Population Affected by HIV Essay

Population Affected by HIV Essay

When it comes to health issues, there is an array of them that are responsible for individual’s death. It is a fact that the United States, as well as other countries worldwide, face different causes of death that are a product of human behavior.Population Affected by HIV Essay.  In this case, HIV/AIDS, which is well-known as a human immunodeficiency virus has been a major concern for society and public health due to the risk factors that contribute to the transmission of such disease, and also for “ having profound social, political, psychological, and economic consequences on the community” (Peterson, 1998). Even though, HIV/AIDS represents a threat to public health due to the lack of cured, public health has addressed the issue by implementing preventive effective intervention strategies, having a positive impact on the population. According to data, 2.1 million individuals worldwide became infected with HIV in 2013; especially, 240,000 children that live in sub-Saharan Africa were infected by their HIV-positive mothers during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding (Aids. gov, 2014). In addition to this, data from UNAIDS shows that 19 million of the 35 million people living with HIV today do not know that they are infected by the virus (Aids.gov, 2014). With all that said, it is a fact that several factors contribute to the risk of HIV infection. According to the literature, risky sexual behaviors, including sexual intercourse before the age of 15 years, multiple sexual partners, and sex without . Population Affected by HIV Essay


A study on the awareness about HIV-AIDS among the rural population in India Declaration I wish to certify that this capstone project titled “A study on the awareness about HIV-AIDS among the rural population in India” submitted as part of Texila American University’s MPH program is my own work, and has not been published anywhere before.  Population Affected by HIV Essay.
The human transmission of the virus has been documented during the 19th or the early 20th century. Around 75 million people are infected around the world, and around 36 million have died. The most affected region in the world is the sub Saharan Africa, where 1 in every 20 adults are living with HIV infection. (1) In India, HIV infection was first detected in the year 1986. (2) Globally, unprotected heterosexual route is the predominant route of transmission of the virus. Other modes of transmission include unprotected penetrative sex between men, injecting drug use, and unsafe blood transfusions or injections. India, now has a low prevalence of HIV, but has the third largest of people living with HIV/AIDS. Most of the infections occur through heterosexual contact. The rest of the infection occurs among Homo sexual (men having sex with men), IV drug users etc. The epidemic appears to have stabilised in most regions of the globe. But it continues to increase in some parts of Asia due to high rates of infections. In India, there is a steady decline in the number of AIDS related mortality since 2004, when the free Anti retro viral (ART) program was launched in the country.( 3) With the establishment of NACO (National Aids Control Organisation) in India, there has been a significant improvement in the country. There has been an overall reduction in the HIV prevalence in the country. This reduction in the prevalence varies between different states.  Population Affected by HIV Essay.

This paper will discuss topics pertaining to HIV/AIDs that include issues such as: the percentage of population affected by the disease; historical outbreaks, its approaches, and controlled; objectives and goals the public has implemented to control the disease; the governments influence to minimize the disease; suggested measures to help decrease health risk; and a plan allowing the public to notice such pathogens that are related to the cause of the disease and other health problems. Population Affected by HIV Essay.

The cumulative HIV infection case is approximately 4,676 as of December 31, 2015 in Hawaii. These numbers consist of 89% being male and 11% female. Infectious risk factors consisted of: 71% male-to-male sexual contact (MSM); 8% injection drug use (IDU); 7% MSM/IDU; 8% heterosexual contact; 1% from transfusions, hemophilia Rx, and perinatal; 6% undetermined. The race/ethnicity included: 55% were White, 15% Asian, 11% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific islander, 8% Hispanic/ Latino, 5% African American, 5% Multiple races, and 1% unknown. Those infected ranges from ages such as: less than 13 made up .4%; ages between 13-24 6%; ages between 25-34 37%; ages between 35-44 20%, ages between 45-54 20%, ages 55 plus was 8%. The Honolulu area had the highest infection rate at 73%, Hawaii at 12%, Maui at 10%, and Kauai at 5%. Diagnosis of the HIV infection from 2010-1014 was an estimated amount of 468 cases. This consisted of 88% being male and 12% female.  Population Affected by HIV Essay.

The global population has experienced severe widespread of health-related issues over the years. Among the many pandemics that have hit the world at large is HIV/AIDS. The deadly virus has claimed many lives in the recent past. However, increased knowledge on how to combat the virus and ways to prevent infection by the virus has played a significant role in reducing HIV prevalence. This paper presents an array of HIV-related issues including the global statistics of HIV prevalence, U.S ranking on HIV prevalence, efforts made by World Health Organization (WHO) and other agencies to combat HIV and existing social disparities such as race, gender and age in relation to HIV.
Scope and Depth of the Problem According to a 2015 global statistics WHO report, 36.9 million people worldwide were living with HIV/AIDS. Out of the total infected population, 2.6 million were children under the age of 15, infected by their HIV-positive mothers before birth, during birth or while breastfeeding. The greatest challenge in combating the virus has been identified as the lack of prevention, care and treatment among people living with HIV or those at risk The HIV pandemic has accounted for around 34 million deaths, 1.2 million cases being reported in 2014. The good news is that there are antiretroviral drugs which can be administered to the infected persons to boost their health and curb the risk of infecting others. Global efforts have yielded a decrease in HIV prevalence rates. Population Affected by HIV Essay .
Culture and health have a significant relationship. The way in which a culture answers the questions: what is health, what is illness, and what is treatment, will determine the ethnomedical approach defined by the culture. It is important as members of the separate ethnomedical system, biomedicine, to find the answers to these questions when first looking to solve a health issue in another culture. Then, it is vital to incorporate the identified health system in determining the best approach for the health issue. This paper will look at the health issue of a target population, the cultural factors that affect the illness, and propose programs that incorporate these cultural factors into the program design. Population Affected by HIV Essay.


The health issue that this paper will focus on is HIV/AIDS among the target population of the Garifuna, a minority in Belize. The Garifuna are an “Afro-indigenous ethnic minority group”(Gandhi et. al, 2015, p. 1). This population has a significantly high rate of HIV/AIDS. In 2006, a study was done that measured the prevalence of HIV among Garifuna men and women. It was concluded that 3.8 percent of men and 5.1 percent of women had HIV (Gandhi et. al, 2015, p. 2). A study by Buszin et. al found that the Garifuna have an 8 percent rate of HIV, higher than all other ethnic groups in Belize (2009, p.4). It also reported that at 2.1 percent, Belize had the highest rate of HIV in all of Central America (Buszin et. al, 2009, p.4). Population Affected by HIV Essay.