NSG 6630: Turnitin Originality Check Enabled Essay Paper

NSG 6630: Turnitin Originality Check Enabled Essay Paper

This is your second out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

  • Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .
  • Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .
  • Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 2 into your practicum experience this week .
  • Identify your area of greatest learning this week . Week 2 Project: Turnitin Originality Check Enabled

NSG 6630 Week 2 Discussion

  • How can you use data for decision making and change processes to promote and improve patient quality and safety outcomes?
  • Describe why nurse leaders must identify supporters and opponents of any change process.
  • Discuss challenges the transformational nurse leader faces with any kind of planned change.
  • Identify two strategies by which the nurse leader successfully monitors structure, processes, and outcomes of the planned change.NSG 6630: Turnitin Originality Check Enabled Essay Paper


  • Describe the role of the nurse leader in damage control when things in the planned change process do not go according to plan.
  • Describe a change in your healthcare organization that occurred within the past six months . What was the nursing leadership’s role in this change and would you consider the nurse leader’s actions effective during the change process? Provide reasons for your answer.
  • As a nurse leader, describe two specific strategies you would use to make certain that staff and healthcare providers have adequate resources to support change in a healthcare system that has finite human and financial resources. NSG 6630: Turnitin Originality Check Enabled Essay Paper