Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Type II Diabetes Assignment Paper

Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Type II Diabetes Assignment Paper

Assignment- Teaching Project Due 4/14/2022
Instructions for Project:
1. Select a topic for a teaching project in your area of clinical experience.
2. Create a teaching presentation as if it is going to be implemented in your clinical
3. Describe why you chose this topic and the importance to your intended audience.
4. Describe your audience. What learning styles are representative of the group? What
generations are represented?
5. Search the literature for relevant teaching strategies appropriate in implementing your project. Describe these in 2-3 slides.
6. Develop and list at least 3-4 goals and 4-5 objectives for the project.
7. Review the unit on objectives and include all data required. You will be graded on the


completeness of the goals and objectives.
a. Present this assignment as a PowerPoint presentation that is recorded (voice-
over) and posted in the assignment drop box. The presentation should be no
longer than 10 minutes.
b. You will be graded on your creativity and professionalism.
c. Make sure your PowerPoint presentation is professional with APA formatting
and spacing that is appropriate.
d. Post only one time and label the post with your name teaching project
(smith teaching project)Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Type II Diabetes Assignment Paper.
8. You should have a minimum of 5 references, 2 can be your textbooks. Include a slide
for your references in your PPT presentation.

Please include notes on the power point slides so that I can do a voice over.

Assignment- Teaching Project Due 4/14/2022

 Instructions for Project:

  1. Select a topic for a teaching project in your area of clinical experience.
  2. Create a teaching presentation as if it is going to be implemented in your clinical setting.
  3. Describe why you chose this topic and the importance to your intended audience.
  4. Describe your audience. What learning styles are representative of the group? What generations are represented?
  5. Search the literature for relevant teaching strategies appropriate in implementing your project. Describe these in 2-3 slides.
  6. Develop and list at least 3-4 goals and 4-5 objectives for the project.
  7. Review the unit on objectives and include all data required. You will be graded on the completeness of the goals and objectives.
  8. Present this assignment as a PowerPoint presentation that is recorded (voice-over) and posted in the assignment drop box. The presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes.
  9. You will be graded on your creativity and professionalism.
  10. Make sure your PowerPoint presentation is professional with APA formatting and spacing that is appropriate.
  11. Post only one time and label the post with your name_teachingproject (smith_teachingproject)Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Type II Diabetes Assignment Paper.
  12. You should have a minimum of 5 references, 2 can be your textbooks. Include a slide for your references in your PPT presentation.
  13. Post a one-page summary of your teaching project in the appropriate discussion forum. You can earn bonus points by posting responses to two of your classmates’ posts.

Summary of the Presentation

Diabetes is one of the costliest diseases worldwide, affecting over 380 million people worldwide (Galaviz et al., 2015)Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Type II Diabetes Assignment Paper. People today live with high blood glucose levels and are at risk of mortality and various other comorbidities. Type 2 diabetes is a condition that affects how the body processes blood sugar. A person with this condition may not have enough insulin or be resistant to insulin, thus leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Fortunately, this condition can be prevented or delayed when an individual observes a healthy lifestyle. The selected topic for this presentation is lifestyle changes to prevent type 2 diabetes. The primary reason for selecting this topic is the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes today and the fact that this condition is linked to increased morbidity and mortality.

For this presentation, the targeted audience is the general population. The primary reason for selecting this population in this presentation is that most people are at risk of diabetes and have prediabetes without their knowledge. Lectures and Workshops will be the main teaching methods suitable for the target audience. Both lectures and workshops will be done at a community level and will be open for every member. The project has been designed to reduce the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and aims at fostering the attainment of different goals. The ultimate goal of the health promotion program on lifestyle changes is to prevent type 2 diabetes. Asides from that, the project aims at meeting certain objectives such as knowledge provision, fostering positive decision-making among members of the community, encouraging members to indulge in exercises and body weight management strategies, and creating an environment where people are more aware and concerned about their health needs.



Claramita, M., Setiawati, E. P., Kristina, T. N., Emilia, O., & Van der Vleuten, C. (2019). Community-based educational design for undergraduate medical education: A grounded theory study. BMC Medical Education, 19(1).

Galaviz, K. I., Narayan, K. M., Lobelo, F., & Weber, M. B. (2015). Lifestyle and the prevention of type 2 diabetes: A status report. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 12(1), 4-20.

Greece, J. A., DeJong, W., Gorenstein Schonfeld, J., Sun, M., & McGrath, D. (2018). Practice-based teaching and public health training: Bringing real-world projects to the classroom to teach intervention planning and communication strategies. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 5(1), 55-61.

Raghupathi, V., & Raghupathi, W. (2020). The influence of education on health: An empirical assessment of OECD countries for the period 1995–2015. Archives of Public Health, 78(1).

Steel, A., & Lloyd, I. (2021). Community education and health promotion activities of naturopathic practitioners: Results of an international cross-sectional survey. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 21(1). Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Type II Diabetes Assignment Paper