Hyperthyroidism Essay Assignment Paper

Hyperthyroidism Essay Assignment Paper

Hyperthyroidism Assignment Paper: Endocrine System Choose thyroid, parathyroid, or the adrenal gland and choose one disease affecting this part of the en-docrine system. Research this disease and include a case study in your paper on a patient that you might see in your clinic. Write a 2-3 page paper. Address the following in your paper:  Hyperthyroidism Essay Assignment Paper



  • Make sure to include the patients, age, gender, symptoms, tests ordered, final diagnosis.
  • How will you counsel the patient on this disease and how to manage it?
  • Could it have been prevented and how?

Make sure to include all references in APA format and use your own words. It is encouraged to use at least two sources to enhance your research. Include a title page and 2-3 references. Only one reference can be from the Internet (not Wikipedia) Hyperthyroidism Essay Assignment Paper


Hyperthyroidism Assignment Paper

Hyperthyroidism refers to a set of disorders of the thyroid gland characterized by excess synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones, the result of which is hypermetabolic condition of thyrotoxicosis. The common forms of hyperthyroidism include the Plummer disease (toxic multinodular goiter), Graves disease (diffuse toxic goiter) and toxic adenoma. Often, hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland makes and releases too much T4 and/ or T3, the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine respectively. The hormones are responsible for regulating the speed with which cells or metabolic processes work, hence the need to have them neither too low nor too high. Hyperthyroidism Essay Assignment Paper

Among the causes of hyperthyroidism include intake of excess iodine, inflammation of the thyroid that leads to a leakage of T3 and T4, benign tumors of the thyroid and pituitary gland, large intake of tetraiodothyronine through dietary supplements or medication, or the presence of tumors in the testes or ovaries. Among the symptoms of the disease include excessively high metabolic rate, characteristic of which are rapid heart rate, hand tremor, increased blood pressure, among others or the swelling of the thyroid gland (Lowrance, 2012). Hyperthyroidism Essay Assignment Paper