NR 305 : Patient Teaching Plan Essay Paper

NR 305 : Patient Teaching Plan Essay Paper

Patient Teaching Plan: Guidelines and Rubric


The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to apply information gathered from the Family Genetic History and Milestone 1assignments to aid with identifying one modifiable risk factor and develop an evidence-based teaching plan that promotes health as well as improves patient outcomes.

Patient Teaching Plan Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO #4:Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO#2)


This assignment is worth a total of 250 points.NR 305 : Patient Teaching Plan Essay Paper


Due Date

The assignment is to be submitted to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MTat the end of Week 6. Post questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance. See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your assignment to the Dropbox on time may result in a deduction of points.

Patient Teaching Plan Directions

Prepare a patient teaching plan for your participant based on the information you discovered in your previous assignments. Present your plan using Microsoft PowerPoint.

· Title slide (first slide): Include a title slide with your name and title of the presentation.

· Introduction/Identification (two to three slides):Introduce a modifiable risk factor(diet, smoking, activity, etc.)that will be the focus of your presentation.

o Identify at least one important finding you discovered in Milestone 1 that is associated with this risk factor.

o Explain how this places your adult participant at increased risk for developing a preventable disease(obesity, Type II Diabetes, etc.), which is described.NR 305 : Patient Teaching Plan Essay Paper

o List short and long-term goals.

· Intervention(four to five slides):Choose one evidence-based intervention related to the modifiable risk factor chosen that has been shown to be effective at reducing an individual’s risk for developing the preventable disease.

o Describe the intervention in detail.

o Provide rationale to support the use of this intervention. Support your rationale with information obtained from one scholarly source as well as Healthy People 2020(

.Include any additional resources (websites, handouts, etc.) that you will share with your adult participant, if applicable.

· Evaluation (three to four slides):Describe at least one evaluation method that you would use to determine whether your intervention is effective. Outcome measurement is a crucial piece when implementing interventions.

o Describe at least one method (weight, lab values, activity logs, etc.) you would use to evaluate whether your intervention was effective.

o Describe the desired outcomes you would track that would show whether your intervention is working.

o Include additional steps to be considered if your plan proved to be unsuccessful.

· Summary (one to two slides):Reiterate the main points of the presentation and conclude with what you are hoping to accomplish as a result of implementing the chosen intervention.

· References (last slide):List the references for sources that were cited in the presentation.Speaker notes:Share in detail how you would verbalize the content on each of the slides to the patient.

Remember, you are creating a patient teaching plan so be sure to include terms easily understood by the general population and limit your use of medical jargon. Slides should include the most important elements for them to know in short bullet-pointed phrases. You may add additional comments in the notes section to clarify information for your instructor.NR 305 : Patient Teaching Plan Essay Paper

Patient Teaching Plan Guidelines

· Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (or later).

· Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be no more than 14 slidesin length (not including the title slide and References list slide).

· Submission: Submit your files to the Dropbox: Milestone 2: Patient Teaching Plan, by 11:59 p.m. Sunday end of Week 6.

· Save the assignment with your last name in the file’s title: Example: Smith Patient Teaching Plan.

· Late Submission: See the Policies under Course Home on late submissions.

· Tutorial: If needed, Microsoft Office has many templates and tutorials to help you get started.

Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint

The following are best practices in preparing this presentation.

· Be creative.

· Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.

· Make easy to read with short bullet points and large font.

· Review directions thoroughly.NR 305 : Patient Teaching Plan Essay Paper

· Cite all sources within the slides with (author, year) as well as on the Reference slide.

· Proofread prior to final submission.


· Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

· Abide by the Chamberlain academic integrity policy. NR 305 : Patient Teaching Plan Essay Paper