NR 500: Cultivating Healthful Environments Essay Assignment

NR 500: Cultivating Healthful Environments Essay Assignment

Cultivating Healthful Environments PURPOSE

The process for affecting positive change to improve practice outcomes can start with either the identification of an area of interest or the identification of a potential or existing practice problem. Selecting an area of interest helps to define a direction of further inquiry. Areas of interests can be categorized as concepts or topics. A concept is generally a broader interpretation; whereas a topic is a more specific or narrow focus of an area of interest. NR 500: Cultivating Healthful Environments Essay Assignment. The purpose of this assessment is for students to identify and discuss an area of interest specific to their selected specialty track.

Cultivating Healthful Environments REQUIREMENTS

Criteria for Content

Review literature or re´ect on an experience that is related to common concepts and topics speci²c to your ident²ed specialty track. Informaton on common topics for speci²c specialty tracks is located in Course Resources. Re´ect on an area of passion that facilitated your specialty track selecton. 1.

In a PowerPoint Presentaton, address the following.

a.Introducton to presentaton

b.Explain the importance of evidence-based projects related to nursing practce and profession.

c.Discuss a model for developing an evidence-based project. NR 500: Cultivating Healthful Environments Essay Assignment.

i.Include illustraton of model

d.Identfy specialty track and reasons for selectng this area of study.

e.Introduce area of interest

i.Discuss what is known about the concept or topic.

ii.Provide common themes, ideas, or facts found in literature.

f.Provide a recommendaton for positve change related to the area of interest.

i.Identfy inTernal facTors ThaT have The poTental To inFuence The change.ii.Identfy exTernal facTors ThaT have The poTental To inFuence The change.

g.Identfy Two AACN MasTer’s Essentals ThaT an evidence-based projecT or area of inTeresT addresses.

h.Conclusion To presenTaton i.Provide references

NR 500 Week 7 Assignment; Cultivating Healthful Environments (Version 2)


The process for affecting positive change to improve practice outcomes can start with either the identification of an area of interest or the identification of a potential or existing practice problem. Selecting an area of interest helps to define a direction of further inquiry. Areas of interests can be categorized as concepts or topics. A concept is generally a broader interpretation; whereas a topic is a more specific or narrow focus of an area of interest. The purpose of this assessment is for students to identify and discuss an area of interest specific to their selected specialty track. NR 500: Cultivating Healthful Environments Essay Assignment.



Criteria for ContentReview literature or re´ect on an experience that is related to common concepts and topics speci²c to your ident²ed specialty track. Informaton on common topics for speci²c specialty tracks is located in Course Resources. Re´ect on an area of passion that facilitated your specialty track selecton. 1.

In a PowerPoint Presentaton, address the following.

a.Introducton to presentaton

b.Explain the importance of evidence-based projects related to nursing practce and profession. NR 500: Cultivating Healthful Environments Essay Assignment.

c.Discuss a model for developing an evidence-based project.

i.Include illustraton of model

d.Identfy specialty track and reasons for selectng this area of study.

e.Introduce area of interest

i.Discuss what is known about the concept or topic.

ii.Provide common themes, ideas, or facts found in literature.

f.Provide a recommendaton for positve change related to the area of interest.

i.Identfy inTernal facTors ThaT have The poTental To inFuence The change.ii.Identfy exTernal facTors ThaT have The poTental To inFuence The change.

g.Identfy Two AACN MasTer’s Essentals ThaT an evidence-based projecT or area of inTeresT addresses.

h.Conclusion To presenTaton i.Provide references NR 500: Cultivating Healthful Environments Essay Assignment