Nursing Philosophy Essay Assignment Paper Sample

Nursing Philosophy Essay Assignment Paper Sample

Nursing is a profession in which one assist in the healing process of others. It is a profession in which there are many specialties however the care remains the same. Whether you’re an emergency nurse, who practices in direct contact with a patient; or a medical records nurse who works indirectly to aide in proper billing for a patient the career is the same. Although the profession like many can be challenging, I believe the reword outweighs the difficult days.

I Shantell Middleton am a LPN and I am proud to be a nurse. I chose this career because I see the value in helping the sick and find it rewarding to help them in their recovery process. Although not ever patient may make a complete recovery while under my care. I still find joy in caring for others. Nursing Philosophy Essay Assignment Paper Sample. Whether it be educating a patient on their medications or cleaning a patients wound the compassion remains the same.


About six years ago I was a certified nurse’s assistant. While in this role I developed the joy for patient care while at the simplest level. In this capacity I cared for the elderly/ sickly in a long term and rehab setting. Here I assisted in daily ADL’s like morning hygiene care, meals and ambulation. Here is where my compassionate spirit began. In this setting it gave me the opportunity to work alongside by nurses. Over the years I became more curious in the “why” are nurses doing what they were doing. Eventually it sparked a thought for me to go back to school and pursue nursing so that I could develop answers to my many questions Nursing Philosophy Essay Assignment Paper Sample.

While in school I pursued my prerequisites at a local community college. Here is where I learned that I was a auditory learner. But personally I felt I was a visual learner. Once I learned my learning style it aided in my studies. I attended the community school for one year and then transferred to a private college to pursue the LPN course. Once I graduated I went back into the long term/ rehab setting. I truly have a soft spot for the elderly. I have worked as a LPN for two years now. Although I have chosen the career for me I am not content in the role I’m in now as a cart nurse. In my opinion more solidifying opportunities can be achieved with a RN degree. Nursing Philosophy Essay Assignment Paper Sample,

In the next five years I attend to hold a management position. I’ve been told I hold great delegation and people skills. This is one of the reasons I look forward to gaining this job. In this position I able to truly take the time to investigate and work on patient centered care. Often times I see the needs of the patients and where the workers aren’t offering the best care. While in this position I feel I will be able to be more proactive in working for the patients.

When defining health I define this as the normal balance of a patient; versus illness as being away from the person’s normal balance. For example if a person normally does not have a consistent cough and now they have a diagnosis of bronchitis; this is an example of being healthy vs ill. As a patient advocate I feel it is the right for every human to receive equal healthcare. Nursing Philosophy Essay Assignment Paper Sample