Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper

Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper

Research Article Appraisal, Part One

The current paper critically analyzes the research journal article, “Educating nurse students about delivering culturally sensitive care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/queer, intersex, plus patients: the impact of an advocacy program on knowledge and attitudes.” It assesses the title, authors, abstract literature review, problem statement, hypotheses, variables, theoretical framework, and research design of the study. Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper


Authors, Title, and Abstract

  1. Discuss author(s) qualifications to conduct the study, including educational preparation (PhD, MSN, etc.) and clinical experience of author[s].

The article provides information regarding the author’s qualifications. The authors’ educational background and clinical experience qualify them to perform the research. Tood Tartavoulle is an advanced practice registered nurse working as an associate professor of clinical nursing at Louisiana State University School of Nursing in New Orleans, Louisiana. Tood has received multiple awards, including the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Achievement Award, which she received in 2019. She also received an award for working with vulnerable populations. Before her current position, Tood trained undergraduate nurse students in different courses, including independent study and nursing research. Jessica Landry, DNP, FNP-BC, is also an advanced practice registered nurse working as an assistant professor of clinical nursing at Louisiana State University School of Nursing in New Orleans, Louisiana.

  1. Discuss the clarity of the article title (type of study, variables, and population stated)Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper.

The title of the article was partially clear. The title clearly indicated the aim of the study, the target population, and the specific variables. The research aimed to investigate the impact of advocacy program on student knowledge and attitudes. It aimed to educate nursing students about the significance of cultural sensitivity when delivering care to members of the LGBTQI+ community. However, they did not specify the type of study that would be performed in the research.

  1. Discuss the quality of the abstract (purpose, design, sample, intervention, and key results presented).

The abstract clearly presented the study’s aim and objectives, interventions, findings, and conclusion. The abstract also mentioned the study sample and population. The abstract also highlighted the knowledge gap and clearly described the problem statement regarding the delivery of care for the LGBTQI+ community members.

Literature Review/Background

  1. Briefly state the clinical problem that prompted the study.

The LGBTQI+ community members are a vulnerable population that faces significant physical, social, and psychological health disparities. The members feel invisible to healthcare providers and are less likely to seek care than heterosexuals. Members are also more likely to experience physical and mental abuse and violence. The healthcare disparities may cease if nurses and other healthcare providers are equipped with knowledge regarding the challenges faced by the population. The problem would also be inexistent if nurses understood how to deliver culturally sensitive care. However, multiple nursing schools lack specific education to address the healthcare needs of LGBTQI+ members. Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper

  1. Discuss the data provided for the significance of the clinical problem, and why you believe it is an important problem for nursing science. If you believe it is not an important problem, then explain why not.

According to the article, 34% of LGBTQI+ youths have a high chance of experiencing physical violence and emotional abuse. 29% are more likely to experience suicide thoughts at least once in their lifetime. Furthermore, LGBTQI+ youths accounted for over 65% of HIV diagnoses in 2018. The clinical challenge is a fundamental problem for nursing science. Nurses have a central role in addressing healthcare disparities and in health promotion. Furthermore, nurses must deliver culturally sensitive care and advocate for the rights and needs of LGBTQI+ members. Therefore, the clinical problem enables nursing schools to develop curricula to address healthcare disparities.

  1. Identify the major topics discussed in the background section and evaluate whether there were any missing ideas or topics.

The background section comprehensively described how LGBTQI+ members are discriminated against in different areas. Research showed that LGBTQI+ received lesser privileges than heterosexual youths. The youths are also constantly under pressure to engage in gender-conforming activities. The section also discussed health-related challenges that the community faces in society. Some include mental health challenges, incarceration, increased HIV infections, and homelessness. Lastly, the section addressed the healthcare disparities that members experience concerning accessibility and quality of care services.

  1. Briefly explain whether the background section included sources current at the time of the study (ie. within 5 years of publication)Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper.

Some of the sources included in the background section were current. Most of them had been published over the last five years. However, one source was published in 2010 while the other was published in 2014, which makes them outdated for the study.


  1. Discuss whether previous studies were critically evaluated by the study authors to provide a clear summary of the current knowledge about the problem of interest.

The authors critically evaluated the previous studies to generate clear summaries regarding the problem of interest. When presenting findings from the study materials, the authors summarized each source’s study objective, interventions, findings, and conclusions. The summaries ensured that the authors addressed all critical knowledge relevant to the problem of interest.

  1. Evaluate whether the background section provided enough support for the current research study. In other words, whether gaps in research knowledge were clearly described.

