Marketing APN Practice Essay Assignment Papers

Marketing APN Practice Essay Assignment Papers.

Marketing can be defined as “putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time” so that consumers can have easily assessed, affordable goods or services to buy (Cleverism, 2017. P.1).Marketing APN Practice Essay Assignment Papers.

To succeed in marketing, it is imperative to know what products consumers may want, reasonable price, when the product will be most needed, and where it will be easier for customers to reach. The 4 P’s are product, price, promotion, and place.  Products can be goods, services needed to be done to fulfill the needs or want of customers, and it is vital to have a clear understanding of what products to sell. When one knows the products to sell, then looking for price check is the next step, because determining the price “will impact profit margins, supply, demand, and marketing strategy” (Purely Branded, 2017, p.1). Marketing APN Practice Essay Assignment Papers.


After these two, it is time to promote the products, and this can be done through social media, advertising, email, a search engine like yahoo, google marketing.  Because, this is the time to think of how the products can hit the market for customers or consumers to know about the products. Finally, it is time to look for a location, and that is where potential consumers or customers will be converted into an actual client or potential clients into actual clients (Purely Branded, 2017).Marketing APN Practice Essay Assignment Papers.

How are they applied to marketing APN practice?

According to Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O’Grady (2014), marketing for the APN graduate can be defined as the “process whereby APN’s create value for their patients and build a strong relationship with them to meet goals and to capture value from them in return” (p.539).Marketing APN Practice Essay Assignment Papers.

The 4P’s of marketing can be applied to marketing APN practice in a way that, when the APN create a value of caring atmosphere for patients and family members for better outcomes, the APN receives reimbursement (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O’Grady, 2014).  Therefore, it increases venues for more patients to visit that APN and this can lead to expansions of the APN practice.  In other words “marketing is everything you, an APN, does, every day to promote your practice, your ideas, your profession and you, the APN” (Phillips, AANP CE Center, cited in Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O’Grady, 2014, p. 539).Marketing APN Practice Essay Assignment Papers.

 Prior to graduation, the APN prepares a “portfolio that describes credentials, skills, and competencies that will induce a future employer to offer an interview subsequent employment, and a contract” (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O’Grady, 2014, p. 539).  This is the first step of how APN’s markets themselves with the hope of securing employment and expanding their practice for possible “business venture” (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O’Grady, 2014, p. 539).

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