NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay

NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay

The Impact of Chronic Illness – Identify one person from the illness group you chose in Week 1.The person should not be a patient at the facility in which you work.You can use friends, family members, or coworkers.Do not use the person’s name in the paper but only initials.Administer the questionnaire you created in Week 1 to that person.Compile the data and analyze the responses to better illustrate where this person, his or her family, and friends are in relation to accepting the diagnosis in relation to the standard health or illness definitions.The analysis should also include coping skills, treatment, and support aspects of the illness.Identify how this will direct care plan development for the chosen illness group.


Compile a report of your interview with the questions you created, the responses you received, your analysis, and your interpretation of how it will affect planning care for the group in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document.

Support your responses with examples.The Impact of Chronic Illness

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.

This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.

You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.The Impact of Chronic Illness

The Impact of Chronic Illness

NSG 4055 Week 2- Sample Week 1 Assignment

Type 2 Diabetes

On the topic and chronic disease represented in the healthy people, 2020 is diabetes specifically type 2 diabetes (Barnett 2012). Type 2 diabetes is characterized by a combination of resistances of the resistance of the insulin and inadequate insulin production.  Diabetes is ranked as the seventh largest cause of deaths in the United States of America. NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay. According to healthy people 2020 statistics, 86 a million adults are ill with diabetes. Globally, 195 million people are affected by diabetes both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Further, it is estimated that this number is steadily rising, and 330 million people will be living with diabetes in the year 2030 (Etats-Unis 2010).

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by affecting the elderly people. Currently, 15% of people at 60 years and above are affected by diabetes. With the increased prevalence of comorbid illnesses specifically types 2 diabetes, there has been an increase in functional disability that contributes hindrances in managing this condition. 28% of the elderly people with diabetes go undiagnosed and are vulnerable to improper management of the illness. This is largely attributed to the fact that most of the people in age group of over 60 years have similar symptoms that are considered normal at their age, and the same time are symptoms associated to diabetes. In addition, caregivers to these individuals do not completely understand the challenges and the exact help these group desperately require to manage the illness properly. It is therefore imperative to understand the challenges and issues that the elderly people face and would want to be addressed in order to have effective management of diabetes.  Outlined below is a questionnaire directed to elderly people aged between 60 to 75 years with diabetes. The aim of the question is asking questions in respect to what are the issues they deem relevant and important to them that if they are addressed, they would be in a better position to manage the illness effectively.


  1. Do you know the signs and symptoms of diabetes
  2. Do you know the procedure and steps to take in case you witness signs of diabetes
  3. Do you understand the procedures and steps that you are told by the medics to do in order to manage the condition
  4. Do you understand the reason to abstain from certain foods substances
  5. In your opinion, do you think you are given any information by the health practitioners? If yes, do you think it is helpful
  6. Do you see any importance and relevance of taking the medicine and other supplementary substances to manage your illness
  7. Do your caregivers explain to you the importance of observing all the rules as prescribed by the medics
  8. Do caregivers listen to your concerns and preferences and do they take action in favor of your issues you raise.
  9. How often do you exercise and how do you exercise
  10. Do you smoke
  11. Do you have a meal plan
  12. How often do you take test
  13. Do you strictly follow doctor’s rules and stipulation
  14. NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay

The plan

From the questionnaire, it was realized that there is a lot the elderly people don’t know about the diseases. It was confirmed that they do not know the sign and symptoms related to the illness. NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay. For this, this plan is intended to do the following outlined measures to ensure that all elderly people with diabetes type 2 are able to manage the condition effectively.


This will be the first step to ensuring that elderly people with diabetes are able to manage the condition with ease and cooperation. It was observed that most of the affected people do not know the sign and symptoms of developing diabetes. In addition, it was further indicated that they do not know the importance of dietary changes and supplements given to them. These are steps aimed at educating them on the signs and symptoms of developing diabetes, and symptoms of deteriorating health to those that are aware that are diabetic. In addition to eliminating chances of them, not cooperating, educating them on the importance of adhering to dietary changes as stipulated by the doctors was important. This will ensure that they cooperate to take medicine and embrace the changes made in the diet (InNg 2017). Further, education will ensure that they are in the know of how the condition can be managed. NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay.

