Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
Part I – Paying for Hospital Services
Discuss (in about 2-3 pages) the advantage and disadvantage of the following hospital payment systems on cost containment and provider behavior:Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
- Fee-for-service
- Per diem
- The DRG-based payment system (i.e., Medicare’s Inpatient Prospective Payment System)Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
- Capitation
Part II – Paying for Physician Services
Using the background materials and the information you find from the literature and on the Internet, respond (in about 2-3 pages) to the following questions:
1. Discuss the difference in Medicare payment methods for outpatient services and physician services.
2. Discuss the difference between bundled payments and global payments Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
Part I – Paying for Hospital Services
Discuss (in about 2-3 pages) the advantage and disadvantage of the following hospital payment systems on cost containment and provider behavior:
- Fee-for-service
- Per diem
- The DRG-based payment system (i.e., Medicare’s Inpatient Prospective Payment System)
- Capitation
Part II – Paying for Physician Services
Using the background materials and the information you find from the literature and on the Internet, respond (in about 2-3 pages) to the following questions:Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
1. Discuss the difference in Medicare payment methods for outpatient services and physician services.
2. Discuss the difference between bundled payments and global payments Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
Part I – Paying for Hospital Services
Discuss (in about 2-3 pages) the advantage and disadvantage of the following hospital payment systems on cost containment and provider behavior:Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
- Fee-for-service
- Per diem
- The DRG-based payment system (i.e., Medicare’s Inpatient Prospective Payment System)Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper
- Capitation
Part II – Paying for Physician Services
Using the background materials and the information you find from the literature and on the Internet, respond (in about 2-3 pages) to the following questions:
1. Discuss the difference in Medicare payment methods for outpatient services and physician services.
2. Discuss the difference between bundled payments and global payments Paying for Hospital Services Research Paper