Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion

Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion

Write a 650-1300 word response to the following questions:

1- Explain multicultural communication and its origins.
2- Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.
3- Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.
4- Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.
5- List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity. Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion


6- List the types of illiteracy.
7- Discuss illiteracy as a disability.
8- Give examples of some myths about illiteracy.
9- Explain how to assess literacy skills and evaluate written material for readability.
10- Identify ways a health care professional may establish effective communication.
11- Suggest ways the health care professional can help a patient remember instructions.

This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

Explain Multicultural Communication and Its Origins

Multicultural communication is a phenomenon that describes communication between people of different cultures. It refers to the interaction between people of diverse cultures or ethnicities in a community, country or even a given organization. Multicultural communication has been occasioned by several factors including civilization, migration as well as technological advancement. Technology for instance has modernized the means of communication thereby enhancing communication among people of diverse cultures (Chaika & Sharmanova, 2021)Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion.

Compare and Contrast Culture, Ethnicity, and Acculturation

Culture refers to the ways of life of a specified society including beliefs, art, language, religion, dress and rituals that are passed down from one generation to another. Ethnicity on the other hand refers to the identification of a group of people on the basis of perceived cultural distinctiveness which makes the group into a distinct group. Acculturation is the aspect of assimilating into a different culture, more especially the most dominant one (Schumann et al., 2020)Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion. While ethnicity changes from time to time, culture and acculturation can be inherited from generation to generation.

Explain How Cultural and Religious Differences Affect the Health Care Professional and The Issues That Can Arise in Cross-Cultural Communications

Culture and religious differences affect healthcare decisions including how healthcare providers make recommendations. The interaction and communication among healthcare providers influences the willingness of patients to adhere to treatment plans. The doctor for instance must convey a message that is culturally sensitive to enhance acceptance of the interventions by patients. For instance, Muslims believe on the same sex patient-physician order (Alqufly et al., 2019)Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion.

Discuss Family Culture and Its Effect on Patient Education

The family is a critical element in promoting patient education to address patient expectations and foster the decision-making process. A family culture that embraces on good educational practices helps in promoting the ability to appreciate and understand patient education. A family culture that promotes good educational practices will help advance patient education at the family level and in the society.

List Some Approaches the Health Care Professional Can Use to Address Religious and Cultural Diversity

Some religious and cultural differences are harmful thereby; healthcare providers should consider ways of eradicating such vices. Also, the healthcare providers should consider language barriers and ways to overcome such barriers. Some practices such as those of Jehovah witnesses against blood transfusion are harmful and hence, healthcare providers should try to communicate with patients and their families.

List the Types of Illiteracy

Illiteracy is one of the factors that enhance stigmatization among patients and this contributes to negative patient outcomes. There exist several types of illiteracy including literal, civil, cultural and functional illiteracy. Healthcare providers should therefore use simple medical terms to enhance understanding among patients.

Discuss Illiteracy as a Disability

Illiteracy is caused by several factors including poverty, low level of education, and learning disabilities caused by brain damage or other developmental challenges. Illiteracy contributes to non-adherence to medication and other healthcare recommendations thereby affecting the effectiveness of healthcare practices. Illiteracy also hinders the ability to read and understand healthcare interventions and other disease prevention interventions Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion.

Give Examples of Some Myths about Illiteracy

One common myth about illiteracy is that patients with difficulties in reading and writing will allow their healthcare providers know if their illiteracy. However, most patients will hide their illiteracy for their healthcare providers.

Explain How to Assess Literacy Skills and Evaluate Written Material for Readability

Assessing the readability materials by patients helps to ensure that they receive appropriate information about medication and hence prevent adverse events such as medication errors. One way of assessing for literacy among patients is confirming the level of understanding among patients by asking relevant questions (van der Heide et al., 2018).

Identify Ways a Health Care Professional May Establish Effective Communication

Effective communication among healthcare providers helps to improve healthcare outcomes including minimizing medical error and improving patient satisfaction. One way of establishing effective communication is by embracing nonverbal communication such as listening attentively (Wanko et al., 2020)Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion. Also, communicating empathy will help in expressing the patients and promote the effectiveness of communication.

Suggest Ways the Health Care Professional Can Help a Patient Remember Instructions

There are several ways healthcare providers can use to help patients remember instructions such as writing down instructions as well as the use of diagrams and other pictorial presentation. Also, it is important to repeat the instructions to enhance the ability to synthesize and remember information.


Alqufly, A. E., Alharbi, B. M., Alhatlany, K. K., & Alhajjaj, F. S. (2019). Muslim female gender preference in delaying the medical care at emergency department in Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia. Journal of family medicine and primary care8(5), 1658.

Chaika, O., & Sharmanova, N. Paremic Cliches as a Spiritual Layer of Multicultural Communication: Cultivating Respective Values for Educators.

Schumann, M., Bug, M., Kajikhina, K., Koschollek, C., Bartig, S., Lampert, T., & Santos-Hövener, C. (2020). The concept of acculturation in epidemiological research among migrant populations: A systematic review. SSM-population health10.

van der Heide, I., Poureslami, I., Mitic, W., Shum, J., Rootman, I., & FitzGerald, J. M. (2018)Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion. Health literacy in chronic disease management: a matter of interaction. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology102, 134-138.

