NR508 Grand Rounds Week 6


NR508 Grand Rounds Week 6
Criteria Ratings Pts
Narrated Case Study Presentation

15.0 pts

Exceptional- Presents a Voice Thread narrated case using a fictional patient who presents to clinic with assigned medical condition. Provides detailed description of patient, including signs and symptoms of condition.

13.0 pts

Exceeds- Presents a Voice Thread narrated case using a fictional patient who presents to clinic with assigned medical condition. Provides detailed description of patient, but omits some signs and symptoms of condition.

12.0 pts

Meets- Presents a Voice Thread narrated case using a fictional patient who presents to clinic with assigned medical condition. Provides vague description of patient and omits some signs and symptoms of condition.

6.0 pts

Needs Improvement- Presents a Voice Thread narrated case using a fictional patient who presents to clinic with assigned medical condition, but does not provide description of patient, including signs and symptoms of condition.

0.0 pts

Developing- Does not present a narrated case study.
15.0 pts
Medication Management

20.0 pts

Exceptional- Describes, in detail, the first line prescribed drugs for condition, including trade and generic names, typical dosages, mechanism of action, adverse effects, and major contraindications and interactions. Describes alternate therapies.NR 508 :Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment

18.0 pts

Exceeds- Generally describes the first line prescribed drugs for condition, omitting one of the following: trade and generic names, typical dosages, mechanism of action, adverse effects, and major contraindications and interactions, and alternate therapies.

16.0 pts

Meets- Generally describes the first line prescribed drugs for condition, omitting 2-3 of the following: trade and generic names, typical dosages, mechanism of action, adverse effects, and major contraindications and interactions, and alternate therapies.

8.0 pts

Needs Improvement- Generally describes the first line prescribed drugs for condition, or incorrectly identifies first line drug, omitting 4 or more of the following: trade and generic names, typical dosages, mechanism of action, adverse effects, and major contraindications and interactions, and alternate therapies.

0.0 pts

Developing- Does not describe medications for condition
20.0 pts
Evidence-Based Support

10.0 pts

Exceptional- Provides evidence from clinical guidelines, research-based articles, or other appropriate provider-level resources. Includes evidence from Dreischulte & Guthrie (2012) article.

9.0 pts

Exceeds- Provides evidence from clinical guidelines, research-based articles, or other appropriate provider-level resources. Does not include evidence from Dreischulte & Guthrie (2012) article.

8.0 pts

Meets- Provides evidence from sources other than clinical guidelines, research-based articles, or other appropriate provider-level resources. Includes evidence from Dreischulte & Guthrie (2012) article.

4.0 pts

Needs Improvement- Provides evidence from sources other than clinical guidelines, research-based articles, or other appropriate provider-level resources. Does not include evidence from Dreischulte & Guthrie (2012) article.

0.0 pts

Developing- Does not provide evidence to support.
10.0 pts
Barriers to Practice

5.0 pts

Exceptional- Describes potential barriers, issues, or problems related to disease process and prescribing, including potential issues related to cultural or socioeconomic diversity and healthcare literacy.NR 508 :Grand Rounds Presentation Assignment

4.0 pts

Exceeds- Describes potential barriers, issues, or problems related to disease process and prescribing, but omits potential issues related to either cultural, socioeconomic diversity, or healthcare literacy.

3.0 pts

Meets- Describes potential barriers, issues, or problems related to disease process and prescribing, but omits potential issues related to two of the following: cultural, socioeconomic diversity, or healthcare literacy.

1.0 pts

Needs Improvement- Describes potential barriers, issues, or problems related to disease process and prescribing, but omits potential issues related to cultural, socioeconomic diversity, AND healthcare literacy.

0.0 pts

Developing- Does not describe potential barriers
5.0 pts
Identifying Outcomes

5.0 pts

Exceptional- Describe optimal outcomes after treatment with suggested medication, including expected follow up care.

4.0 pts

Exceeds- Describe optimal outcomes after treatment with suggested medication, does not include expected follow up care.

3.0 pts

Meets- Incorrectly identifies optimal outcomes after treatment with suggested medication, including expected follow up care.

1.0 pts

Needs Improvement- Incorrectly identifies optimal outcomes after treatment with suggested medication, does not include expected follow up care.

0.0 pts

Developing- Does not address outcomes.
5.0 pts
Test Questions

15.0 pts

Exceptional- Includes five (5) knowledge-based questions with correct responses related to presentation materials submitted as a comment to the assignment dropbox.

13.0 pts

Exceeds- Includes four (4) knowledge-based questions with correct responses related to presentation materials submitted as a comment to the assignment dropbox.

12.0 pts

Meets- Includes two-three (2-3) knowledge-based questions related to presentation materials OR Includes five (5) questions but does not include correct responses.

6.0 pts

Needs Improvement- Includes one (1) knowledge-based question related to presentation materials.

0.0 pts

Developing- Does not include questions.
15.0 pts

5.0 pts

Exceptional- Slides are clear and easy to read. No more than 15 slides (excluding test question and reference slides) are submitted. . Oral presentation is no less than 8 mins and no longer than 12 minutes. References use APA format.

0.0 pts

Developing- Slides are not clear and easy to read. More than 15 slides (excluding test question and reference slides) are submitted. . Oral presentation is no less than 8 mins and no longer than 12 minutes. References include errors in APA format.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 75.0