NURS 3020 Week 4 Discussion Paper

NURS 3020 Week 4 Discussion Paper

Through this course, students have the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills required to collect data related to assessment of individual health status. They learn the physical examination skills of inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation used to assess major body systems across the lifespan. They gain practical experience using interviewing techniques and communication skills for taking patient histories, and they discuss the psychological, social, and cultural aspects of clinical assessment. Additionally, students consider the integration of data to guide the nursing process and ethical guidelines. Engaging in interactive simulations, students apply knowledge and demonstrate understanding of conducting health assessments. NURS 3020 Week 4 Discussion Paper
(Prerequisite(s): NURS 3015.)
♦ Students may take this as a non-degree course, which means they do not have to be enrolled in a program. Contact an Enrollment Advisor [1-866-492-5336 (U.S.);1-443-627-7222 (toll)] for more information.




We’ve partnered with the University of Lethbridge to bring you a collaborative four-year bachelor degree in nursing.

Often referred to as Nursing Education in Southwestern Alberta (NESA), the bachelor program splits your time between the college and the university, preparing you for a career as a registered nurse.NURS 3020 Week 4 Discussion Paper

For your first two years, you’ll learn at Lethbridge College in small classes taught by experienced instructors. You’ll combine theory and practical learning to develop skills in clinical reasoning, innovative clinical practices and leadership. And you’ll be exposed to real-life situations through hands-on experience in our Simulated Patient Health Environment for Research (SPHERE) lab.

Course-related practicums in hospitals, community health care agencies and home care agencies will put you in the field working with diverse populations across all age groups. You’ll even participate in a 350-hour senior consolidation experience where you’ll work one-on-one with a registered nurse preceptor. When your education is complete, you’ll be more than ready to write the NCLEX-RN exam to obtain your registered nurse licence in Canada.NURS 3020 Week 4 Discussion Paper

Career opportunities

Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll be eligible to write the NCLEX-RN exam to be licensed as a registered nurse. This will open career opportunities for you in a range of health care facilities, including:

  • community and home care agencies
  • acute and long-term care facilities
  • primary care clinics
  • educational institutions NURS 3020 Week 4 Discussion Paper