Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion

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I have chosen to present the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model for implementing evidence-based change at my organization. It is a simple tool that allows bedside nurses to integrate EBP into their practice and change their facilities’ policies and procedures. Three steps are involved: practice question, evidence, and translation (PET). The PET method leads one to ask if the current practice is research-proven to bring the best outcomes (practice question). Next, it prompts a literature review, analyzing the type and quality of the research (evidence). Finally, the facility integrates the researched intervention into practice and evaluates the results (translation). The cycle begins all over again when adjustments and improvements are needed, prompting another practice question. (Friesen et al., 2017)Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion.


Johns Hopkins has published a researcher’s toolkit available to anyone wanting to implement EBP change in their organizations. Friesen et al. observed that nurses utilized and appreciated the toolkit and reported motivation in changing their facilities’ practices to improve patient outcomes.

EBP can be challenging to initiate and sustain, however. Aitken et al. (2011) observed that nurses often are short of literature resources and lack the skills to evaluate them. Melnyk et al. (2014) advise that a successful EBP program requires significant time, money, and other resources. A hospital library with devoted staff is necessary for a successful program. Sadly, these programs don’t exist for many hospitals, and many more hospitals have had to cut their library programs due to downsizing in light of the COVID -19 pandemic. Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion

The above authors agree that EBP is well supported, and patient outcomes improve when organizations create programs to help nurses find, test, and establish EBP (Aitken et al., 2011).

Thank you for sharing such an informative post. There are various models that guide organizations in integrating research into patient care practices. The models help in assuring the completion of EBP projects and the optimization of healthcare resources. EBP models depend on the organization’s size and type, patient needs, and available resources. As you have noted, the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-based Practice model is uncomplicated and nurses can use it to integrate research into practice. The model is designed to meet the EBP needs of direct care nurses and emphasizes individual use. The John Hopkins EBP model has multiple tools to guide nurses in question development, evidence-rating scale, and evidence appraisal. It also presents a strong problem-solving approach to clinical decision-making and acts as a framework to provide the highest quality evidence-based patient care (Chien, 2019)Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion.

As you have noted, EBP implementation has various challenges, such as misconceptions and negative attitudes towards research and EBP; work overload; restrictive policies; and unsupportive organizational culture. Training and education can improve the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards EBP. Inter-professional collaboration and cooperation can enhance successful EBP implementation. When nurses cooperate with interdisciplinary teams in EBP implementation, they will be able to learn to identify clinical issues and improve their skills in research synthesis and evidence appraisal (Portney, 2020)Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion. Organizations grapple with the economic and social impacts of COVID-19. However, the benefits of EBP implementation are long-term and beneficial to the organizations and, ultimately, when quality of care and patient outcomes are improved, patient volume increases and so does revenue. Organizations should strive to implement EBP projects within the available resources. The barriers that hinder EBP implementation should be identified and addressed. The organization should ensure that its culture and strategic plan support EBP implementation since it seeks to implement best practices in care delivery.


Chien, L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The Journal of Nursing Research27(4), e29.

Portney, L. G. (2020). Foundations of clinical research: applications to evidence-based practice. FA Davis Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model Discussion