Pre- Residency Assignment Paper.
Pre- Residency Assignment Paper.
The Literature Review is a scholarly argument for a research study. It demonstrates the need/gap in the literature and presents compelling evidence about why the study is significant.
Considering the articles you used for your annotated bibliography, which of those articles demonstrate most convincingly that the proposed research topic is current and relevant? Of those articles, which current articles identifies a need/gap based on what is not known or an area for future research that the proposed study will address? Given these ideas, what is the problem statement for the proposed study? How do the gap and problem identified statement relate to your specific degree and emphasis?Pre- Residency Assignment Paper.
My dissertation is based on the current issues on Immigration in the US with focus on DACA, the Border Wall, Amnesty, Deportation, the contribution of immigrants to the US Economy and the fate of immigrants in the country.Pre- Residency Assignment Paper.
Pre- Residency Unit 2
The readings for this week addressed the Grand Canyon University (GCU) dissertation process and the connection of that process to the 10 Strategic Points. In preparation for the assessment that will be administered the first day of live classes, identify one question in the assessment to which you do not know the answer. Seek out the answer to the question in the course reading. Then, post the question, a thorough (150-250 words) answer, and the location where you found the answer in the reading materials.Pre- Residency Assignment Paper.