The background section provided evidence to support the current research study. Although it comprehensively described the problem, it utilized less quantitative data to reveal the statistical differences in the LGBTQI+ community members’ health-related challenges.

Research Purpose & Research Questions/Hypotheses

  1. State the study purpose and evaluate whether the purpose clearly addresses the gap in nursing knowledge identified in the background section.

The authors clearly identified the research purpose, questions, and hypothesis. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of an advocacy program developed to train students in providing culturally competent care for the LGBTQI+ community members (Tartavoulle & Landry, 2021). The purpose clearly addresses the gap since it examines the program’s effect that will enable nurses to learn how to demonstrate cultural competence in care delivery. Nursing schools could use the program to equip students with knowledge and skill about cultural sensitivity.

  1. If there are research questions and/or hypotheses, list them, and discuss whether they logically follow from the research problem and purpose. If questions/hypotheses were only implied, rather than explicitly stated, describe that.

The authors stated five research questions. The study aimed to examine the effect of Advocacy Training on urban and rural nursing student attitudes toward LGBTQI+ individuals. The study also aimed to establish the overall effect of Advocacy Training on LGBTQI+ members. The third question focused on the effect of Advocacy Training on nursing students’ knowledge about LGBTQI+ disparities. The fourth question sought to establish the impact of Training on nursing student knowledge regarding the LGBTQI+ terminology. The last question aimed to examine the impact of the training on the plan of care knowledge concerning the LGBTQI+ members. The questions also stem from the research problem and purpose. Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper

The authors did not directly list the hypothesis. Instead, it was only implied in the introduction section. The article stated that healthcare disparities could decrease or be eliminated if nurses learn to identify healthcare disparities affecting LGBTQI+ members and provide culturally competent care. Its focus on the effect of education on the provision of culturally sensitive care shows that it logically follows the research problem and purpose.

Theory Framework

  1. Describe the theory/framework that supported the study. List the important concepts in the theory framework as described by the authors.

The authors did not state the study framework for the research. However, the Advocacy Training program was based on the concepts of cultural competence, psychologically safe spaces, respectful communication skills, and diversity.

  1. Evaluate the clarity of the presentation of the framework. If it was vague or had missing elements, describe those.

Since there was no definitive framework for the study, providing a detailed analysis of its components was challenging.

  1. Discuss how well the theory/framework concepts were clearly linked to the study variables (the things that were actually measured in the study).

Although there was no framework, the concepts used to develop the Advocacy Training program emphasized the significance of cultural diversity and respectful communication in nurse training.

  1. List the major study variables [NOT demographic variables]. Categorize them as research, independent, or dependent variables.

The independent variables in the study were the advocacy training program, while the dependent variables were nursing student attitudes and knowledge regarding the LGBTQI+ community and culturally sensitive care.

  1. List the demographic variables measured in the study, and any extraneous variables identified by the authors. Evaluate whether there are missing demographic variables, in your opinion.

The primary demographic variable measured in the study was the place of residence of the participants. The researchers determined whether the participants were from urban or rural settings. Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper

Research Design

  1. Identify the specific study design. Explain how the design was appropriate to answer the study’s research questions or hypotheses.

The study utilized a pretest-protest quasi-experimental design was used for the research. The pretest-posttest experimental designs are appropriate to answer the research questions since they help establish evidence of causation (Gray, Grove, & Sutherland, 2017). The design is also appropriate due to its high degree of validity in testing the study variables.

  1. Briefly describe the study procedures, including recruitment, screening for eligibility, consent, timing & method of measurement of all variables, and intervention if applicable.

Convenience sampling was used to measure recruit participants from six prelicensure nursing schools (Tartavoulle & Landry, 2021). The inclusion criteria entailed being a nursing student who has undertaken a minimum of one nursing course. Exclusion criteria entailed prior exposure to LGBTQI+ interventions. The Genderism and Transphobia Scale and Homonegativity Scale were used to measure the study variables. The former scale measured violence and negative attitudes towards transgender individuals. The Homonegativity scale examined negative attitudes towards lesbians and gay men (Tartavoulle & Landry, 2021).

Furthermore, 15 items measured knowledge about transgender treatment practices, perceptions, and policies. Data collectors ensured they maintained the confidentiality of participants. The intervention was a two-hour Advocacy Training program that researchers taught. Consent was determined through the completion of the two tests.

