Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

Undertaking direction has a multi-disciplinary nature which makes it suited for application in dissimilar conditions. The intent of PM is to foretell the hazards and troubles, to be after, organize and command activities with the purpose to finish the undertaking despite all of the hazards ( Lock, 2007 ) .

By and large, undertakings need to be checked and controlled in order to run into their initial aims which are defined in footings of the chance of clip, cost and quality ( APM, 2012 ) . Furthermore the intent of PM is to guarantee that undertakings are controlled and managed in order to be able to accomplish the aims and the marks which were set at the beginning of the undertaking ( APM, 2012 ) . Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay


For illustration the Food Standards Agency ( FSA ) organised the “ Salt decrease ” run ( between 2003 and 2010 ) in order to raise cognition and apprehension of salt as a public wellness concern ( FSA, 2013 ) . The Salt intake decrease run came up after 1991, when COMA published a study on Dietary Reference values which set Reference Nutrient Intakes for salt and good as other foods based on a risk-benefit scrutiny ( DH, 1991 ) . The study concludes that the current 9g of day-to-day salt consumption was far higher than the recommended ( CASH, 2013 ) . Therefore a run of salt decrease undertaken by the FSA came up with the purpose to cut down the entire salt consumption of the mean population from 9g to 6g by 2010 ( FSA, 2013 ) .

Specify the Undertaking

The first measure of developing a undertaking proposal is the shaping of a undertaking range ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . Figure 1 shows clearly the general thought of PM which several undertakings can be based on such as the “ Salt Reduction ” run.

Figure 1: Autopsy model ( Adapted from the Association for PM, 2012 ). Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

Harmonizing to Gray and Larson ( 2006 ) , the procedure to place the perfect range which satisfies consumers and besides is utile to the operational undertaking program development can be in a construction of the range cheque list. The range definition is helpful to sketch the demands appraisal and besides to put SMART ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time ) purposes and aims.

The undertaking range checklist: ( Adapted from Gray and Larson, 2006 )

Undertaking Objective



Technical demands

Limits and exclusions

Reappraisals with costumier

After the definition of the undertaking range, a proposal and a SWOT analysis ( see appendix 2 ) is needed in order to analyze the intent, strengths, failings, chances and menaces of the undertaking. Doubtless SWOT analysis is the most widespread practical analytical tool for strategic planning ( Piercy and Giles, 1989 ) . Furthermore SWOT analysis is extremely of import in the concern environment because it is used by executives and advisers in order to measure the strategic place of the company when be aftering a undertaking ( Piercy and Giles, 1989 ) .

2.1. Proposal

In order to associate the current “ Salt Reduction ” undertaking with the PM theories, figure 2 is selected to show the procedure of operation of a undertaking.

Figure 2: Elementss in the research procedure ( Adapted from Egan, 2009 ) .

2.2.1. Aim of the undertaking

The purpose of a undertaking has to be accomplishable depending on the handiness of clip, public presentation and cost in order to guarantee its success ( Lock, 2007 ) .

The general purpose of the “ Salt Reduction ” undertaking was to raise the apprehension that inordinate salt intake by a big portion of the UK population can be seen as a public wellness issue ( FSA, 2013 ) . Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

2.2.2. Aims

The SMART theoretical account is designed to cut down misunderstanding or ill-defined premises in the undertaking range paper ( Richman, 2006 ) . The scene of SMART aims is the key to accomplish the maximal salt decrease.

For illustration some of the SMART objectives for this run are: foremost organise an consciousness run, utilizing advertizements ( cusps, TV musca volitanss ) in order to inform the populace of the unsafe effects of excessively much salt ( FSA, 2013 ) , cut down salt intake from 9 g to 6 g per twenty-four hours by 2010 and besides the salt content of different merchandises should be reduced by 4 % per twelvemonth in order to let consumers to go accustomed to the somewhat diminishing salty gustatory sensation ( EC, 2013 ) . Those aims are specific because the FSA and EU set exact marks that have to be achieved, they are mensurable because the subject of the run is already known as a wellness issue, they are accomplishable because due to the state dimensions of the salt run both media and imperativeness can act upon people. Furthermore they are realistic and clip edge because the timescale and the marks were elaborate and accomplishable. Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

2.3. Needs Appraisal

Harmonizing to Hooper and Longworth ( 2002 ) , the wellness demands appraisal is in relation with prosecuting people in believing about wellness, and developing what can be done to heighten wellness and lessening wellness inequalities in any wellness issue that may originate. By following that definition a undertaking director can do certain that any action taken reduces impair to wellness, and besides could better wellness in people who follow the recommendations ( Hooper and Longworth, 2002 ) .

In relation to this instance survey, there is a immense involvement from several wellness administrations and European administrations such as the European Commission and European Food Information Council which support the attempt of UK administrations in the salt decrease programme and run ( FSA, 2013 ) . Therefore, the political support of EU is a great chance to raise consciousness and it can prosecute people believing about their wellness because the media and the imperativeness strengthen the political clime predominating each period.


