NR 451 Design Proposal Feasibility and Importance of Communication

NR 451 Week 3: Feasibility of Your Design Proposal and Importance of Communication Discussion

Welcome to Week 3!

We have a great start to our course!  I want to encourage all of you to check and participate in the follow up questions in the discussion posts.  I have posted the CO for this week, assignments and homework below.  NR 451 Design Proposal Feasibility and Importance of Communication. Again, if you have any questions you can post in the Q&A section, email me or set up a time for a phone call.

Have a great week!

This weeks’ Course Outcomes are as follows:

  • Communicates effectively with patient populations and other healthcare providers in managing the healthcare of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO #3)


Discussion topics:

  • Feasibility of Your Design Proposal and Importance of Communication (graded)


  • American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Scope of Nursing Practice, pp. 31-45, 77, 79, 82


  • Milestone #1, which is due the end of this week, Sunday by midnight MT.
  • Your completed Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheet is due by Sunday, end of Week 3, by 11:59 p.m. (MT). The guidelines and rubric can be found in the Course Resources section of the Course Resources page under Course Home. A tutorial offering tips on how to complete this assignment may be found at to an external site. Click HERELinks to an external site. to see a transcript of the tutorial.
  • Discussion how feasible is your capstone topic to your area of practice? What resources will you need and from whom?  How supportive do you think administration be in investigating and implementing a new process? NR 451 Design Proposal Feasibility and Importance of Communication

Now that you have identified your capstone change project, it is time to look at its feasibility.

  • What tangible and intangible resources will be needed to implement your project?
  • What improved outcomes do you anticipate will occur that could indicate the project produced a successful return on investment (ROI) of these resources?
  • NR 451 Design Proposal Feasibility and Importance of Communication
  • How will you communicate your plan for change with key decision makers so that they will support the allocation of the resources you are seeking?

NR 451 Week 3: Feasibility of Your Design Proposal and Importance of Communication Discussion

According to this week’s lesson, the cost of an intervention includes the money, effort and time needed for implementation (CCN, 2017).  The clinical issue that I chose to research involves pain management for patients with chronic pressure ulcers.  I would question whether pain was adequately managed during treatment for the wounds.  Time and resources would be needed in order to train staff to appropriately assess for break through pain during wound treatment sessions.  The standard 0-10 numeric pain scale could easily be implemented with staff assessing for pain before treatment and after pain management interventions.  Nurses would need to ensure that physicians have a plan in place to treat therapy pain.  They would also need to document the effectiveness of pain management.

Treatment for pressure ulcers include debridement, dressing changes, negative wound pressure therapy, hyperbaric therapy and physical therapy (Health Quality Ontario, 2009).  Pressure ulcers are painful and the treatments required can compound that pain.  Successful outcomes would be evident when patients reported better pain management during treatment.  The outcome would be based on the patient’s perception and measured using the standard numerical pain scale. NR 451 Design Proposal Feasibility and Importance of Communication.

Pressure ulcers are costly and challenging to treat.  When communicating the need to implement the change in procedure, I would provide verbal and written communication to nurses, physicians and administrators.  Communication can be in the form of nurse to administrator, nurse to physician, nurse to patient, etc. (CCN, 2017).  I would inform administrators of the need to manage the pain of pressure ulcer treatment and the value of using available resources.  Nurse to physician communication would include collaborating on a plan to treat break through pain and reporting the effectiveness of the plan.  NR 451 Design Proposal Feasibility and Importance of Communication. Nurse to patient communications would involve assessment of pain before and after treatment.  It could take little time and effort to implement a change that would ensure that patients were more comfortable during treatment for pressure ulcers.

NR 451 Week 3: Feasibility of Your Design Proposal and Importance of Communication Discussion

Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2017). NR-451. Week 3 Lesson: Solving the problem [Online lesson].  Downers Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group. Retrieved from

Health Quality Ontario. (2009). Management of Chronic Pressure Ulcers: An Evidence-Based Analysis. Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series9(3), 1–203. Retrieved from to an external site.  NR 451 Design Proposal Feasibility and Importance of Communication.