MN577: NP II Clinical – Women’s Health Focus Essay Paper
MN577: NP II Clinical – Women’s Health Focus Essay Paper
This clinical course will focus on the unique needs of women across the lifespan. The unique care of women will be approached with attention to the psychosocial, ethnic, and cultural influences that affect physical and mental health. A collaborative approach to care will be employed.MN577: NP II Clinical – Women’s Health Focus Essay Paper
The role of Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) has changed dramatically in recent years. Currently, the Unite States (U.S.) health care is focusing on delivering a cost -effective health care to all patients. In the last decades, there were many efforts to control health care over spending in the U.S. One of such efforts is to focus on applying proven principles of evidence-based practice and cost-effectiveness to find the least expensive way to produce a specific clinical service of acceptable quality (Bauer, 2010). The vast changes in health care system, such as cost, need for high productivity, limitation on reimbursement, and the inadequacy on access have made APNs to think in a way where they most fit to provide independent care for…show more content…MN577: NP II Clinical – Women’s Health Focus Essay Paper
The role of Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) has changed dramatically in recent years. Currently, the Unite States (U.S.) health care is focusing on delivering a cost -effective health care to all patients. In the last decades, there were many efforts to control health care over spending in the U.S. One of such efforts is to focus on applying proven principles of evidence-based practice and cost-effectiveness to find the least expensive way to produce a specific clinical service of acceptable quality (Bauer, 2010). The vast changes in health care system, such as cost, need for high productivity, limitation on reimbursement, and the inadequacy on access have made APNs to think in a way where they most fit to provide independent care for children and adults of all ages while focusing on providing high quality and preventative health care services. The main focus of APNs are patient education, disease management, treatment, illness prevention, and health promotion. There is a strong support within the education for the essential role of advanced practitioners. Nurse practitioners are highly qualified nurses with an enhanced level of authority to prescribe medication, refer patients and order diagnostic tests (ICN Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nursing Network 2013). Researchers have predicted that by 2015 primary care will be provided providers other than physicians , including Nurse practitioners (NPs) (Poghosyan, Lucero, Rauch, & Berkowitz, 2012). Urinar MN577: NP II Clinical – Women’s Health Focus Essay Paper