Harmonizing to Zambon and Bello ( 2005 ) , the bring forthing of the stakeholders oriented study can guarantee a better net income for the company whereas in this instance analyze better consequences in public wellness, therefore the being of stakeholders could better the quality of the run ‘s image. Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

There are big Numberss of UK, EU and universe administrations which encourage people to cut down their salt consumption. Therefore, it is easier for FSA to increase the involvement and the motive of the UK population.

Specifically the FSA salt decrease programme hasA been prosecuting with a broad scope of stakeholders, including cardinal industry administrations, charities and other non-governmental administrations ( FSA, 2013 ) . For illustration some of the cardinal industry administrations which support the FSA salt decrease undertaking are Allied Bakeries, ASDA, Boots UK, Brakes Group, Sainsbury ‘s, Tesco etc ( FSA, 2009 ) .

In add-on there is a immense figure of charity and non-governmental administrations which support and promote the “ Salt Reduction ” run such as the British Dietetic Association, the British Heart Foundation, the Blood Pressure Association etc ( FSA, 2009 ) .

2.4. Hazard Management

Risk direction is one of the most of import subdivisions in the PM procedure because it involves placing, measuring and reacting to project hazards in order to understate the possibility of happening and/or possible impact of inauspicious events of the undertaking aim ( Clements and Gido, 2009 ) . Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

Particularly, the “ Salt Reduction ” plan which involves the national population has a scope of hazards which were assessed in order to continue with the launch of the undertaking. For illustration, an of import hazard for the undertaking is the high figure of participants and the scope of different age groups. Furthermore concerns sing the consequence of salt decrease on the microbiological safety of nutrient, every bit good as consumers ‘ credence of salt-reduced nutrients, along with specii¬?c technological barriers ( Wyness at al. , 2011 ) . Additionally, salt use can be an of import factor in the safety and quality of certain nutrients, such as meat merchandises ( Wyness at al. , 2011 ) . Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay


There are several sorts of resource restraints in PM theory. For illustration people, stuffs, equipment and working capital ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . The human resorts are normally classified by their accomplishments which help to finish the existent undertaking ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . In that instance human resources are all the people who are stakeholders and besides the people who are portion of the FSA, wellness professionals etc. Additionally, the marker of salt content in several supermarkets such as ASDA and Tesco, and besides the salt decrease taging on a figure of merchandises in the nutrient industry can be classified as stuffs of PM. The equipment may be interchanged to better agendas, in some instances, like this undertaking ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . A paradigm of equipment in this undertaking is the COMA study which published on 1991. This study established the Dietary Reference values ( DRV ‘s ) which set Reference Nutrient Intakes. The COMA DRV ‘s study functioned as a restraint to the recommendations of salt consumption decrease. Finally the on the job capital is a major accountant of the PM execution ( Meredith and Mantel, 2012 ) . Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay


Budget is a time-phased cost estimation ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . Furthermore the established organizational budget is category-oriented frequently based upon past informations collected through a fixed, category-based, cost accounting system ( Coburn, 1997 and Vadnament et al. , 1993 in Meredith and Mantel, 2012 ) . The importance of the budgeting processs is that they have a important function in the whole procedure of the PM because they must tie in the resource usage with the success of organizational marks ( Meredith and Mantel, 2012 ) . However if the budget does non tie in the resource usage with the success of organizational marks, so the planning/control procedure becomes unable to continue ( Meredith and Mantel, 2012 ) .

The FSA spent ?3.47 million on its salt consciousness run and a farther ?3 million on other advertisement and PR ( The Telegraph, 2010 ) . Furthermore the entire cost ( direct health care, informal attention and lost productiveness ) of handling coronary bosom disease is tantamount to about ?7.06 billion and ?5.77 billion for shot ( Liu et al. , 2002 ) . It has been estimated that a decrease in current salt consumptions to 6g/d would foretell a 13 % decrease in shot and a 10 % decrease in ischaemic bosom disease ( He and MacGregor, 2003 ) . Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

Communication and Selling

Selling is finally a strategic method of believing about and pull offing behaviour change ( Stead et al. , 2006 ) . The figure below, demonstrates that communicating and selling can be of import in part to good alterations in all five Fieldss of influence which are persons, societal webs, population or community, local-level and distal-level ( Maibach et al. , 2007 ) . The public wellness bureaus that can utilize communicating and selling resources expeditiously to back up people in doing healthy determinations and to promote health-promoting environments have a important chance to come on the populace ‘s wellness ( Maibach et al. , 2007 ) . Furthermore figure 3 shows a clear relationship between selling and behavior which can take to wellness betterment in this instance survey.

Figure 3: The Relevance of communicating and selling in the People & A ; Places Framework ( Adapted from Maibach et al. , 2007 )

The “ Salt Reduction ” run is one of the best known undertakings all over the Earth. The increasing of salt consumption and its effects are major jobs in most western and EU populations ( FSA, 2013 ) . The communicating with the consumer was direct through the nutrient labelling, Television adverts, cusps and postings ( FSA, 2013 ) . Furthermore many manufactured nutrients are volunteering to include a decreased salt indicant. Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay


There is a assortment of tools which can be used in PM such as programming, Gant charts, critical way analysis and computing machine bundles such as Microsoft Project and PRINCE ( Projects In Controlled Environments ) ( PRINCE 2, 2013 ) ( Microsoft, 2013 ) . Computer bundles are widely used in order to pull off big undertakings with a scope of undertakings that have to be done in each sphere and besides in undertakings with a big figure of stakeholders ( PRINCE 2, 2013 ) ( Microsoft, 2013 ) . Therefore the most appropriate tools for the “ Salt Reduction ” undertaking are the PRINCE and the Microsoft Project package.

