Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion

Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion

For this assignment you will apply what you have learned about your leadership strengths and
emotional intelligence to plans for the future based on conclusions assigned from The Future
of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report.
Based on the first letter of your last name you will be assigned one topic within the rubric to
discuss from the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report. The discussion should be brief and
reflect your understanding of how your strengths and emotional intelligence could be applied
to seeking a solution at the local or regional level.

Conclusion 9-2: Achieving health equity will require multisector col-
laboration, and nurse leaders can participate in and lead these efforts.

Planning for future activities successfully requires skills such as leadership strengths and emotional intelligence. This discussion is an application of the lessons learned regarding the author’s leadership strengths and emotional intelligence in planning for the future based on conclusions assigned from The Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report.

I identified various strengths from the Strengths-based leadership assessment. My top five CliftonStrengths themes include woo, positivity, communication, ideation, and developer. Woo indicates that an individual enjoys encountering new people and winning them. Breaking the ice and connecting with another person satisfies them. Similarly, I am excited any time I meet new people and interact with them while sharing new ideas and discussing different things about life. Positivity implies that individuals have a contagious enthusiasm. They make people surrounding them excited about what they are intending to do. I believe in achieving all my goals despite the challenges that I might encounter. I make people around me believe that a certain goal is achievable within the set timeframe. Individuals talented in communication express their thoughts and ideas in words easily, making good presenters. I am good at expressing my ideas to others in a language they understand. Ideation is present in individuals who are fascinated by ideas. They develop ideas from phenomena that seem disparate. I develop new ideas from different scenarios, which help in solving various challenges. Lastly, developers are talented in cultivating the potential in others, enabling them to achieve their goals. I encourage others to work towards achieving their dreams Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion.


In addition to the Strengths-based leadership assessment, the emotional intelligence assessment activity was educative and informative. The first emotional intelligence skill that was evaluated is personal competence. This skill entails the collective power of an individual’s self-awareness and self-management skills. My average score in this EI skill was 88, which was above average. I scored 91 in self-awareness, indicating I am capable to perceive my emotions and remain aware of them when they are happening. Additionally, I scored 85 in self-management, indicating the ability to manage emotional reactions to all people and situations. However, I should focus on improving some areas where I failed to demonstrate intelligence behavior in managing my emotional reactions. The second EI skill is social competence whose average score was 81. I scored 80 in social awareness, which indicates that my capacity to understand other peoples’ thoughts and feelings is average. Nonetheless, I should improve areas where I fail to understand how others are feeling or thinking. Additionally, I scored 81 in relationship management, indicating an average capacity to allow emotional awareness direct communication, and conflict resolution.

The topic assigned from the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report is “Conclusion 9-2: Achieving health equity will require multisector collaboration and nurse leaders can participate in and lead these efforts.” Racial discrimination is a significant challenge facing the United States healthcare system (Laster Pirtle, 2020). Consequently, morbidity and mortality rates are disproportionately high in minorities than in their white counterparts (Holmes et al., 2020)Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion. This trend is attributed to limited access to quality health care by minorities in the US. According to (Broome & Marshall, 2021), nurses use their skills and leadership qualities to transform the healthcare sector. My strengths can be applied in addressing this clinical issue. My top five CliftonStrengths themes include woo, positivity, communication, ideation, and developer. Woo theme can be applied to facilitate an encounter with nurse practitioners from other disciplines and inform the about healthcare disparity and its impact on minorities. The positivity theme can be used in making other nurses interested in addressing racial discrimination in the US healthcare sector, resulting in health equity. Communication is used in expressing thoughts and ideas that can be implemented to carb healthcare disparity in the United States. Implementation of these ideas and thoughts will result in health equity, improving health outcomes for minorities. Ideation can be applied in developing interventions effective in addressing healthcare disparity affecting minorities. Lastly, being a developer can be used in cultivating the potential of other nurses, enabling them to fight healthcare disparity in the US healthcare sector.

