NUR 3870 Health Data Standards Discussion
NUR 3870 Health Data Standards Discussion
NUR 3870 Health Data Standards Discussion
Please answer one of the discussion questions below and write at least 200 words on the topic being sure to answer all aspects of the question. It is a good practice to write your post in Word and then copy/paste into Canvas so you can spell check. You must include 2 scholarly references in your initial post. Your scholarly reference must be from a current (last 5 years) nursing or medical journal. You may use textbooks and websites as additional references only. Everything must be cited in APA format (6th edition). Check the rubric to be sure you earn all points for the assignment.
Evidence of plagiarism will result in a zero for the entire assignment and/or disciplinary actions.
Question 1
What are health data standards and why are they necessary? Support your answer.

Nursing Values Related to Health Information?
The initial systems for gathering minimum uniform health data can be traced
back to systems devised by Florence Nightingale over a century ago (Verney
1970). Nightingale (1859) asserted the need for nurses to use their powers
of memory and nonsubjective observation to track the condition of those
in their care. Subsequently (Nightingale 1863), she provided forms and definitions for the collection of uniform hospital statistics. In conclusion, she
wrote (Nightingale 1863):
I am fain to sum up with an urgent appeal for adopting this or some uniform system
of publishing the statistical records of hospitals. There is a growing conviction that in
all hospitals, even in those which are best conducted, there is a great and unnecessary
waste of life; . . . It is imperative that this impression should be either dissipated or
In attempting to arrive at the truth, I have applied everywhere for information,
but in scarcely an instance have I been able to obtain hospital records fit for any
purpose of comparison . . . if wisely used, these improved statistics would tell us more
of the relative value of particular operations and modes of treatment than we have
any means of obtaining at present. They would enable us, besides, to ascertain the
influence of the hospital… upon the general course of operations and diseases passing through its wards; and the truth thus ascertained would enable us to save life and
suffering, and to improve the treatment and management of the sick and maimed
The needs have not changed. Nurses must be able to manage and process
nursing data, information, and knowledge to support patient care delivery in
diverse care delivery settings (Graves and Corcoran, 1989). Ozbolt, (1999)
maintained that: