Nursing Research Assignment Discussion Paper

Nursing Research Assignment Discussion Paper

How can nursing research be used to guide nursing practice? How can a nurse use evidence-based practice to make changes in practice? What problem(s) at your organization or in your practice have you encountered that may benefit from research or a change in evidence-based practice?- SEE ATTACHED FILE Nursing Research Assignment Discussion Paper


Discussion Response

How can nursing research be used to guide nursing practice?

Nursing research provides a body of knowledge through scientific discoveries that shape health policies and enhance nursing practice. Nursing research contributes to the development of clinical practice by reinforcing disease prevention, disease management, and improved end-of-life care. Patients’ needs are increasingly becoming complex and healthcare systems are evolving. Therefore, nurses are incorporating nursing research to achieve positive patient outcomes. Nursing research has been incorporated into nursing education programs to give students skills to learn how to examine, apply, and use current knowledge in their practice (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2017)Nursing Research Assignment Discussion Paper. The cost of healthcare has increased, and insurance reimbursement is based on favorable patient outcomes. As a result, nurses are expected to offer the best quality care that is effective. Nursing research provides evidence-based practices and guidelines that nurses can incorporate into practice to make sound clinical decisions. In addition, nursing research leads to the development of new treatment interventions that are incorporated into patient care to achieve favorable outcomes.

How can a nurse use evidence-based practice to make changes in practice?

            A nurse can use the principles of evidence-based practice (EBP) to make optimal clinical decisions on patient care. Nurses can integrate EBP to make changes in practice and adopt a holistic patient-centric approach to care by customizing interventions for each patient based on their values, preferences, and health condition. EBP guidelines help nurses adapt to the evolving challenges of healthcare, especially in the light of COVID-19, by building resilience to reduce stress and burnout (Ellis, 2019)Nursing Research Assignment Discussion Paper. EBP can help nurses prioritize the needs of a patient and avoid engaging in activities that have no benefit to the patient. EBP makes changes in clinical practice by helping nurses adopt effective strategies that improve their work environment and clinical practice. Nurses can use EBP to initiate quality improvement projects that resolve the existing problems in healthcare organizations.

What problem(s) at your organization or in your practice have you encountered that may benefit from research or a change in evidence-based practice?-Use the problem of hand hygiene compliance related to COVID19.

The current problem in my practice is maintaining compliance with hand hygiene as a means of controlling COVID-19. The World Health Organization gave guidelines and recommendations for appropriate hand hygiene practices in a bid to control the spread of COVID-19 (Ragusa et al., 2021). EBP guidelines and research can be used to improve compliance with hand hygiene. Healthcare workers can be educated on their role in the prevention of infection (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022). They can also be engaged in appraising new research on the best practices to control infections. Once they identify the best practice, they can be engaged in a hand hygiene quality improvement program where the rate of infection is determined before the project is undertaken and after to know if it has been effective. Once the program is proven effective, it will be incorporated into practice.

Discussion 1

How can nursing research be used to guide nursing practice?

How can a nurse use evidence-based practice to make changes in practice? Nursing Research Assignment Discussion Paper

What problem(s) at your organization or in your practice have you encountered that may benefit from research or a change in evidence-based practice?-Use the problem of hand hygiene compliance related to COVID19.

I included a few references to use that should help.

Elshaer, N., & Agage, H. (2022). Nurses’ perception and compliance with personal protective equipment and hand hygiene during the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, 97(1), 1-10.


Ragusa, R., Marranzano, M., Lombardo, A., Quattrocchi, R., Bellia, M. A., & Lupo, L. (2021). Has the COVID 19 virus changed adherence to hand washing among healthcare workers?. Behavioral sciences, 11(4), 53.

Sahiledengle, B., Tekalegn, Y., Takele, A., Zenbaba, D., Teferu, Z., Tasew, A., … & Quisido, B. J. E. (2020). Hand Washing Compliance and COVID-19: A Non-Participatory Observational Study among Hospital Visitors. medRxiv. Nursing Research Assignment Discussion Paper