Microbiology Assignment Case Study
Microbiology Assignment Case Study
Epidemics have played an important role in shaping world history. This week, please watch the following video on the Influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 and respond to the specific prompt. Microbiology Assignment Case Study
Here are the specific directions for the Module this week:
1). Access the web site for the video.
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site. Microbiology Assignment Case Study
2). Please post your response to following prompt on the Discussion Board for this week.
– The Influenza virus results in a common viral disease known as ‘the flu’. Although this disease is typically present in the fall-winter months, it usually does not result in an infectious disease with the magnitude it had during the fall-winter of 1918-1919.Microbiology Assignment Case Study Discuss at least 3 specific factors that you feel contributed to the severity of the epidemic suffered in 1918-1919. Please support your facts with at least 2 scientific references. Microbiology Assignment Case Study