Wanko Keutchafo, E. L., Kerr, J., & Jarvis, M. A. (2020). Evidence of nonverbal communication between nurses and older adults: a scoping review. BMC nursing19(1), 1-13.

Explain multicultural communication and its origins.

Multicultural communication is a phenomenon that describes communication between people of different cultures. It refers to the interaction between people of diverse cultures or ethnicities in a community, country or even a given organization. Multicultural communication has been occasioned by several factors including civilization, migration as well as technological advancement. Technology for instance has modernized the means of communication thereby enhancing communication among people of diverse cultures (Chaika & Sharmanova, 2021).

Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.

Culture refers to the ways of life of a specified society including beliefs, art, language, religion, dress and rituals that are passed down from one generation to another. Ethnicity on the other hand refers to the identification of a group of people on the basis of perceived cultural distinctiveness which makes the group into a distinct group. Acculturation is the aspect of assimilating into a different culture, more especially the most dominant one (Schumann et al., 2020). While ethnicity changes from time to time, culture and acculturation can be inheritated form generation to generation.

Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.

Culture and religious differences affects healthcare decisions including how healthcare providers make recommendations. The interaction and communication among healthcare providers influences the willingness of patients to adhere to treatment plans. The doctor for instance must convey a message that is culturally sensitive to enhance acceptance of the interventions by patients.  For instance, Muslims believe on the same sex patient-physician order (Alqufly et al., 2019).

Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.

The family is a critical element in promoting patient education to address patient expectations and foster the decision making process. A family culture that embraces on good educational practices helps in promoting the ability to appreciate and understand patient education. A family culture that promotes good educational practices will help advance patient education at the family level and in the society.

List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity.

Some religious and cultural differences are harmful thereby; healthcare providers should consider ways of eradicating such vices. Also, the healthcare providers should consider language barriers and ways to overcome such barriers. Some practices such as those of Jehovah witnesses against blood transfusion are harmful and hence, healthcare providers should try to communicate with patients and their families.

List the types of illiteracy.

Illiteracy is one of the factors that enhance stigmatization among patients and this contributes to negative patient outcomes. There exist several types of illiteracy including literal, civil, cultural and functional illiteracy.  Healthcare providers should therefore use simple medical terms to enhance understanding among patients Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion.

Discuss illiteracy as a disability.

Illiteracy is caused by several factors including poverty, low level of education, and learning disabilities caused by brain damage or other developmental challenges. Illiteracy contributes to non-adherence to medication and other healthcare recommendations thereby affecting the effectiveness of healthcare practices. Illiteracy also hinders the ability to read and understand healthcare interventions and other disease prevention interventions.

Give examples of some myths about illiteracy.

One common myth about illiteracy is that patients with difficulties in reading and writing will allow their healthcare providers know if their illiteracy. However, most patients will hide their illiteracy for their healthcare providers.

Explain how to assess literacy skills and evaluate written material for readability.

Assessing the readability materials by patients helps to ensure that they receive appropriate information about medication and hence prevent adverse events such as medication errors. One way of assessing for literacy among patients is confirming the level of understanding among patients by asking relevant questions (van der Heide et al., 2018)Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion.

Identify ways a health care professional may establish effective communication.

Effective communication among healthcare providers helps to improve healthcare outcomes including minimizing medical error and improving patient satisfaction. One way of establishing effective communication is by embracing non verbal communication such as listening attentively (Wanko et al., 2020)Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion. Also, communicating empathy will help in expressing the patients and promote the effectiveness of communication.

Suggest ways the health care professional can help a patient remember instructions.

There are several ways healthcare providers can use to help patients remember instructions such as writing down instructions as well as the use of diagrams and other pictorial presentation. Also, it is important to repeat the instructions to enhance the ability to synthesize and remember information.



Alqufly, A. E., Alharbi, B. M., Alhatlany, K. K., & Alhajjaj, F. S. (2019). Muslim female gender preference in delaying the medical care at emergency department in Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia. Journal of family medicine and primary care8(5), 1658.

Chaika, O., & Sharmanova, N. Paremic Cliches as a Spiritual Layer of Multicultural Communication: Cultivating Respective Values for Educators.

Schumann, M., Bug, M., Kajikhina, K., Koschollek, C., Bartig, S., Lampert, T., & Santos-Hövener, C. (2020). The concept of acculturation in epidemiological research among migrant populations: A systematic review. SSM-population health10.

van der Heide, I., Poureslami, I., Mitic, W., Shum, J., Rootman, I., & FitzGerald, J. M. (2018). Health literacy in chronic disease management: a matter of interaction. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology102, 134-138.

Wanko Keutchafo, E. L., Kerr, J., & Jarvis, M. A. (2020). Evidence of nonverbal communication between nurses and older adults: a scoping review. BMC nursing19(1), 1-13. Multicultural Communication Assignment Discussion