How the Media Positively or Negatively Influence the Public’s Image of Nursing Essay Paper
How the Media Positively or Negatively Influence the Public’s Image of Nursing Essay Paper
Assignment: How the media positively or negatively influence the public’s image of nursing
Discussion question
The media, and Hollywood in particular, represent one avenue in which the general public becomes familiar with the role of nurses. How does the media positively or negatively influence the public’s image of nursing? What other avenues may better educate the general public on the role and scope of nursing as well as the changing health care system?How the Media Positively or Negatively Influence the Public’s Image of Nursing Essay Paper
Please use this Grading Rubric and Helpers for this Discusion Question
Class keep in mind that we are reflecting on the image the media portrays, but our main goal is to discuss how we as individual and a group can advocate for a positive image of nursing and how we can educate the public on health care. Be sure to address all four area do this question specifically.
Here is an additional article that I think covers the topic well, use it in addition to your assigned reeadings, not in place of it. The link will open in a new window.
Reply posts that focus on discussion of the medias negative portrayal without supported discussion of advocacy for a positive image will not be considered substantial.
- Discusses how the media positively AND negatively influence the public’s image of nursing (2 points)
- Uses examples and references from the units learning activities. (1 points)
- Discusses/ lists avenues that we could use that may better educate the general public on the role and scope of nursing Include ways we can promote a positive view of nursing both individually and as a group (4 points)
- Discusses/ lists other avenues we may better educate the general public on the changing health care system 4 points
- APA and writing 3 points How the Media Positively or Negatively Influence the Public’s Image of Nursing Essay Paper
Positive portrayals of nursing by media with Examples from our units learning activities | |||
negative portrayals of nursing by media with Examples from our units learning activities | |||
Avenues/activities to promote nursing and give positive image as individuals and as a group | |||
Avenues to educate the public on the changing health care system |
How the Media Positively or Negatively Influence the Public’s Image of Nursing Essay Paper