Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Paper

Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Paper

Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Details: “Review “How Should I Brainstorm?” in the media piece “The Writing Process.” The media piece can be found in resources, course materials. Click on the add-ons tab and look under “Electronic Resources”. The media piece “The Writing Process” explores six ways to brainstorm: “Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Paper



1) Free Writing

2) Breaking down a Topic

3) Listing

4) Mapping/Webbing

5) Three Perspectives

6) Journalistic Questions  Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Paper

Persuasive Essay: Brainstorming Worksheet Assignment Directions:

1. Choose three ways to brainstorm from the list above.

2. Brainstorm about the topic of your Persuasive Essay using each of your chosen 3 methods.

3. Document your brainstorms using this resource.  Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Paper

4. If you choose to brainstorm by mapping/webbing, you will document your brainstorm within the media piece and save it as a PDF file (directions are included in the media piece), which you will then submit to the drop box along with this completed resource (an assignment drop box can accept more than one assignment). Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Paper


Documentation of Brainstorm:

Record your brainstorms below using as much space as needed for each entry.

Brainstorm One:  Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Paper

Brainstorm Two:

Brainstorm Three:

Grading Criteria:

The assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria:

1) Brainstorm includes three different ways to brainstorm.

2) Brainstorm includes multiple and varied ideas. Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Paper