Regularly take test

The second step is to emphasize on regularly taking tests. Taking test both blood pressure test and A1C test will assist to know the state and level of the illness. In addition, the test will assist in the regulation of the blood pressure the insulin levels. This NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay is the basic way in which diabetes is managed and therefore emphasizing on the regular test will ensure that management of the illness does not go out of hand at any given time (InNg 2017).

Regular exercise

It was confirmed that most of the elderly people do not do a regular physical exercise. This, they claim is due to the fact they feel thirsty very fast, they get tired very fast and they pant at high rates. To eliminate all these, it is recommended that they should embark on a regular exercise to ensure that they are able to distribute cholesterol well. Further, regular exercise ensures that all body fats are burned and therefore no chances of obesity and other diseases.

Strict follow up on meal plan  

It was confirmed that a number of the patients do not strictly follow the meal plan and therefore managing the condition becomes hard. Consumption of an improper type of food for diabetic people is problematic since this condition relies heavily on once lifestyle. To be able to manage the condition properly, the plan stipulates that patients should strictly follow up the meal plan to avoid further complication. Stipulated meals ensure that cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure are at desirable levels (Kaufman 2012). NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay.

Take only recommend drugs

The strict taking of the right medicine assists in managing the condition with ease. This plan stipulates that patient should strictly take medics at the directed levels and at the prescribed times. Further, for all individuals who take alcohol, cigarette and any other drug that is considered as drug abuse should stop. Consumption of alcohol, cigarette, and other drugs worsen the condition, therefore, making it hard to manage (Kaufman 2012). The proper taking of medicine ensures that all blood pressure levels, glucose levels, and cholesterol levels are maintained at favorable levels. This makes it easy to manage the condition

Summarily, diabetes as one of the chronic diseases is a manageable condition, especially with the right plan. Proper education of the symptoms on how to manage it forms the basic step in the plan. Further, regular exercises, proper medication, and adherence to doctor’s prescription can assist in managing the condition with ease. The patients are advised to maintain a healthy living as per doctor’s recommendation. If the above-outlined plan is followed, patients with diabetes type 2 will have an easy life managing the illness.

NSG 4055 Week 2 Discussion

Discussion Question

Click here to read the following article from the South University Online Library on the impact of disease on family members:

Golics, C.J., Basra, M.K.A., Finlay, A.Y., & Salek, S.(2013).The impact of disease on family members: A critical aspect of medical care.Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 106(10), 399–407.

After reviewing the article, which factor do you feel has the most impact on family members? Please support your response with examples from readings.What are some of the reasons it is important to include the support persons in the plan of care? NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay.

The impact of disease on family members: a critical aspect of medical care.


Chart Chart Color Photograph Chart Chart


Golics, Catherine Jane1

Basra, Mohammad Khurshid Azam2

Finlay, Andrew Yule2

Salek, Sam


Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.Oct2013, Vol.106 Issue 10, p399-407.9p.1 Color Photograph, 4 Charts. NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay.

Document Type:



Most existing health-related quality of life research concerns the impact of disease on patients.However, in several medical specialties including dermatology, oncology, and physical and mental disability, studies have been carried out investigating the impact of disease on the lives of families of patients.The aim of this paper is to review the literature which relates to the impact of disease on family members of patients.The OVIDSP Medline was selected as the primary database, Searches were limited to sources published in English.158 papers were identified for review.The definition of “family” varied across the literature, and a broad definition was accepted in this review.This review shows that a wide variety of aspects of family members’ lives can be affected, including emotional, financial, family relationships, education and work, leisure time, and social activities. NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay. Many of these themes are linked to one another, with themes including financial impact and social impact being linked to emotional impact.Some positive aspects were also identified from the literature, including family relationships growing stronger.Several instruments exist to measure the impact of illness on the family, and most are disease or specialty- specific.The impact of disease on families of patients is often unrecognised and underestimated.Taking into account the quality of life of families as well as patients can offer the clinician a unique insight into issues such as family relationships and the effect of treatment decisions on the patient’s close social group of partner and family.[ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER] NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay.

Copyright of Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine is the property of Sage Publications, Ltd.and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission.However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.This abstract may be abridged.No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy.Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract.(Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay.

Author Affiliations:

1 Center for Socioeconomic Research, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cardiff University, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB, UK, Department of Dermatology and Wound Healing, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF14 4XW, UK [email protected]

2 Department of Dermatology and Wound Healing, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF14 4XW, UK. NSG 4055 Week 2 Project-The Impact of Chronic Illness Essay.