NR 602 ACNE: Vulgaris Presentation Assignment
NR 602 ACNE: Vulgaris Presentation Assignment
- Learning Outcomes
- Introduction and epidemiology
- Acne Impact
- Clinical Presentation
- Grading and Classification of Acne Vulgaris
- Pathophysiology
- Etiology
- Clinical manifestations/ assessment
- Differential Diagnosis
- Treatment Guidelines
- Goals of Therapy
- Patient Education
- Evaluation of Therapeutic Outcomes
- Summary
- References
- Questions. NR 602 ACNE: Vulgaris Presentation Assignment
NR 602 ACNE Vulgaris Summary
Acne Vulgaris is an inflammation of the sebaceous gland. It’s the most common skin disease in the US affecting more than 17 million Americans, typically presents at age 8-12- peaks at ages 15-18, affecting areas of the skin with the densest population of sebaceous glands (face, neck, upper trunk and upper arms) (Ferri, 2016). Acne presents as: comedones (closed or open), papules- pustules, cyst or nodules (Zaenglein et al., 2016)……………………….document continue. NR 602 ACNE: Vulgaris Presentation Assignment