Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay
Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay
Throughout a woman’s reproductive years, the occurrence of ovarian cysts is extremely common and are known to arise in response to the development of an egg, alongside the sufficient hormones required. Ovarian cysts are encircled fluid-filled or semisolid substance sacs which can form on the surface or inside the ovary. The formation of these sacs usually occurs during ovulation (a process when the ovary releases an egg). (reference). Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay.
The development of ovarian cysts is referred to as a common clinical endocrine condition, where one or more cysts form on the ovary/is of the women’s reproductive system. Some, benign (non-cancerous tissue) or symptomless, hence very few women acknowledge their presence. (reference). However, a/many cysts can cause the ovary to twist uncontrollably, blocking blood flow through the ovary. Also, known as ovarian torsion – a process in which the ovary rotates on its axis to a degree, obstructing any artery or veins leading to the ovary. Any cysts that bursts and/or leaks or hemorrhages can cause intense pain in the lower abdomen area or pelvis. Other symptoms that could occur, are; reoccurring pain during intercourse, the urge to urinate frequently, disruption in bowel movement, bloating, internal bleeding, painful and/or irregular menstrual cycle, underlying malignancy, nausea/vomiting and uterine bleeding. (reference). Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay
In the long run, depending on the severity of the cysts, could lead to another relative health complication, known as Ovarian Cancer. OC can be described as a type of heterogeneous cancer, in which abnormality in the cell of the ovary, start to uncontrollably multiply, forming a tumor. Left, untreated, can cause serious harm and chances of the tumour spreading to other parts of the body. Symptoms may appear vague but is recommended to seek medical help if discomfort becomes intolerable. (reference).
Purpose Statement: This address has a primary end of educating the audience and to give a better apprehension of what chest malignant neoplastic disease is and how it can be treated with sensing by a huge assortment of methods. It will besides give better understanding that non merely adult females but work forces besides are susceptible to breast malignant neoplastic disease. Introduction
I. Attention: There are a figure of researches done about chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. Breast malignant neoplastic disease is the 2nd largest cause of decease in adult females. Ovarian malignant neoplastic disease is the 4th largest cause of decease in adult females. but there isn’t a batch of attending brought to the populace by the media. There needs to be more awareness about these types of malignant neoplastic diseases for better instruction. II. Relevance: Everyone will be affected by malignant neoplastic disease sometime in their life either straight or indirectly. Geting people the cognition and information might assist salvage a life. III. Thesis: Being tested and self-exams are the most proactive ways to catch it early to forestall decease. IV. Preview: I will state you the causes of chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. I will besides state you information about familial testing. [ Passage: Let me foremost state you what malignant neoplastic disease is. ]
Body I. What is malignant neoplastic disease? What is chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease? A. Cancer is a cell that because immortal due to the loss of signal to decease as the immortal cell continues to turn it splits its ego and continues to double this procedure until a mass is formed big plenty to be felt or see in a scan. 1. Breast malignant neoplastic disease an immortal cell that is located in the chest tissue. non merely in adult females but work forces besides. 2. Ovarian malignant neoplastic disease is an immortal cell located in the ovarian tissue and the fallopian tubing. B. Approximately 2 million adult females in the United States have been diagnosed and treated for chest malignant neoplastic disease and there was a reported 40. 000 that lost their lives due to breast malignant neoplastic disease in 2009 entirely harmonizing to the Journal of Cell & A ; Tissue Research. C. Approximately 23. 000 new instances of ovarian malignant neoplastic disease are reported a twelvemonth and about 15. 000 will decease a twelvemonth harmonizing to the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay
D. Approximately less than 1 % of chest malignant neoplastic disease occurs in work forces. [ Passage: Now that we have talked about what chest malignant neoplastic disease is. let’s talk about what age it could develop. ] II. What age is breast and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease normally developed? A. The mean age for chest malignant neoplastic disease is over 50 and the mean age for ovarian malignant neoplastic disease is 65 or older. B. If you have a strong history of these malignant neoplastic diseases in your household there is a opportunity that you could prove positive for a familial mutant cistron. 1. A familial mutant cistron is a cistron that is passed from household member to household member ; There are two types of these cistrons and one is called BRACA Braca 1 is a mutant for chest malignant neoplastic disease. which brings the per centum to a higher rate of acquiring the disease and acquiring it at a much younger age for work forces and adult females. 2. The other cistron is called BRACA 2.
Braca 2 is a mutant for chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease. which means non merely is at that place higher hazard of acquiring chest malignant neoplastic disease but ovarian malignant neoplastic disease besides at a much younger age and for work forces this cistron presents its ego in the signifier of chest malignant neoplastic disease and prostate malignant neoplastic disease. [ Passage: Now that we know the age malignant neoplastic disease could develop let’s talk about prevention. ] III. What are the bars for chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic diseases?
