NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper

NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper

Welcome to the Walden Library! This guide is designed to teach you how to find the resources that you need to complete your Week 3 assignment. You are asked to find a current article that describes the impact of nursing on health care quality as viewed through the Magnet professional model. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for accessing a health-related database in the Library and retrieving a recent article on this topic. Specifically, after reviewing this guide, you will be able to:NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper



  • access nursing resources in the Walden Library
  • access the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database
  • search using effective keywords
  • retrieve recent, peer-reviewed articles


If you are new to the Walden Library, you can review the following tutorial to help you become familiar with all that the Library has to offer:NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper

Welcome to the Walden Library! This guide is designed to teach you how to find the resources that you need to complete your Week 3 assignment. You are asked to find a current article that describes the impact of nursing on health care quality as viewed through the Magnet professional model. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for accessing a health-related database in the Library and retrieving a recent article on this topic. Specifically, after reviewing this guide, you will be able to:

access nursing resources in the Walden Library
access the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database
search using effective keywords
retrieve recent, peer-reviewed articles

If you are new to the Walden Library, you can review the following tutorial to help you become familiar with all that the Library has to offer:

NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper

For the Week 4 Assignment you are asked to choose a Quality Indicator (QI) that relates to a nursing topic that is of interest to you. The QIs can be found on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) webpage:NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper


Once you’ve identified a QI of interest, you need to find two sources from the professional or scholarly literature to support how this QI can improve the quality, safety, and outcomes of your patients and their families.

The goal of this guide is to help you find peer-reviewed articles on QIs and the impact they have on quality, safety, and outcomes. Specifically, it will cover:

  • accessing the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database
  • searching for articles on Quality Indicators
  • limiting your search to only professional or scholarly literature

Quality indicators search

The Quality Indicators (QI) that the AHRQ mentions are:NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper

  • Prevention
  • Inpatient
  • Patient Safety
  • Pediatric



Once you have selected a QI, here is an example of a search you can do in the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database to find articles on how this QI impacts patients and their families:

1. On the Library homepage, go to the Subject Resources box.


2. Click on Select a subject and choose: Nursing

3. Use the search box at the top of the page outlined in gold. Type in your topicFor example:

Quality Indicators AND improvement AND pediatric

4. Click the magnifying glass search button.NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper

5. You now see a list of results. To find only peer reviewed articles, look to the left of your results to the Limit your results options. Click in the check mark box for Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.


6. Your results will automatically update to only show articles from peer reviewed journals. Browse through these to see which two would be most helpful to your paper.NURS 3100 Week 3 Assignment Paper