Additionally, my emotional intelligence skills can be applied to addressing racial discrimination in the healthcare system to achieve health equity. Specifically, personal competence is applicable since the average score was 88, which is above the average. This skill entails the collective power of an individual’s self-awareness and self-management skills. A score of 91 in self-awareness indicates capable to perceive my emotions and remain aware of them when they are happening. Additionally, I scored 85 in self-management, indicating the ability to manage emotional reactions while addressing issues. Thus, I will remain emotionally stable despite fighting for health equity in the US.


Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader. Springer publishing company.

Holmes Jr, L., Enwere, M., Williams, J., Ogundele, B., Chavan, P., Piccoli, T., … & Dabney, K. W. (2020). Black–White risk differentials in COVID-19 (SARS-COV2) transmission, mortality and case fatality in the United States: translational epidemiologic perspective and challenges. International journal of environmental research and public health17(12), 4322.

Laster Pirtle, W. N. (2020). <? covid19?> Racial Capitalism: A Fundamental Cause of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Inequities in the United States. Health Education & Behavior47(4), 504-508. Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion

Healthcare is in vast need of transformation. For radical changes to occur, leaders in micro, meso, and macrosystems (in many various capacities) must emerge to facilitate the necessary work. The work to be done is far too large for a few.  The newly released Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report is both aspirational and ambitious.  Dr. Susan Hassmiller states that “Nurses can play a central role to creating a fair and just world for everyone.” The new report calls on nurses to build on the gains of the work completed from the prior decade. Dr. Hassmiller notes that “Nurses can not give what they do not have.”  To accomplish the needs for health equity we must develop effective, healthy leaders.

Assignment Overview (Context)

This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity for the students to explore their individual leadership strengths and weaknesses and to examine their emotional intelligence. Through leaning about ourselves, we become aware of strengths needed from others to compose a successful team. For this interactive class discussion, begin with a review of the required readings in Module I

Strengths Based Leadership:. After reading the required assignments, take the self-assessment exercise by Rath and Conchie (instructions on how to take the assessment can be found below)Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion.

Use the unique access code accompanying your text to take the StrengthsFinder 2.0Assessment. This assessment will take about 25-35 minutes to complete. To access the StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assessment, visit strengths.gallup.com. After completing the appraisal, you will receive a “highly customized Strengths-Based Leadership guide that lists your top five themes of strengths as well as several suggestions for leading with each theme and illustrations of each theme in action” (pg. 99). For each of the 34 themes, there are strategies that can be used “for leveraging that theme to meet followers’ four basic needs (defined in the book), and tips for leading others who are strong in that theme…the guide… can be used as a reference for building on the strengths of your team and the people around you “(pg. 99).

Research findings of Rath and Conchie (2008) indicate that leaders do not have to be good at every aspect of leading. What a relief! However, to be effective change agents, these authors argue the importance of knowing one’s leadership strengths and leveraging those strengths to build strong teams. How does one leverage those strengths? Consider how one’s leadership strengths could potentially weaken a team. In addition to the leadership assessment exercise, please read the required readings before completing the assignment Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion.


Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2008). Strengths Based Leadership. New York: NY: Gallup

Press. ISBN: 978-1-59562-025-5 (Text must be a new copy for you to obtain unique access code for self-assessment; the correct assessment can NOT be purchased online and is available only with the code found in a new copy of the book.


Emotional Intelligence:  Login to https://www.talentsmarteq.com/eiqb2/welcome.php to access the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal Test that accompanies the Bradberry and Graves (2009) Emotional Intelligence 2.0 text. Sign in using the unique passcode (found in the back of your book). The passcode is good for one person only so used books will not benefit you. Complete the assessment of your own emotional intelligence. Using your scores, write goals and identify strategies to improve your “professional success and personal excellence.” This appraisal takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 includes the self-appraisal and the Emotional Quotient (EQ) Action Plan template. You can use the website to set your goals and to track your progress. You may also find Chapter 4 of Emotional intelligence 2.0, Digging in: My emotional intelligence action plan, helpful when transferring your Emotional Intelligence Appraisal scores to an Emotional Intelligence Action Plan (pg. 56)Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion.

