Mechanistic Theory and a Functional Theory Essay.

Mechanistic Theory and a Functional Theory Essay.


Assignment: Difference between a mechanistic theory and a functional theory


A theory that explains a behavior primarily in terms of why it happens is which of the following?
a a mechanistic theory
b a typology
c a functional theory
d a hypothesis
21 The general approach that scientists use to create and test theories is called which of the following?
a the functional-mechanistic method
b the theory-model-phenomenon approach
c the quasi-logical hypothesis
d the hypothetico-deductive method
22 What is the first thing that you should do in constructing a new theory?
a Create a set of mathematical equations that might account for the phenomena of interest.
b Understand the phenomena of interest in detail, along with any existing theories of them.
c Conduct at least four to six new empirical studies.
d Decide which type of theory you want to construct.Mechanistic Theory and a Functional Theory Essay.
23 Measurement is best defined as which of the following?
a directly comparing one individual to a standard reference individual
b the assignment of scores to individuals so the scores represent some characteristic of the individuals
c the use of an established measuring instrument such as a ruler or scale to describe an individual
d an objective method of counting individuals

24. Which of the following is the best example of a construct?
a. depression
b. number of siblings
c. height
d. annual income
25. What is it called when a researcher measures the same construct in different ways?
a. multiple measurement
b. exploratory research
c. inconsistent assessment
d. converging operations
26. There is a single best conceptual definition of every psychological construct.
a. True
b. False
27. There is a single best way to measure every psychological construct.
a. True
b. False
28. Face validity is the extent to which a psychological measure appears to measure the construct of interest.
a. True
b. False
29. A Cronbach’s alpha of .90 would indicate good internal consistency.
a. True
b. False
30. A psychological measure is valid to the extent that the scores it produces are consistent over time.
a. True
b. False
31. Psychological constructs can be observed directly by looking or listening.
a. True
b. False
32. What are the two defining features of an experiment?
a. control of extraneous variables; statistical analysis of the results
b. statistical analysis of the results; a comparison of two groups
c. a comparison of two groups; manipulation of an independent variable.Mechanistic Theory and a Functional Theory Essay.
d. manipulation of an independent variable; control of extraneous variables