4.1. Microsoft Project

A undertaking director needs a set of processs, in order to pull off a undertaking efficaciously ( Marmel, 2010 ) . The usage of Microsoft Project automates many of those processs, therefore it can be characterised as one of the most utile tools in the PM procedure ( Microsoft, 2013 ) . Specifically with the usage of Microsoft Project, users can pre-plan for assorted elements of the undertaking, analyze the advancement of the undertaking, recognise struggles, make accommodations and besides format of the undertaking program could hold a professional expression ( Marmel, 2010 ) . Those are the five most of import strengths of utilizing the Microsoft Project in the designing of the undertaking program which could be used for the direction of the “ Salt Reduction ” run every bit good. Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

Flying and Implementation

Execution is one of the most of import parts of the undertaking in which all leftovers of the undertaking should be settled and the stakeholder community should be satisfied from the consequences to that point ( Newton, 2009 ) . Furthermore execution can be considered as the last component of undertaking executing or can be described as the stage after executing ( Newton, 2009 ) . Execution is related to positive results and it has received heightened consideration as a mechanism to cut down the persistent spread between research and pattern ( Durlak and DuPre 2008, in Duncan et al. , 2012 ) .

In footings of the instance survey, the first measure of the “ Salt Reduction ” run was in May 2003 when the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition ( SACN ) published its study based on Salt and its relation to Health ( FSA, 2013 ) . Harmonizing to FSA ( 2013 ) , both DH and FSA took action in two chief countries, in the reformulation work which demanded working with all spheres of the nutrient industry and with a public consciousness run which aims to inform clients of the concerns and supply them with aid on how to cut down their current salt consumption. Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

Set of mileposts

For illustration in 2008 they re-examine salt set purposes, they measure the industry advancement and they found that the figure of industry administrations which dedicated to take portion to the “ Salt Reduction ” has about tripled since 2004. Specifically, from 25 to over 90 administrations committed to cut downing salt. Furthermore there was a catering country advancement 40 catering companies have published the actions they are making in order to understate the salt content of their nutrients and they measure the run advancement which consequences were encouraging because betterment on salt decrease was considered as positive alteration at the EU for the period of UK presidential term in 2005 ( FSA, 2013 ) .

Evaluation and Monitoring

6.0.1 Theory

Evaluation and monitoring are portion of every PM process ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . Specifically monitoring is the process of comparing existent public presentation alongside program in order to place differences, evaluate possible options ways of actions and take a suited disciplinary action ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . The monitoring procedure can besides keep people responsible and it can forestall little jobs from turning into bigger jobs ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . The simple stairss of mensurating and measuring a undertaking are: the scene of cardinal program, mensurating development and public presentation, comparing program against existent and eventually taking action ( Gray and Larson, 2006 ) . Furthermore in order to supply an overall rating of a undertaking ‘s consequences, a profile of the assessment of all persons or groups of in understanding persons would hold to be accessible ( Liu and Walker, 1998 ) . Therefore, the generated information from the monitoring procedure of the run could be used in the rating pattern. Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay

The Undertaking

6.1.1. Monitoring

The FSA has set up a programme to analyze and supervise the “ trueness ” of the consumers to the salt marks and their attempt to diminish their salt ingestion in many ways including a UK broad study of salt consumptions by the analyzing the urinary Na which was carried out in 2005-2006 ( FSA, 2007 ) . Furthermore, the full UK broad salt consumptions study with the same method of research was carried out in the first one-fourth of 2008 ( National Centre for Social Research, 2008 ) . Some informations were collected from the labels of about 1000 merchandises bought in the UK during the period of December 2004 and February 2005 ; the survey repeated in 2007 ( FSA, 2010 ) .


6.1.2 Evaluation

The run reduced salt consumptions by about 10 % ( Shankar et al. , 2012 ) . Furthermore harmonizing to FSA ( 2013 ) there is a alteration in lifestyle and wellness literacy of the consumers because the figure people who seeking to cut down their salt consumption by look intoing labels has doubled and the figure of consumers cut downing salt has increased by about one-third. Harmonizing to WASH ( 2012 ) United kingdom now has the lowest salt consumption of any developed state in the universe, and salt consumption has decreased in grownups from 9.5 g to 8.1 g per twenty-four hours since 2005. The decrease of salt decreased the decease rates by salvaging about 8,500 lives every twelvemonth ( WASH, 2012 ) . The mark of 6g was non achieved but the run is go oning its actions. Consequently the chief aims of the survey were achieved and measured during the monitoring stage. Project Management For Food And Nutrition Health Essay