NSG 6630 Project Practicum II Journal Entry 1 Essay

NSG 6630 Project Practicum II Journal Entry 1 Essay

In this course, you will write six journal entries .These journal entries are reflective exercises to facilitate academic learning and self-development as a nurse leader .Reflective journaling provides the opportunity to increase self-awareness as a nurse leader .The journal also offers you an opportunity to reflect on nonacademic components of the practicum experience, including emotions, decision making, critical thinking, and stress associated with the nurse leadership role .There is no “right” or “wrong” in reflective journaling; however, the Practicum II Journal will create a link between the application of course concepts and the content of your specific practicum experience .Practicum journals may be written in first person .Practicum II Journal entries are graded assignments . They will not be viewed by or shared with other students, only with course instructors . Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following: NSG 6630 Project Practicum II Journal Entry 1 Essay

  • Where are you completing your Practicum II experience? Be certain to include the name, location, and contact information of the healthcare organization in which you are completing your practicum experience .NSG 6630 Week 1 Project Practicum II Journal Entry 1
  • Identify your preceptor . Be certain to include the preceptor’s name, title, and contact information (including telephone number and e-mail address) .
  • Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum II .
  • Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week .NSG 6630 Week 1 Project Practicum II Journal Entry 1
  • Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 1 into your practicum experience this week .
  • Identify your area of greatest learning this week . NSG 6630 Project Practicum II Journal Entry 1 Essay


NSG 6630 Week 1 Discussion

Discuss your chosen area of practice and how your choice of precepted sites and your preceptor will help prepare you to assume this role on graduation from South University.

NSG 6630 Week 10 Project


Evidence-Based Organizational Change—Part 2

In Week 7, you began preparing an executive summary of an evidence-based organizational change to improve one aspect or focus of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan .This week, you will finalize your executive summary and submit your assignment .

The purpose of the executive summary is to prepare a presentation for an audience of key stakeholders, such as a board of trustees or group of nurse executives and/or policy makers .An executive summary is a 2–3-page overview written in easy-to-understand language highlighting the essence of the evidence-based organizational change . NSG 6630 Project Practicum II Journal Entry 1 Essay

Week 10 Tasks

Begin this assignment by incorporating the instructor’s feedback on the assignment you submitted in Week 7 .

Then, prepare a 2–3-page paper addressing the following:

Create an executive summary of the evidence-based organizational change to improve one aspect or focus of the healthcare organization’s strategic plan regarding your selected topic or area of interest .The text in the summary should be double-spaced .

Develop your rationale for implementing the evidence-based practice change by including the following:

An overview of your chosen topic or area of interest and rationale for selection .

An explanation of the change theory you selected and its goodness-of-fit .

A brief analysis and comment on your literature review findings and the qualitative data gathered in support . NSG 6630 Project Practicum II Journal Entry 1 Essay