Pulling it all together:

 For this assignment you will apply what you have learned about your leadership strengths and emotional intelligence to plans for the future based on conclusions assigned from The Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report.

Based on the first letter of your last name you will be assigned one topic within the rubric to discuss from the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report. The discussion should be brief and reflect your understanding of how your strengths and emotional intelligence could be applied to seeking a solution at the local or regional level.

Strength-based Leadership/Emotional Intelligence  Assessment Instructions

Each student will post an initial post of no more than 750 words in the discussion. First person may be used for this assignment. Headings and the reference list are excluded from the word count.

Each student will then cross post to other students contributing to a robust class discussion. Cross posts should be no longer than 300 words.

Students will be expected to respond to cross posts from their peers; APA formatting with reference citations are required

All posts should be posted in the text box. Do not attach a pdf copy of your post.

When posting the initial discussion, Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion

Label in the first line consistent with all course requirements:

Student’s last name, first name/initial, Class number, and Assignment Name

Example: “Stuart, Wilma, NU 613-801, Discussion 1 Initial Post”

 When posting the cross posts label all cross posts with your name, cross post and the name of the student for the cross post:

Example: “Dearmon cross post to Smith”.

 No title page is required in the discussion. Please use headings.

 Turnitin is not required for this discussion however at the discretion of the faculty, the student may be requested to submit a discussion item to Turnitin for evaluation.

Include a copy of your Strengths-Based Leadership Insight Report as an attachment to your initial discussion. Please do not include other reports.

Grading Rubric and Critical Elements for a Class Discussion

 Refer to the assignment instructions for details on required content, word limits, required references, and due dates. Keep the focus on the intent of the assignment and do not allow yourself to drift too far. The following critical elements should guide your postings:

  • Prepare for the assignment by reviewing the unit content and Students should demonstrate graduate level understanding and analysis of the concepts and the relationships among ideas, identifying hidden assumptions or fallacies in

reasoning. Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply the principles or concepts in the lessons to real-life situations integrating implications for advanced practice. Students should support their opinions with expert opinion through a deep dive into the literature validating thinking and/or broadening perspectives/ understanding of the content. Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion

  • Cross posts should elaborate upon the ideas of others or content found in the readings/ keynotes by adding details, examples, a different viewpoint, or other

relevant information. The cross posts should provide original insights or responses which integrates multiple views. (Just saying ditto, I agree, or restating

the original post is not considered elaboration.) There should be evaluation and feedback which assesses the accuracy, reasonableness, or quality of idea, and

provides constructive feedback to classmates.


  • The original post and cross posts should provide reflection and meaning by describing thoughtfully what the idea means, uncovering new insights. The cross

posts should raise questions as to what needs further clarification or discussion. Personal or professional experiences may be integrated into the cross posts, but

are not the sole purpose of the cross posts.

  • The initial and cross posts should be posted by the due dates allowing time for classmates to respond. The author should monitor their posts and respond to

cross posts from other students. The online discussion should mimic a

thoughtful classroom discussion. Therefore, the students should demonstrate promptness and initiative in posting and remain engaged throughout the


  • The presentation of the post should demonstrate a clear and concise writing style appropriate to graduate level work utilizing appropriate terminology.
  • Peer reviewed references should support posts according to APA formatting

Assignment Feedback: Students will find grades and feedback for this assignment in the gradebook.

Discussion Questions and Grading Rubric

 Overall points are awarded based on the quality of the posts and the degree to which the submissions contribute to class discussion. Students must show evidence of engagement throughout the discussion and postings should reflect application of the assigned lesson materials. Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion

Score Criteria
5 points   Leaders are problem solvers. Nurses are leaders.

