Pharmacology: The Long-term Effect Of Depressants Essay

Pharmacology: The Long-term Effect Of Depressants Essay

Pharmacology: The Long-term Effect Of Depressants


Research Paper: Pharmacology


No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations. Write a paper comparing and contrasting the four major classifications of drug actions on the human body (stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and narcotics). Pharmacology: The Long-term Effect Of Depressants Essay


Select one drug from each classification for an in-depth analysis, which should include at least:

  • the effects of those drugs on the human body,
  • a discussion of the dependence aspects of the drugs, and
  • their interactions with other drugs

This paper must be from three to five full pages of text, not including the cover page or the references page. Pharmacology: The Long-term Effect Of Depressants Essay

Rubric Name: A MODEL Rubric for CCJS Projects – Max points

Criteria Equivalent to an A Equivalent to a B Equivalent to a C Equivalent to a D or F
Overall content of paper or project. Value: 20 points 20 points
The paper is exemplary. Content of the paper exceeds all information required by assignment, demonstrates critical thinking skills, sophisticated analysis and other perspectives. Pharmacology: The Long-term Effect Of Depressants Essay
Points available: 18-20
17.9 points

Paper indicates effort above and beyond the Project Description in the areas of research, analysis, critical thinking, etc. Pharmacology: The Long-term Effect Of Depressants Essay