NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing

NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing

The world changes at an increasingly dramatic pace. People are shifting like the ebb and 

What is Diversity?

The Foundation of Nursing

Homogenous Nurses

Why Diversity?

Who’s the Better Nurse?


Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing References

Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing – Diversity in the Workplace

The focus of this paper is on elements of diversity in the workplace that are important to nursing. You may examine diversity from the aspect of generational, ethnic, demographic, or gender. Also explore the issue of under-representation of minorities in nursing. Consider the impact diversity has had on the field of nursing and providing culturally competent nursing care. Summarize the impact of the various aspects of diversity and of under-represented minorities in the nursing profession. Based on the professional nursing literature explain the importance of diversity in the profession of nursing and on delivering culturally competent nursing care.

Write a 2- to 3 page NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing paper using the following guidelines and evaluation criteria. Use the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of five references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional web sites in addition to the literature references NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing.

Begin this NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. The heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This will be about 2-3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins “The purpose of this paper is to ¨. This paragraph is worth 20 points.

Importance of diversity in the workplace – 20 points

Provide an overview of reasons why it is important for nurses to examine the impact of diversity on our profession and on our providing culturally competent nursing care. This is usually one paragraph.

Summary of one aspect of diversity – 20 points

Select one of the following aspects of diversity: generational, ethnic, demographic, or gender. Provide a review of the impact of the aspect you selected on the workplace. Provide specific information related to the aspect you select. This is 2-3 paragraphs.

Under-representation of minorities in nursing – 20 points

Provide a one-paragraph overview of the impact of under-representation of minorities in nursing. Provide specific information about under-representation of minorities rather than general statements.

Influence of diversity on nursing care – 30 points

Discuss your views on how diversity issues, including under-representation of minorities in nursing, impact the nursing profession and nurses’ ability to provide culturally competent nursing care. This is 1-2 paragraphs.

Summary – 20 points

End the paper with a one-paragraph summary of the main points of this NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing paper.

.Use a minimum of five references, Select these articles and others from the professional nursing literature. You may use one or two professional web sites in addition to the literature references

Maier-Lorentz, M. (2008). Transcultural nursing: Its importance in nursing practice. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 15(1), 37–43.

Schim, S., Doorenbos, A., & Borse, N. (2006). Cultural competence among hospice nurses. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 8(5), 302-307.

Kennedy, H., Fisher, L., Fontaine, D., & Martin-Holland, J. (2008). Evaluating diversity in nursing education: A mixed method study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 19, 363 – 370. NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing.

Norman, L., Willis, G., Donelan, K., Williams, M., Buerhaus, P., Ulrich, B. et al. (2005). The older nurse in the workplace: Does age matter? Nursing Economics, 23(6), 282-289. NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing

Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing : Cultural Diversity in Nursing Care

Health in all cultures is an important aspect of life. A person’s cultural background, religion and/or beliefs, greatly influences a person’s health and their response to medical care (Spector, 2004). These diverse cultures guide decisions made in daily life; what food eaten, living arrangements made, medications taken and medical advice listened to. A nurse must be knowledgeable and respectful of these diverse cultures and understand their importance when providing care. NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing. This understanding helps to build a strong nurse/patient relationship, increasing patient compliance, which ensures positive outcomes are met. Patients who are satisfied with their care are more likely to continue their treatment especially when their cultural beliefs are considered (Flowers, 2005). This paper will discuss the importance of a heritage assessment, compare the differences of three different families’ cultural beliefs and address their health maintenance, protection and restoration. Heritage Assessments NURS 3001 Status Quo-Diversity in Nursing.