NSG 3036 Week 1 Assignment 3 Identifying a Research Area
NSG 3036 Week 1 Assignment 3 Identifying a Research Area
NSG 3036 Week 1 Assignment
- Researched the South University Online Library and identified topic for research and appropriate articles to read and review on different areas of nursing.
- Chose your specific articles and explained your choice based on the importance of the problem.
- Justified the three research articles selected.NSG 3036 Week 1 Assignment
NSG 3036 Week 1 Assignment
NSG 3036 Week 2 Assignment 2 Specifying the problem, Purpose and Hypothesis
- Summarized the research articles.
- Identified and described the problem for the article.
- Identified the purpose statement for the article.
- Identified the hypothesis and research question for each article.
- Discussed each article’s significance to nursing. NSG 3036 Week 1 Assignment 3 Identifying a Research Area
NSG 3036 Week 3 Assignment 2 Sampling, Data Collection, and Checking for Validity and Applicability
- Described the sample in the study chosen in W1 Assignment 3.
- Described the sample characteristics (demographics) in the study.
- Discussed the data collection process used in the study.
- Identified the sampling design.
- Described the instrument or tool or survey used in the article.
- Summarized the discussion regarding the validity and reliability of the instrument.
NSG 3036 Week 5 Assignment 2 Critique of a Nursing Research Article
- Identifies the research problem.
- Identifies the research purpose.
- Summarizes the review of literature.
- Identifies the nursing framework.
- Identifies the research questions and hypotheses.
- Identifies the variables.
- Identifies and discusses the appropriateness of the design.
- Discusses the validity of the research.
- Discusses the efficacy of the study and addresses if study question is resolved.
- Discusses the legal and ethical issues of the study. Includes the use of human subjects and their protection.
- Describes any cultural aspects of the study.
- Describes the sample.
- Describes the procedures.
- Summarizes the results.
- Describes how the results of the research may impact future nursing practice.
- Applies the research to student’s nursing practice NSG 3036 Week 1 Assignment 3 Identifying a Research Area