Nursing role defined by ANA.

Nursing role defined by ANA.

The American Nurse Association[ANA] describes the nursing role as the protection and promotion of health while preventing illness and injury and lessening the suffering through diagnosing and treating patients; All the while advocating for the patient, their family and the community (American Nurse Association [ANA], 2016). The definition incorporates and encompasses the four metaparadigm concepts of individual, health, environment, and nursing. Nursing role defined by ANA.


The individual is the patient and the nurse’s role is to center care around the patient. The health of the patient is completed by preventing illness and injury. Nursing role defined by ANA.The environment is external to the patient, but includes their family and extends to the community. The nurse’s role is to promote health, prevent injury, and advocating for the patient and community.

American Nurse Association. (2016). Retrieved from Nursing role defined by ANA.