HLST 2030 Research Paper

HLST 2030 Research Paper

HLST 2030 Research Paper Requirements

HLST 2030 Research Paper – Choose one of the three topics below for your research paper.  If you wish to choose a different topic that is relevant to the course then the Course Director’s permission is required before you begin.

Topic 1

Being the CEO of a LHIN in Ontario is quite different than a similar position in a manufacturing or financial company.  Why is this position different?  What research supports your analysis? Based on your analysis and the research you conducted, what are the key competencies/skills that a LHIN CEO would require?  Use supportive research to explain the concept of competencies and how these competencies can be enhanced/developed.


Topic 2

There is considerable research about the development, execution and monitoring of a strategic plan.  Describe your thoughts on the current best practice in strategic planning processes (including development, implementation and evaluation).  Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of your chosen model for a healthcare organization.

Topic 3

There is an evolving discussion about the overlap and differences between leadership and management.  Discuss the approaches in the literature to this debate.  Discuss your approach to this topic and why HLST 2030 Research Paper.

HLST 2030 Research Paper Considerations:

Your research paper is not to exceed 6 pages excluding the title page and references.   While the questions provided can help guide the organization of the paper is not to be in Q&A format.  You are to use APA style for references.  Sub-headings are acceptable.  At least 5 peer reviewed articles (beyond course readings) are to be cited.

Use a 12 point font (Times Roman, Calibri or Arial preferred).  Spacing should be 1.5 and 1” margins on all sides.

The tile page should include the topic number along with your paper title, if appropriate.  Make sure your name and student number are on the title page along with the total number of pages.

You must submit your HLST 2030 Research Paper through Turnitin.

You will lose 2% for every day the paper is overdue without the permission of the course director.

HLST 2030 Research Paper  Reading List

The readings below are intended to give the student a perspective and understanding of the concepts and theories covered in the lectures.  In some cases the readings are discussed in the lectures and in other lectures content is based on several other sources as well.  The readings in combination with the lectures and commentary of the Course Directors provide the full content of the course.

Reading summaries are based on the articles in this reading list.  Exams are based on the content of the lectures.

Lecture:  The Canadian Healthcare Landscape

Maioni, A. (2002). Roles and Responsibilities in Healthcare Policy Discussion Paper No. 34, Commission on the Future of Healthcare in Canada,Government of Canada, 2002. http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/CP32-79-34-2002E.pdf

Stuart, N., Adams, J. The Sustainability of Canada’s Healthcare System: A Framework for Advancing the Debate.  Longwoods Publishing Volume 4, No 4 (2007.)

 http://www.longwoods.com/content/18839 [Vol. 10, No. 2, April 2007]

Lecture: Evolution of Management Theories

Basic management models and theories associated with motivation and leadership

http://www.healthknowledge.org.uk/public-health-textbook/organisation-management/5c-management-change/basic-management-models HLST 2030 Research Paper

Mintzberg, H. The Manager’s Job: Folklore and Fact. Harvard Business Review March/April 1990 pg. 163

Available online through York Library

Hertzberg, F. One More time: How Do You Motivate Employees, Harvard Business Review, January 2003

Available through library

Lecture: Management Roles

Eyre, E.  Mintzberg’s Management Roles


Understanding Healthcare Management, Chapter 2


Lecture:  Strategic Planning HLST 2030 Research Paper

Guide to Strategic and Program Planning. Government of Ontario


Khan, Dr, A. Strategic Planning for CME HLST 2030 Research Paper


Lecture: Performance and Measurement

Khalid et al. Performance-Based Healthcare. How Hospitals can Leverage Information Management and Business Intelligence to meet Ontario’s Health Care Reforms.

Electronic Healthcare Volume 10. No 2 2011

Hicks, L., Niniger, J.. A Guide to Developing and Assessing a Quality Plan. Version 1, February 2012. https://www.longwoods.com/articles/images/Guide-Developing-and-Assessing-a-Quality-Plan.pdf

Lecture: Partnerships and Alliances

Strategic Partnerships.  Institute for Healthcare Improvement


Lemieux-Charles, L. Strategic Levers for a High Performing Health System: A Framework for Advancing the Debate.  Healthcare Papers Vol. 8. Special Edition 2010 HLST 2030 Research Paper

www.longwoods.com/content/19211 [September 2007]

Lecture: Organizational Structure and Design

Pursuit of Optimal Configuration.  KPMG Special Report. 2012


Golden, B. Transforming Healthcare Organizations. Healthcare Quarterly 10(Sp) November 2006, 10


Available through York Library as well.

Lecture: Politics and Power

Marshall, P. Robson. R. Conflict Resolution in Healthcare Legal Focus on Risk & Insurance Strategies Volume 7 Number 10 www.longwoods.com/content/16420

Anderson, R.,  McDaniel, R. Managing Health Care Organizations: Where Professionalism Meets Complexity Science.  Health Care Management Review, Winter 2000, Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 83-92 Available online at York Library

Lecture: Leadership

Brown, David A. (2003) Leadership in Healthcare: Better Understanding of the Challenges Is Required, Healthcare Papers, Vol. 4 No.1

Tremblay, Ken (1998) Healthcare Reform: Do You Have What It Takes? A Leadership Checklist, Healthcare Quarterly, 2(2) 1998: 65-68

All above available through York Library HLST 2030 Research Paper