A. The first bar you can make is communicating ; Talking to your household and kids lets them cognize what the household history is and what to be cognizant of in the hereafter. B. The 2nd bar is testing by the physician on a regular footing and self-exams. C. The 3rd is to acquire tested for the mutant cistron if there is a strong household history. 1. If you test positive for the BRACA 1 cistron you can take down the per centum of holding chest malignant neoplastic disease rather a spot by holding a bilateral mastectomy. 2. If you test positive for the BRACA 2 cistron you can convey the per centum for holding chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease rather a spot lower by non merely holding a bilateral mastectomy but besides a hysterectomy. [ Passage: Now that we understand what chest malignant neoplastic disease is. when it could develop and how we can assist forestall let’s move on to the conclusion. ] Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay
Decision I. Drumhead: With all of the information that I have given. we now know non merely what malignant neoplastic disease is but what chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease is. We besides know that work forces can acquire it same as adult females and alternatively of ovarian malignant neoplastic disease it presents its ego as prostate malignant neoplastic disease. We now know what age to be believing about it. and we besides know good ways to forestall from acquiring it. It is non a warrant that you will non acquire these types of malignant neoplastic diseases if you follow these bar methods but it does convey your opportunities manner down and brings the endurance rate up. Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay
II. Restated Thesis: Being tested and self-exams are the most effectual manner to catch it early to forestall decease. III. Name to action: Talk is the best manner for bar the more you and your household know the better off everyone is. I encourage you to inquire inquiries and be informed about your household history non merely because of these malignant neoplastic diseases but other wellness hazards besides.
V. Closing Statement: At the beginning of the address I spoke about the figure of researches done about chest and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease and chest malignant neoplastic disease being the 2nd largest cause of decease in adult females. and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease being the 4th largest cause of decease in adult females. but at that place non being a batch of information about ovarian malignant neoplastic disease in the intelligence or on Television. We urgently need to acquire the consciousness out at that place to educate people. Knowledge is power.
Of all gynecologic malignancies, ovarian cancer continues to have thehighest mortality and is the most difficult to diagnose. In the United Statesfemale population, ovarian cancer ranks fifth in absolute mortality among cancer related deaths (13,000/yr). In most reported cases, ovarian cancer, when first diagnosed is in stages III or IV in about 60 to 70% of patients which further complicates treatment of the disease (Barber, 3). Early detection in ovarian cancer is hampered by the lack of appropriate tumor markers and clinically, most patients fail to develop significantsymptoms until they reach advanced stage disease. The characteristics of ovarian cancer have been studied in primary tumors and in established ovarian tumor cell lines which provide a reproducible source of tumor material. Among the major clinical problems of ovarian cancer, malignant progression,rapid emergence of drug resistance, and associated cross-resistance remain unresolved. Ovarian cancer has a high frequency of metastasis yet generally remains localized within the peritoneal cavity. Tumor development has beenassociated with aberrant, dysfunctional expression and/or mutation ofvarious genes. This can include oncogene overexpression, amplification or mutation, aberrant tumor suppressor expression or mutation. Also, subversion of host antitumor immune responses may play a role in the pathogenesis of cancer (Sharp, 77).Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma was first described by Peham in 1899 as”hypernephroma of the ovary” because of its resemblance to renal cell carcinoma. By 1939, Schiller noted a histologic similarity to mesonephric tubules andclassified these tumors as “mesonephromas.”In 1944, Saphir and Lackner described two cases of “hypernephroid carcinoma of the ovary” and proposed “clear cell”adenocarcinoma as an alternative term. Clear cell tumors of the ovary are now generally considered to be of mullerian and in the genital tract of mullerian origin. A number of examples of clear cell adenocarcinoma have been reported to arise from the epithelium of an endometriotic cyst (Yoonessi, 289). Occasionally, a renal cell carcinoma metastasizes to the ovary and may be confused with a primary clear cell adenocarcinoma.Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma (OCCA) has been recognized as a distincthistologic entity in the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of ovariantumors since 1973 and is the most lethal ovarian neoplasm with an overall five yearsurvival of only 34% (Kennedy, 342). Clear cell adenocarcinoma, like most ovariancancers, originates from the ovarian epithelium which is a single layer of cells found onthe surface of the ovary.Patients with ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma are typicallyabove the age of 30 with a median of 54 which is similar to that of ovarian epithelialcancer in general. OCCA represents approximately 6% of ovarian cancers and bilateralovarian involvement occurs in less that 50% of patients even in advanced cases.
The association of OCCA and endometriosis is well documented (De La Cuesta,243). This was confirmed by Kennedy et al who encountered histologic or intraoperative evidence of endometriosis in 45% of their study patients. Transformationfrom endometriosis to clear cell adenocarcinoma has been previously demonstrated insporadic cases but was not observed by Kennedy et al. Hypercalcemia occurs in asignificant percentage of patients with OCCA. Patients with advanced disease are moretypically affected than patients with nonmetastatic disease. Patients with OCCA are alsomore likely to have Stage I disease than are patients with ovarian epithelial cancer ingeneral (Kennedy, 348).Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay.. Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay
Histologic grade has been useful as an initial prognostic determinant in some studiesof epithelial cancers of the ovary. The grading of ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma hasbeen problematic and is complicated by the multiplicity of histologic patterns found inthe same tumor. Similar problems have been found in attempted grading of clear celladenocarcinoma of the endometrium (Disaia, 176). Despite these problems, tumorgrading has been attempted but has failed to demonstrate prognostic significance. However, collected data suggest that low mitotic activity and a predominance of clearcells may be favorable histologic features (Piver, 136).
Risk factors for OCCA and ovarian cancer in general are much less clear than forother genital tumors with general agreement on two risk factors: nulliparity and familyhistory. There is a higher frequency of carcinoma in unmarried women and in marriedwomen with low parity. Gonadal dysgenesis in children is associated with a higher riskof developing ovarian cancer while oral contraceptives are associated with a decreasedrisk. Genetic and candidate host genes may be altered in susceptible families. Amongthose currently under investigation is.Occurrence of Ovarian Cysts in Women Essay.