Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion

Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion

As a nurse educator, you will be responsible for creating effective lessons for various settings. Choose a teaching and learning experience from your clinical setting. You may use the clinical experience from your Topic 4 discussion response. (Topic 4 Discussion was; Teaching High blood pressure Management in an outpatient clinic Setting)Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion

Based on the experience you chose, use the engagement, student learning, and creating effective learning environment strategies that you have learned in this course to develop a lesson plan on similar content for two additional settings (such as an asynchronous online session and teaching a nursing student in the clinical setting, etc.). Use the lesson plan examples found in the topic Resources to assist you in creating your lesson outlines.


Include the following in your outline: Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion

Lesson objectives.

Timeframe and target environment.

Three or four teaching strategies are based on evidence-based practice.


Summary of the types of assessments you would use in your lesson and why?

The rationale for the teaching strategies you implemented into each lesson and why they differ.

Explanation of how the teaching strategies planned for the lesson plan meet the needs of diverse learners in the environment.

The Rubric

Lesson Objectives————12.5 points
Timeframe and Target Environment—————6.25 points
Teaching Strategies Based on EBP (B)———31.25 points
Activities—————-18.75 points
Assessment Summary————18.75 points
Teaching Strategy Implementation and Rationale———–25 points
Mechanics of Writing———–6.25 points
Format/Documentation————6.25 points
Total———————————————-125 points

Teaching high blood pressure management in an outpatient clinic setting Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion

Lesson objectives

Six objectives are identified:

  • Name the elements of a patient’s history, risk factors and concomitant disorders that affect high blood pressure prognosis and guides treatment.
  • Define high blood pressure and its identifiable etiologies to include elements applied in diagnosis and staging of severity.
  • Recognize the proper techniques in taking blood pressure.
  • Describe elements of lifestyle modification for persons diagnosed with high blood pressure.
  • Describe the basic management principles of persons diagnosed with high blood pressure.
  • Describe special considerations in high blood pressure management in patients with comorbidities.

Timeframe and target environment

The lesson plan will be implemented through two approaches. First, individualized (one-on-one) sessions that will be conducted in an empty, secure room. Using a secure room is in consideration of the patient’s privacy and comfort as he/she may seek to ask intimate questions. The teaching session will be kept at between 25 minutes and 35 minutes, possibly as short as 20 minutes (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020)Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion.

Second, small group discussions (5-6 people) that expand on the material presented in the one-on-one sessions. This is an adaptable strategy where conditions are created to motivate the patients to prepare for and engage in give-and-take discussions. This strategy will involve active participation of the patients who work together in small groups to explore, investigate, make connections, engage in discussions and reach conclusions. The small group discussions will be brief and informal (between 30 minutes and 45 minutes for each session) (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020). The discussions will stimulate thinking, with the patients who participate expected to articulate their opinions and experiences within the group. In working together, the patients will have an opportunity to maximize their own and each other’s learning even as they take advantage of peer-to-peer instruction (Zaccagnini & Pechacek, 2019)Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion.

Teaching strategies based on EBP

Teaching will be based on three learning strategies. First, cooperative learning strategy applied in the group-learning environment. This involves the instructional use of small groups so that the patients work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. This strategy is intended to promote higher individual patient achievement through peer-to-peer instructions. In addition, this strategy increases patient participation and engagement in the learning, promotes greater personal interaction among the patients, increases self-esteem, and leads to more positive attitudes towards learning (Butts & Rich, 2018).

Second, linear learning strategy applied in the one-on-one sessions. This is targeted at linear learners who want the details first to be followed by an emerging bigger picture. For instance, if the patient is being taught how to use medical equipment in conducting blood glucose monitoring at home, the nurse educator would start with explaining the overall purpose of monitoring blood glucose levels before going on to demonstrate how the monitoring is done (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson, 2018)Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion.

Third, combination of visual, tactile and auditory learning strategies applied in one-on-one sessions. Visual learning is targeted at visual learners, and it involves reading, writing and watching visual media such as slides and videotapes. It applies visualization that brings the learning concepts to life with visual and practical learning experiences, helping the patients to understand how the material applies in real world. In addition, tactile learning approach gets the patients to touch and handle medical equipment, and associating them with the instructions. Besides that, auditory learning approach gets the patients to hear information via spoken explanations and audiotapes to help them remember (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson, 2018)Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion.


Five activities are identified. First, lectures that formally presents prepared education materials to the patients. Second, discussions that involve free flow of information between the educator and patient(s). The subject is shared equally between the educator and learners. Third, demonstration that allows the patients to learn through observation, acquiring the skills to perform the activities on their own. Fourth, role-plays that applies unrehearsed or spontaneous acting out of real life situations where others watch and learn by seeing and discussing how they might behave in certain situations. Fifth, drama used with people who cannot read to enable them experience the learning visually. This focuses on presenting basic ideas, values, beliefs and feelings about health (Kaakinen et al., 2018)Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion.

Assessment summary

Eight strategies will be applied to assess learning among the patients. First, asking learners to problem solve in hypothetical situations. Second, reviewing the patients’ records of self-monitored blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Third, assessing physiological measurements, such as blood pressure and weight, to determine if the patient has been following the principles learned. Fourth, talking with the patient’s family and other medical personnel to get their opinions on how well the patient is applying the principles learned, such as taking medication or exercising as recommended (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020). Fifth, giving simple questionnaires and written tests before, during and after the learning experience to measure cognitive learning. Sixth, asking the patient question to see if there are areas that need re-teaching or reinforcement. Seventh, asking the patient to restate the learned principles in own words. Finally, observing return observations to see if the patients has learned the necessary skills (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson, 2018)Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion.


Butts, J., & Rich, K. (Eds.) (2018). Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., & Robinson, M. (2018). Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research (6th ed.). F.A. Davis Company.


Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2020). Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community. Elsevier, Inc.

Truglio-Londrigan, M., & Lewenson, S. (Eds.) (2018). Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Zaccagnini, M., & Pechacek, J. M. (Eds.) (2019). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Nurse Educator Lesson Plan Assignment Discussion