Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Assignment

Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Assignment

Question description

Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology: Psychologists are trained as researchers, using the scientific method to explore questions. As you have learned from the readings, there are many distinct areas of research in psychology. Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Assignment

By completing this assignment, you will demonstrate that you are able to:

  • Identify multiple specialty areas in psychology,
  • Identify/Give examples of various employment settings in which psychologists work
  • Organize and accurately present material, and
  • Apply APA formatting within the text and for end-of-text references, when appropriate. Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Assignment


Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Instructions:

  1. Visit the website for the American Psychological Association (APA) and explore the Research in Action link. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Select five (5) topics that interest you and then choose one of the brief reports from the list for each of the topic that appear. To be clear, this means five reports from five different topic areas.
  2. Read the reports, summarize each, and describe something new or interesting that you learned about psychology from the article.
  3. Write an overall summary describing the variety of work settings depicted in these reports. Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Assignment

    In psychology, we use APA formatting. Please ensure that your general writing style adheres to APA formatting. I do not want an abstract, a title page, or your paper written as a research study. I would like to see sources cited in the text using APA format and a reference page using APA format.

Please review the grading rubric to ensure you earn full credit. Questions? Please feel free to contact me. Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Assignment

Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Rubric

Intro to Research Areas in Psychology Rubric

Intro to Research Areas in Psychology Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFive specialty areas within psychology are included
5.0 pts5 included and described fully 4.0 pts5 included but not described fully 3.0 pts3-4 included and described fully 2.0 pts3-4 included but not described fully 1.0 pts<2 included but described fully 0.0 pts<2 included but not described fully
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary fully describes the range of employment settings
5.0 ptsFull Marks 4.0 ptsRating Description 3.0 ptsRating Description 2.0 ptsRating Description 1.0 ptsRating Description 0.0 ptsNo Marks
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganized coherently with a logical flow
3.0 ptsWell organized and clear response 2.0 ptsMinor missing details but well organized and clear 1.0 ptsMinor organizational or clarity issues 0.0 ptsMajor organizational or clarity issues or no response
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary accurately reflects material reviewed
3.0 ptsNo errors 2.0 ptsMinor errors 1.0 ptsNumerous errors 0.0 ptsInaccurate information or missing response
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn-text citations and end of text references provided as appropriate; formatted according to APA style
4.0 ptsNo errors 3.0 pts1-2 minor errors 2.0 pts3-4 errors 1.0 pts>4 errors 0.0 ptsFailure to provide sources when appropriate or failure to use APA formatting
4.0 pts
Total Points: 20.0

Introduction to Research Areas in Psychology Assignment