Nurse Working In The Community Essay.

Nurse Working In The Community Essay.


Provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts.  Also include your discussion some citations to support your statements. It is good to have opinions, but always best to have some evidence-based information to back up your points. Nurse Working In The Community Essay.


First peer:The community nurse’s role consists of many things when assisting patients, families and the community as a whole. They help provide screenings for cancers such as mammograms, STI testing, and treatments measures for communicable diseases and management for some long term diseases such as diabetes. Research, screenings, treatment measures and educating the patient, families and the community the nurse serves accounts for the nurses’ responsibilities. Research may consist of figuring out why certain diseases are affecting the communities and to what extent and how to treat. Research also includes networking and finding the funding needed to support research and help pay for the cost to provide screenings, treatments as well as resources such as flyers, brochures, and videos to help educate.Nurse Working In The Community Essay.

First peer: The community nurse’s role consists of many things when assisting patients, families and the community as a whole. They help provide screenings for cancers such as mammograms, STI testing, and treatments measures for communicable diseases and management for some long term diseases such as diabetes. Research, screenings, treatment measures and educating the patient, families and the community the nurse serves accounts for the nurses’ responsibilities. Research may consist of figuring out why certain diseases are affecting the communities and to what extent and how to treat. Research also includes networking and finding the funding needed to support research and help pay for the cost to provide screenings, treatments as well as resources such as flyers, brochures, and videos to help educate.Nurse Working In The Community Essay.

Second peer: Community health nurses focus on long- and short-term care for disease prevention, community health nurses focus on presenting materials in a clear and understandable format. Public health nurses advocate on the local, state, and federal level to provide better access to health care, protect funding for public health programs, and reduce or eliminate health disparities. Community nurses cross-cultural, language, and literacy boundaries to shape the health and well-being of children and adults.  As a community health nurse is an excellent way to combine a love of nursing and a love of your community.Nurse Working In The Community Essay.  Community nurses often work in community health centers offering treatment and advice to members of the community. Community health nurses can also help provide the necessary care in communities that lack easily accessible healthcare.   Barriers or challenges the nurse would need to overcome to achieve these goals is Higher poverty rates, which can make it difficult for participants to pay for services or program. Cultural and social norms surrounding health behaviors, Low health literacy levels and incomplete perceptions of health, Limited affordable, reliable, and public transportation options.Nurse Working In The Community Essay.