ü  Briefly describe your identified strengths from the Strengths-based leadership assessment and attach the assessment to the discussion.

ü  Briefly describe the results of your EQ assessment.

ü  Identify briefly what  you might do to begin to address the conclusion you are assigned from the Future of Nursing report (see recommendation assignments below based on the the first letter of your last name). How will you use (apply)your identified strengths and emotional intelligence as you consider ways to address the concern? There are no easy answers to the conclusions presented, but change can only occur if we recognize there is a concern and start considering how to begin to find ways to improve. You are asked only to propose the most basic of a beginning step within your team, organization or community. Keep your approach simple and concise, a first step only that might utilize your strengths and emotional intelligence.

You must include evidence to support the approach you are taking.

ü  A leadership theory must be cited to support the plan you have developed.

Why are you asked to do this?  The purpose of this section of the discussion is to take the information about your leadership strengths and emotional intelligence and apply the results to an identified concern. Graduate study transitions from describing a problem to applying the information to find effective solutions.

The Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030: Charting a Plan to Achieve Health Equity was released in May 2021.


 Based on the first letter of your last name:


Last name begins with A through C:   Conclusion 9-1 (page 295 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).


Last name begins with D through E:    Conclusion 9-2 (page 295 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).


Last name begins with F through H:    Conclusion 9-3 (page 295 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).


Last name begins with I through J:      Conclusion 9-4  (page 296 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).


Last name begins with K through M:  Conclusion 9-5 (page 296 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).


Last name begins with N through P Conclusion 10-1 (page 336 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).


Last name begins with Q through R:   Conclusion 10-2 (page 337 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).


Last name begins with S through T:     Conclusion 10-3 (page 337 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).


Last name begins with U through Z:   Conclusion 10-4 (page 337 of the Future of Nursing 2020 to 2030 report found in the required readings for Module 1).



 2 Points

Visionary leaders do not make change alone. What strengths from others do you need to build a successful team?  Any strength taken to excess can become a weakness.

Reflect on how your strengths could potentially weaken your team’s success. Refer to the assessment findings for guidance. How will you assure your strengths do not weaken the team?


2 Points

Critically analyze the evidence for emotional intelligence. Is emotional intelligence a valid concept? Note: when you critically analyze a topic you will look at studies that support and do not support findings related to emotional intelligence. This section must include citations for the research you analyzed. Offer your opinion of the value/meaning of emotional intelligence to leadership.
   1.5 Points Discuss the results of your EQ assessment with friends, family, peers, supervisor and/or your classmates.

·         Do you and others agree with the findings? If yes, provide one or more examples in support of findings.

If you or others do not agree, explain the reasoning and provide one or more examples that counters the findings. Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Assessment Discussion


3 Points

Substantial cross posts to a minimum of two (2) other students are required.

Cross post MUST be to students that addressed a different topic than you were assigned based on the first initial of their last name. Do not write your cross post on the same topic you addressed in your initial post. The cross posts provide new or supplemental information to the original posting or raise additional areas for discussion. New or additional peer reviewed references should be cited in each cross post. The new or additional peer reviewed cross posts were not used in your initial discussion or the initial discussion of the peer.



Peer Responses to Cross Posts:

Students demonstrate active engagement in the discussion by responding to cross posts from their peers to their initial posting. References are not required if you are responding to or acknowledging a peer’s cross post to your initial post. References ARE required for the two required Cross Posts (see above).




1.5 Points

Scholarship: Student consistently follows the instructions located with this rubric titled Strength-based Leadership Assessment Instructions. Instructions include an expectation of an APA format, concise writing within the limits of the word count, correct use of grammar and correct labeling of post and cross post. Headings and the reference list are excluded from the word limit.  There is not a minimum number of references however scholarly work is expected with peer-reviewed evidence used to support the discussion.
15 Points   Total