectively manage their wounds.


The purpose of the program or project.

This program is majorly directed towards educating patients suffering from diabetes as well as diabetic ulcers on how to effectively manage their health conditions. The information presented by Formosa, Gatt & Chockalingam (2012) illustrates that, for individuals who are suffering from diabetes conditions, self-management education is much significant. This is because, more than 95 percent of the overall patient care is provided by the individuals and their family. Project to Improve Quality Health Care for Patients with Diabetic Ulcers Essay. The major aim of providing education is to change the behavior of diabetic individuals and promote self-management. Poor foot care management normally result into an increase in ulceration risk, amputation as well as mortality for the patients (Formosa, Gatt & Chockalingam, 2012). Project to Improve Quality Health Care for Patients with Diabetic Ulcers Essay

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