Leadership and Management Essay – Essay

Leadership and Management Essay
Leadership and Management Essay
The roles between leadership and management are different in that a management role may focus more on daily tasks that involve staff schedules, planning, allocating resources and budget management. They are also involved in personnel decisions such as hiring, conducting evaluations, and overseeing their assignments, providing expectations for following rules and policies and holding individuals accountable. A leadership role may focus more on guiding and inspiring others towards working together to improved quality and create new visions. Both managers and staff may rely on leaders for their knowledge, experience and vision (“Nurse.com,” 2018).
These roles often overlap in that effective managers must also exhibit leadership qualities such as the ability to inspire, educate, and guide others towards a shared vision. Many leaders may also be in positions where they oversee others and provide expectations and accountability similar to a manager’s role (Whitney, 2018).Leadership and Management Essay
As a nurse leader, change can be facilitated by this overlap in that one can earn respect through both experience, passion, and providing resources needed for staff to meet their goals in a realistic and manner that inspires motivation. Both must set positive examples for others to emulate, have good decision-making skills and solve problems in an expedited manner while involving others in the decision-making process. Both leaders and managers must exhibit professionalism and commitment towards the organization and company’s mission. Ideally, leaders and managers should work together to set consistent goals and expectations and communicate with their team in a way that involves them in decision-making opportunities, demonstrating trust and creating a supportive environment with the resources needed for success.
Nurse manager vs. nurse leader: What’s the difference? (2018). Retrieved from https://www.nurse.com/blog/2017/05/23/nurse-manage…
Whitney, S. (2018). Theories and concepts in leadership management. In Nursing leadership & Management: Leading and serving. [GCU Digital Resources]. Retrieved from https://www.gcumedia.com/digital-resources/grand-c…
RESPONSE TWO: I have experienced both leaders and managers as a nurse. In my opinion there is a big difference between the two, although a good manager finds the balance and incorporates both. Often times staff with seniority are promoted into management roles who may not possess leadership qualities. I have also encountered positive leaders who did not hold a manager title, but were effective mentors. “The result can be conflict, confusion, challenges to the clinicians’ values and beliefs, or ineffective leadership and management, leading to diminished clinical effectiveness, or even dysfunctional ward or units, and therefore poor quality care” (Stanley, 20019).
To be an effective manager it is important to gain the respect of your staff while promoting constructive criticism. Leading by example can demonstrate good work ethic and habits in the workplace. Managers are responsible for the overall function of the staff and unit such as attendance, tardiness, affective work completion, and organization. Leaders are people who possess qualities that others gravitate toward. They may not get the recognition for it, but can have co-workers look upon them for good habits and positivity.
Goals of management and Leadership do overlap when a good strong leader assumes a management role. It can also overlap when a manager depends on a strong leader within the department to implement good work ethic. Each share the goal of a positive work environment with staff completing their work while possessing a positive attitude. Four months ago I began a new position at a new facility as a supervisor. When I began working, my initial goal was to meet all of the staff and their different personalities and the workplace as a whole. I knew I couldn’t come in trying to change current habits or making critiques prior to learning all the staff and gaining their respect. When they saw I was apart of the team and willing to help out as needed regardless of the person in need role, they quickly began to see me as a positive addition. I slowly talked to the team about different areas that as a team we could all help one another. I applauded teamwork and anyone who went above and beyond to help. Staff began calling out less and even commented “we look forward to coming into work when you are the Supervisor on duty”. This made me feel a sense of accomplishment as both a leader and a manager.
Stanley, David. “Role conflict: leaders and managers: Davide Stanley reviews the literature, and discusses his own research, on the difference between leadership and management.”Nursing Management(Harrow), vol. 13, no. 5, 2006, p. 31. Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine, Accessed 30, July 2019.
Whitney, S. (2018). Theories and concepts in leadership management. In Nursing leadership & Management: Leading and serving. [GCU Digital Resources]. Retrieved from https://www.gcumedia.com/digital-resources/grand-c…
RESPONSE THREE : Leadership can be defined as the process in which one engages others to set and achieve a common goal, often an organizationally defined goal. In contrast, management can be defined as the process of accomplishing predetermined objectives through the effective use of human, financial, and technical resources. According to Wheeler and Foster, (2013) Management is anyone with an obligation to achieving the objectives of the company. Although, management and leadership share things in common such as working with individuals and meeting company’s objective, their primary functions are different (O’Neill, 2013).These two ideas are often conflated, it is important to note that one key distinction: leadership is concerned with setting large goals, while management is concerned with the execution of actions to achieve these goals.
Those in leadership roles vary substantially in the approaches used to influence employees behaviors, and consequently may have very different effects on employee’s response to a work issue. Individuals can also use leadership skills to design organizational structures and cultures that outlast their tenure in the organization and that influence employees for years to come.
One person may be called upon to perform both leadership and management functions within an organization, thus allowing for overlap in the leadership and management process. For example, a nurse in a leadership role may influence staff by acting from managerial positions to implement one on one care for a patient with high risk of fall. This will enable them provide resource, information and staffing to accomplish this goal.
As a leader, the writer will create change by influencing employees through effective communication skills, responses, training and effort through employee engagement to prevent falls and implement changes in the plan of care.
O’Neill (2013). Advancing the Nursing Profession Begins with Leadership. Journal of Nursing Administratio. http://evolve.elsevier.com
Wheeler and Foster (2013) Barriers to Participation in Goverance and Professional Advancement. Journal of Nursing Administration.Leadership and Management Essay
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