Implementation Of Bussiness Plan Assignment

Implementation Of Bussiness Plan Assignment

I will attach the guidelines to follow the business plan paper. More details on there
The group is to start up a business plan for a health care service. We have chosen to provide a service to Human trafficking victims. Name of company Healing Hearts.
Please use APA 7th edition.
My section to complete is as follows:
V. Implementation Plan (may include but not limited to)
a. What type of marketing and why? Implementation Of Bussiness Plan Assignmentb. Affiliations
c. Partnerships



According to Veza (2021), an implementation plan defines the steps a business should take to accomplish the business goals and objectives. The plan constitutes the processes, strategies, actions, and essential elements of a business, such as the budget and scope.

Marketing strategy

According to Morgan et al. (2019), a marketing strategy refers to the overall plan that a business uses to reach prospective consumers and turn them into customers of their services and products. Marketing strategy entails key brand messaging, company’s value proposition, and customer demographic data, among others.

Types of marketing

  1. Hosting live events online- the events to be hosted will include rescue missions and nursing victims by the security officers and the nursing practitioners; This will be an excellent strategy to help establish our business’s credibility and expand the business’s network.
  2. Social media engagements- To reach a broad audience, we will market our business on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.We shall upload video clips on these pages. The video clips will involve our nurse practitioners caring for or nursing the victims(Recknor et al., 2020)Implementation Of Bussiness Plan Assignment. This way, human trafficking victims will know where to get us when they need our help.
  • Hashtag campaign- Healing hearts management will establish a social community wall to help create a digital neighborhood that bring the spirit of kindness, hope, and warmth to all human trafficking victims. The hashtag campaign will enable human trafficking victims and their care providers, including nurse practitioners, to interact on social walls, creating a solidarity feeling, especially when they are not together, for their mental health (Judge et al., 2018).


According to Deltour et al. (2021), business affiliation refers to the name of an association, firm, or organization in which a business is primarily affiliated. Heling hearts will be affiliated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCH)


Deltour et al. (202) define partnership as a business where parties known as partners agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interest. The company will partner with the private sectors like Uber and government agencies such as US immigration and customs enforcement. The Code, AnnieCannons, Destiny Rescue, Hagar, and Poparis will be among the partners of the Healing Hearts company.


Deltour, F., Le Gall, S., & Lethiais, V. (2021). Partners and Geographical Scale of SMES’Open Innovation: Does Business Group Affiliation Matter?. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(06), 2150064.

Judge, A. M., Murphy, J. A., Hidalgo, J., & Macias-Konstantopoulos, W. (2018). Engaging survivors of human trafficking: complex health care needs and scarce resources. Annals of internal medicine, 168(9), 658-663.

Morgan, N. A., Whitler, K. A., Feng, H., & Chari, S. (2019). Research in marketing strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(1), 4-29.

Recknor, F., Gordon, M., Coverdale, J., Gardezi, M., & Nguyen, P. T. (2020). A descriptive study of United States-based human trafficking specialty clinics. Psychiatric quarterly91(1), 1-10.

Veza, O. (2021). Quality of teacher learning implementation plan and its implementation in preparing vocational school students for ready to work. Technical and Vocational Education International Journal (TAVEIJ), 1(01), 41-48.

Types of marketing

  1. Hosting live events online- the events to be hosted will include rescue missions and nursing victims by the security officers and the nursing practitioners; This will be an excellent strategy to help establish our business’s credibility. It will also enable Healing hearts company to expand its network in the community both locally and internationally.
  2. Social media engagements- To reach a broad audience, we will market our business on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We chose social media as one of the marketing methods to reach a large audience worldwide. To those who know how to access our advice and other help services physically, they will be able to follow them virtually and through the video clips that will be uploaded on our business page is Healing hearts. The video clips will involve our nurse practitioners caring for or nursing the victims(Recknor et al., 2020)Implementation Of Bussiness Plan Assignment. This way, human trafficking victims will know where to get us when they need our help.
  • Hashtag campaign- Healing hearts management will establish a social community wall that will help them to create a digital neighborhood to bring the spirit of kindness, hope, and warmth to all human trafficking victims. The hashtag campaign will enable human trafficking victims and their care providers, including nurse practitioners, to interact on social walls, creating a solidarity feeling, especially when they are not together, for their mental health (Judge et al., 2018)Implementation Of Bussiness Plan Assignment.


Heling hearts will be an affiliation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCH)


The company will partner with the private sectors like Uber and government agencies such as US immigration and customs enforcement. The Code, AnnieCannons, Destiny Rescue, Hagar, and Poparis will be among the partners of the Healing Hearts company.


Recknor, F., Gordon, M., Coverdale, J., Gardezi, M., & Nguyen, P. T. (2020). A descriptive study of United States-based human trafficking specialty clinics. Psychiatric quarterly91(1), 1-10.

Judge, A. M., Murphy, J. A., Hidalgo, J., & Macias-Konstantopoulos, W. (2018). Engaging survivors of human trafficking: complex health care needs and scarce resources. Annals of internal medicine, 168(9), 658-663.

  • Group of students will develop a business plan for a health care or health care

related business/service

  • Length of paper < 20 pages double-spaced excluding title page and references. All papers

must use APA guidelines.

  • Students will identify a health care or health care related business/service and develop a

scholarly plan. Suggested Layout of Plan/Paper:

  1. Choose a Company
  2. What is involved in choosing a business?
  3. Choose a company and explain reasoning behind choosing this business
  4. Location with rationale for the location
  5. Services Provided/Unique Features
  6. Staffing with rationale
  7. Mission Vision Strategic Plan
  8. Mission Statement
  9. Vision Statement
  10. Strategic Plan
  11. Demographics of Target Population with rationale


III. Funding

  1. Describe where startup funding will be obtained with rationale
  2. Who are your stakeholders?
  3. Financial Plan
  4. What types of insurance (if any) will be accepted and why?
  5. Will there be cash rates
  6. Explain how pricing is decided
  7. Describe any free or low-cost services (if any) with rationalization
  8. Implementation Plan (may include but not limited to)
  9. What type of marketing and why?
  10. Affiliations
  11. Partnerships
  12. Evaluation
  13. Measures of Success
  14. Further Considerations

VII. References Implementation Of Bussiness Plan Assignment