PICOT Question Template

PICOT Question Template DNP 801
       While you are off to a good start in forming the PICOT, you have one or more areas that need work. Please see highlighted details below.Essential components review:

ð        All doctoral learners should be working to establish the means by which the project outcomes will be measured. You mentioned a tool in your PICOT. Please make sure you are using a valid and reliable tool and that you will have permission from the tool author to use it. PICOT Question Template.

ð        While your PICOT appears to have the characteristics of a DPI project, it seems you have selected a vulnerable population. While this is not restricted, please be mindful that your IRB approval may take longer than submissions that do not include a vulnerable population. Use caution when proceeding as you may need extension courses to facilitate your chosen timeline.

ð        While your PICOT appears to have the characteristics of a DPI project, it seems you have selected an intervention or timeframe that may be considered excessive for a DPI. Each project timeline is unique. Use caution when proceeding as you may need extension courses to facilitate your chosen timeline.

ð        It is important that your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) project include a measurable patient or practice outcome introduced by the project. You must do more than gather information or increase provider/healthcare professional knowledge. You must intervene to improve practice. Please work to develop a PICOT that includes an intervention to improve practice. PICOT Question Template.

ð        You may need assistance with your writing composition. GCU offers many resources to aid you in this. Visit the Student Success Center.

ð        Optional Reviewer Comments:. Intervention, timeline, and outcomes are extensive for this type of project. Revisions are needed. Best of luck! PICOT Question Template.




Section 1: In this section provide one word to describe each section of your proposed PICOT question
P Population For primary care settings
I Intervention does the transformation to patient-centered medical homes (PCMH
C Comparison as compared to maintaining the standard primary care practices
O Outcome lead to decrease in costs of care and improvements in safety and quality of care
T Timeline over a period of 12 months
Section 2: Write your PICOT question below using the words listed above.
PICOT             For primary care settings does the transformation to patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) (I) as compared to maintaining the standard primary care practices (C) lead to decrease in costs of care and improvements in safety and quality of care (O) over a period of 12 months (T)?
Section 3: Use your PICOT to develop a formalized problem statement. Use the example below to help formulate your problem statement.As you move through the program, you will be building your project based on the PICOT question. Your problem statement, purpose statement, and clinical question(s) will be derived from the PICOT, though they are formatted differently. Use the instructions below as an initial exercise in visualizing how your problem and purpose statements might look. Read the instructions and then develop your problem and purpose statements in the designated fields below each instruction field. PICOT Question Template.
Problem Statement Format Instructions A well-written problem statement begins with the big picture of the issue (macro) and works to the small, narrower and more specific problem (micro). It clearly communicates the significance, magnitude, and importance of the problem and transitions into the Purpose of the Project with a declarative statement such as “It is not known if and to what degree/extent…” or “It is not known how/why and…”.Other examples are:

While the literature indicates ____________, it is not known in _________. (organization/community) if __________.

It is not known how or to what extent ________________.


Problem Statement While the current primary care setting has resulted in increased healthcare cost, poor quality of and increased safety issue, it is not known if and to what extent transformation from primary care setting to patient-centered medical home will reduce the costs of care and improve safety and quality of care. PICOT Question Template.
Section 4: Based on your PICOT, create a declarative purpose statement. Use the example below as a reference.
Purpose Statement Format Instructions “The purpose of this project is….” Included in this statement are also the project design, population, variables (quantitative) to be studied, and the geographic location.

Creswell (2003) provided some sample templates for developing purpose statements aligned with the different project methods as follows:


The purpose of this quantitative ___________ (correlational, descriptive, etc.) project is to ____________ (compare or see to what degree a relationship exists) between/among ______________________ (independent variable) to ___________________ (dependent variable) for ________________ (participants) at ___________________ (project site/geographical location). The ________ (independent variable) will be defined/measured as/by _______ (provide a general definition). The                                    (dependent variable) will be defined/measured as/by ______ (provide a general definition).


Purpose Statement The purpose of this project is to determine if the cost of care, quality of care and the safety issues associated with care in a Primary care setting is reduced by transforming a Primary care setting to patient-centered medical homes (PCMH). The project population will be patient seeking care in a Primary care setting and the location will be Primary care health centers. PICOT Question Template.


Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Empirical Research Checklist

Section Defining Characteristic Contained in Article Not Contained in Article
Abstract An abstract of the contents is provided.
Introduction The purpose of the study is stated.
The scope of the study is stated.
A rationale for the study is provided.
The hypothesis or research question is stated.
Key concepts and terms are noted.
A review of the literature is provided.
Methods A description of the population sample is provided.
The data collection procedure is presented.
Other procedures to be used are described.
Results A narrative statement of the findings is given.
A description of the data collected is given.
Findings are supported by graphs and charts.
The analysis of the data is explained. PICOT Question Template.
Conclusion A summary of the study is provided.
Conclusions related to the hypothesis are stated.
Questions for future research are presented.
References References used in the study are presented. PICOT Question Template.