During the research, learners undertook a pre-test to determine their baseline beliefs about LGBTQI+ members. The students then underwent the training and took the posttest within 24 hours of completing the training (Tartavoulle & Landry, 2021). Collected data were analyzed through the Statistical Analysis System.

  1. Discuss the clarity of description of study procedures. In other words, could another researcher replicate the study using the procedure described in the article?

The study procedures were clearly described in the article. The authors included all the information required to perform the study.

  1. If more than one group was included in the study, explain how participants were assigned to groups.

The study only involved a single group.

  1. Describe any threats to design validity mentioned by the authors, usually in the limitations section.

The authors highlighted some threats to validity in the limitation section. The use of questionnaires could disrupt student responses due to perceived social desirability. Second, the changes identified during the study may not persist for long based on the pre-test and posttest design. Also, the authors failed to collect specific demographic data to establish further differences in attitudes and knowledge about the transgender community. Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper

  1. Describe the generalizability of the study, or to what populations the findings could be applied.

The study applies to all members of the transgender community.

Population, Sample, & Setting

  1. What was the population for the study?

The population of the study is the LGBTQI+ community.

  1. Identify the specific sampling method used for the study (i.e. bringing subjects into the study). Discuss how well this sampling method produces a sample representative of the population.

The study used convenience sampling. Studies show that the sampling method lacks generalizability (Jager et al., 2017). It, therefore, does not produce a sample that accurately represents the target population.

  1. Identify and evaluate the inclusion and exclusion criteria used in the study. Describe any missing criteria that you believe should be there.

The inclusion criteria entailed being a nursing student who has undertaken a minimum of one nursing course. The exclusion criteria entailed prior exposure to LGBTQI+ interventions.



  1. Discuss how the planned sample size was determined (including power analysis & consideration of potential attrition if included).

The authors do not specify how the sample size was planned.

  1. Discuss actual sample size attained for the study, including acceptance rate or refusal rate, and attrition rate if provided, or if you calculated them.

The sample size attained for the study was 1398 participants.

  1. Describe the study setting [hospital, clinic, home, or other] and its appropriateness for the study.

The study was performed in an educational institution setting. The setting enables learners to take the training as seriously as they would have taken other training programs. Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper


Jager, J., Putnick, D. L., & Bornstein, M. H. (2017). II. More than just convenient: The scientific merits of homogeneous convenience samples. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development82(2), 13-30.

Gray, J. R., Grove, S. K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burn’s and Grove’s The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO:


Tartavoulle, T., & Landry, J. (2021). Educating nursing students about delivering culturally sensitive care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/queer, intersex, plus patients: The impact of an advocacy program on knowledge and attitudes. Nursing Education Perspectives42(4), E15-E19. Doi : 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000819

A major skill that is learned in this course is how to critically read and appraise nursing research articles according to the guideline found in your textbook. The purpose of appraising an article is to critically evaluate the research process followed by the author(s) of the assigned article. This is an information-intensive, time-intensive process that is not learned overnight. To demonstrate your skill at appraising an article, you will complete this open-book assignment.

Here’s how you should approach completing this week’s assignment to begin appraising an article:

1. First, do your assigned reading in Gray and Grove (2021) each week. This will introduce you to the critique skills you will need for the week.

2. Skim the entire instructor-assigned research article that has been posted on CANVAS in Module 1 Reading and on the assignment so that you will have an idea of what it is about. For this week, re-read carefully the introduction/literature review /theoretical framework and methods sections of the article again. Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper

3. Print the Research Article Appraisal, Part One Assignment and find the best answer to each question based on your Gray and Grove (2021) assigned readings and on what you have read in the instructor assigned research article.

4. Some of the questions in the appraisal assignment below will seem unfamiliar to you. Look up key terms from the questions in your textbook. Some examples of these terms might be problem statements, hypotheses, or variables. You can also look in Chapter 18 for an example of a critical appraisal of a quantitative research article.

5. You will write your answers for this assignment using the paper guideline found below. Leave the questions in your assignment and answer them accordingly. Do not write as a paper. Use complete sentences and correct grammar. NO QUOTES ARE ALLOWED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT as this is to be your appraisal of the content. Refer to APA to assist you. Answer every question. Cite the article at least once.


Your assigned article for an appraisal is:

Tartavoulle , T. & Landry, J. (2021). Educating nursing students about delivering culturally sensitive care to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer, Intersex, Plus patients: The impact

of an Advocacy Program on knowledge and attitudes. Nursing Education Perspectives 42(4), E15-E19.
doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000819 Nursing Research Article Appraisal Paper