Making a Decision Essay Assignment HCS 514

Making a Decision Essay Assignment HCS 514

HCS 514 WEEK 3: Making a Decision Assignment – Develop a plan for making a decision and create a visual aid for your plan in 1,000 to 1,250 words.

Choose an issue that your organization is facing for which a decision must be made.

Use your plan, along with decision-making tools and techniques, to create a proposed decision for your organization. Explain how you came to your decision.

  • If you work in a health care organization, include possible effects of your decision if implemented.

If you do not work in a health care organization, include additional factors you would need to consider when making a decision in a health care organization and why those would need to be considered. Making a Decision Essay Assignment HCS 514

Format your HCS 514 WEEK 3: Making a Decision Assignment according to APA guidelines.

Cite four peer reviewed references from the University of Phoenix Library.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your HCS 514 WEEK 3: Making a Decision Assignment.


HCS 514 WEEK 3 Case Application

Read the Case Application 1 and 2 presented at the end of Ch. 8 of Management (11th ed.).

Discuss with your team each of the Case Applications and choose one to use for this assignment.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the questions that follow the case study. Include a short discussion about the opinions of the team about the situation presented. How would you and your team members respond if found in this situation? How do you think this situation would affect a health care organization? Making a Decision Essay Assignment HCS 514

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

HCS 514 WEEK 5 Case Application

Read the Case Application 1 and 2 presented at the end of Ch. 16 of Management (11th ed.).

Discuss with your team each of the Case Applications and choose one to use for this assignment.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that answers the questions that follow the case application. Include a short discussion about the opinions of the team on the practices of the two businesses. How would you and your team members respond if you worked in this type of environment? Would either of the practices work in health care organizations? Explain.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

HCS 514 WEEK 4 Merger Memo

Imagine you are middle managers working for a health care organization that has recently merged with a competitor. Both organizations previously viewed the other as the enemy with different standards than their own. You have been asked by leadership to write a memo to your teams regarding the merger and the overall effect on the organization.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word Making a Decision Essay Assignment HCS 514 memo that includes the following:

  • The impact of organizational culture on products or services
  • How organizational behavior affects quality, competition, and human relations
  • How job design, work processes, and performance expectations affect organizational outcomes

Address what you, as managers, will do to ensure that everyone merges and works together as productively and contently as possible.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your Making a Decision Essay Assignment HCS 514 assignment.